Closed Exhibitions in the Museum of Music History

The Treasures of the Archives for 20th-21st Century Hungarian Music

kiallitas profilkep

Exhibition in the 1st room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Anna DALOS


The exhibition is open: From 24 June 2022 to 26 March 2023



The Archives for 20th–21st Century Hungarian Music at the Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities was established on 1 July 2012 within the “Momentum Program” of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The anniversary exhibition of the Archives displays a selection from thousands of unique documents preserved in the collections of the Archives. The Archives preserves the collections of composers, performers, musicologists and musical institutions. The collections consist of a wide range of documents including manuscript and printed sheet music, sources of handwritten and printed texts, letters, programme cards, invitations, posters, diaries, review collections, press clippings, photographs, personal belongings, artworks, official documents, voice and film recordings and in certain cases even the complete sheet music and book collection of the original owners. The processing work the staff of the Archives do includes thematic organising thousands of documents, labelling them for identification, designing storage methods and digitising them. In addition, the research staff of the Archives have conducted intensive research into almost all branches of 20th-century Hungarian music.


Curator: Anna DALOS

Collaborators: Veronika KUSZ, Anna LASKAI, Viktória OZSVÁRT, Ferenc János SZABÓ,

Sára Bíbor SZIKLAI, Eszter Emília WUTZEL

Design: Balázs CZEIZEL

Installation: Savix Ltd.



Research Centre for the Humanities, Eötvös Lorand Research Network



Pictures of the exhibition:



Pictures of the opening ceremony: