Closed Exhibitions in the Museum of Music History

Centenary of Pál Sáránszky and István Kónya violin makerskiallitas profilkep

Exhibition in the 5th room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Anna BARANYI


The exhibition is open: From 13 December 2019 to 1 October 2020 EXTENDED to 18 January 2021



Pál Sáránszky (Pilis, 1919 – Budapest, 2000) began to study in 1932 at Jeromos Cigl, a disciple of Pál Pilát. He was released in 1937 by János Spiegel, himself a disciple of Pilát. Until 1940 he was an assistant at the workshop of László Reményi. 1940–1946 he served in the military and was taken war prisoner. 1946–1950 he worked again in Reményi’s workshop. In 1950, when the Hungarian state unified the activity of instrument makers, Sáránszky became the head of the department for plucked instruments. In 1957 he became independent – he took over the workshop from Pál Pilát’s widow in exchange of a maintenance contract. He passed his master’s exam in 1960, and in 1994 he became Golden Master Craftsman Violin Maker. He received many awards at exhibitions of instruments.


István Kónya (Felsőgalla, 1919 – Baj, 1999) began to build musical instruments by himself. Artists of the Tátrai String Quartet have noticed his works. Later, at the proposal of Yehudi Menuhin, he studied at the International Violin Makers’ School of Cremona (1964–1968). He graduated with a gold medal diploma and the Museum of the school in Cremona still keeps several musical instruments made by him. Then he returned to Tata (Hungary) where he worked for the rest of his life. A great admirer of Cremona’s masters, he made copies of Stradivari’s “Hellier” violin. In 1995, the Association of Hungarian Musical Instrument Makers awarded him the title of Golden Master Craftsman Violin Maker; in addition he also received numerous domestic and international awards and honours.


Curator: BARANYI Anna

Contributors: BORZ Zsófia

On loan from: BAKI Róbert, BLASZAUER Róbert,

FÖLDESI Lajos, HOLLÓ Bence, KÓNYA Lajos, Museum of Music History



Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Zenetudományi Intézet

Magyar Hangszerész Szövetség Közhasznú Egyesület



Pictures of the opening ceremony and the exhibition:


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