Hírek, események |
Ketty Nez: Hearing Different Spaces: Compositions Inspired by Bartók’s Fieldwork Bartók terem, 2021. november 11. csütörtök, 10 óra |
American composer and pianist Ketty Nez, Associate Professor of Music, Composition and Music Theory at Boston University College of Fine Arts, will present her compositional output inspired by folk musical sources from Central Europe and the Balkans, including music from various cultures collected by Béla Bartók as part of his ethnographic research. She combines freely composed music with gestures and rhythms from folk melodies, while the textures in the accompaniment respond to the needs of the solo performer, featured as “folk singer.” Among her works discussed are chamber music pieces featured on her latest CD double images (double images, sea-changes, 5 moments, the moon returns), her first work to use folk music sources Postcards from the 1930's, and her folk chamber opera The Fiddler and the Old Woman of Rumelia. This presentation will also include Ketty’s piano performance with violinist Máté Vizeli as collaborator.
Az eseményt személyes részvétellel tartjuk meg, ám az előadást a Zenetudományi Intézet interneten keresztül (Zoom-alkalmazással) élőben is közvetíti, valamint a későbbiekben az Intézet honlapján is elérhetővé teszi. A valós idejű közvetítéshez az alábbi linkre kattintva tud csatlakozni: https://zoom.us/j/99243937465?pwd=dEp5MlNYWjdzMmo5ZENTbkxEYXRMZz09. (Meeting ID: 992 4393 7465. Passcode: 657921. Ezekre nincs szükség, amennyiben a linkre kattintva csatlakozik.)
The event will be held in person, but will also be streamed live by the Institute for Musicology via Zoom and will be made available on the Institute’s website in the future. You can join the live stream by clicking on the link below: https://zoom.us/j/99243937465?pwd=dEp5MlNYWjdzMmo5ZENTbkxEYXRMZz09. (Meeting ID: 992 4393 7465. Passcode: 657921. In case you click on the link, these are not necessary.)