Closed Exhibitions in the Museum of Music History

Ligeti Labyrinth - An exhibition celebrating the centenary of György Ligeti’s birth
kiallitas profilkep

Exhibition in the 1st and 2nd room of the Museum of Music History

Curators: Anna DALOS, Heidy ZIMMERMANN, Márton KERÉKFY

The exhibition is open: From 13 April 2023 to 30 September 2023

Read more: Ligeti Labyrinth

Bartók and his violinist partners - Documents from the estates of Imre Waldbauer and Zoltán Székelykiallitas profilkep

Exhibition in the 2nd room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: VIKÁRIUS László, NÉMETH Zsombor, BÜKY Virág


The exhibition is open: From 29 September to 26 March 2023

Read more: Bartók and his violinist partners - Documents from the estates of Imre Waldbauer and Zoltán Székely

The Treasures of the Archives for 20th-21st Century Hungarian Music

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Exhibition in the 1st room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Anna DALOS


The exhibition is open: From 24 June 2022 to 26 March 2023

Read more: The Treasures of the Archives for 20th–21st Century Hungarian Music

Mihály Tabányi, the Hungarian According Kingkiallitas profilkep

Exhibition in the 7th room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: József BRAUER-BENKE


The exhibition is open: From 18 November 2021 to 18 September 2022

Read more: Mihály Tabányi, the Hungarian According King

"music has come to the limits of expression" - Beethoven in Hungarykiallitas profilkep

Exhibition in the 1st and 2nd rooms of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Pál RICHTER


The exhibition is open: From 15 December 2020 to 30 November 2021 EXTENDED to 19 May 2022

Read more: "music has come to the limits of expression" - Beethoven in Hungary

Centenary of Pál Sáránszky and István Kónya violin makerskiallitas profilkep

Exhibition in the 5th room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Anna BARANYI


The exhibition is open: From 13 December 2019 to 1 October 2020 EXTENDED to 18 January 2021

Read more: Centenary of Pál Sáránszky and István Kónya violin makers

“Musical Instrument or Art Object?” - The restoration of the Könnicke-fortepiano

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Exhibition in the 7th room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Péter GERŐ


The exhibition is open: From 28 November 2019 to 29 November 2020 EXTENDED to 31 October 2021

Read more: “Musical Instrument or Art Object?” - The restoration of the Könnicke-fortepiano

Erkel workshopErkel muhely plakat web

Exhibition on the 175th Anniversary of the National Anthem’s Musical Setting

Exhibition in the 2th room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Katalin KIM


The exhibition is open: From 12 June 2019 to March 2020 EXTENDED to 26 October 2020

Read more: Erkel workshop

Hungarian music and fine art - Selection from the Collection of the Museum of Music History

Exhibition in the 1st room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Zsófia BORZ


The exhibition is open: From 16 May 2019 to 10 September 2020 EXTENDED to 26 October 2020


Read more: Hungarian music and fine art

Hungarian violin makers - The Legacy of the Reményi Familyremenyi

Exhibition in the 5th room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Anna BARANYI

The exhibition is open: From 19 April 2018 to 24 November 2019

Read more: Hungarian violin makers - The Legacy of the Reményi Family

The Beginnings of Ethnomusicological Research in Hungary - Zoltán Kodály and Béla BartókA nepzenekutatas kezdetei magyarorszagon

Exhibition in the 1st room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: István Pávai

The exhibition is open: From 23 November 2017

Read more: The Beginnings of Ethnomusicological Research in Hungary - Zoltán Kodály and Béla Bartók

A Hungarian Master on the Road of Modernity and TraditionEgy magyar mester a modernitas es hagyomany utjan

Exhibition in the 2nd room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Anna Dalos

The exhibition is open: From 23 November 2017

Read more: A Hungarian Master on the Road of Modernity and Tradition

The Heyday of Hungarian Piano Manufacturing - An Exhibition Commemorating Lajos BeregszászyBeregszaszy Lajos

Exhibition in the 7th room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Anna BARANYI, József BRAUER-BENKE

The exhibition is open: From 28 September 2017 to 17 February 2018

Read more: The Heyday of Hungarian Piano Manufacturing - An Exhibition Commemorating Lajos Beregszászy

Witnesses of an Extraordinary Path of Life Pasztory Ditta

The legacy of Ditta Pásztory-Bartók at the Museum of Music History

Curators: Anna Baranyi, Katalin F. Dózsa

The exhibition is open: From 8 December 2016 to 17 September 2017  

Read more: Witnesses of an Extraordinary Path of Life. The legacy of Ditta Pásztory-Bartók

Bartók the Pianist - Bartók and his ContemporariesBartok kiallitasok 2016

Temporary exhibition in the 1st and 2nd room of the Museum of Music History

Curators: Anna Dalos, László Vikárius

Open: From 31 March 2016

Read more: Bartók the Pianist - Bartók and his Contemporaries

Hungarian Violin Makers. The Kónya Family and the Disciples Konya cat cover

Temporary exhibition in the 7th room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Anna Baranyi

The exhibition is open: From 1 October 2015

Read more: Hungarian Violin Makers. The Kónya Family and the Disciples

40 Years of the Institute for Musicology located for 30 Years in the Erdődy-Hatvany Palace40 30 exhib

Jubilee Exhibition in the 1st room of the Museum of Music History

Open: From 1 October 2014

Pictures of the exhibition >

 Read more: 40 Years of the Institute for Musicology located for 30 Years in the Erdődy-Hatvany Palace 

Finally at home - Dohnányi in the United States40 30 exhib

(40 Years of the Institute for Musicology located for 30 Years in the Erdődy-Hatvany Palace)

Jubilee Exhibition in the 1st room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Veronika Kusz

Open: From 1 October 2014

Read more: Finally at home - Dohnányi in the United States

HubayBösendorfer piano of the famous Hungarian violinist and composer, Jenő Hubay

Part of the Musical Instruments in Hungary exhibition in the Museum of Music History

Open: From 24 January 2014

Read more: Bösendorfer piano of the famous Hungarian violinist and composer, Jenő Hubay

Bartók the folkloristBartok folklorist photoS

Exhibition of the Bartók Archives and the Museum of Music History, Budapest, in the 1st room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: László Vikárius

Open: From 30 October 2012

Read more: Bartók the folklorist