Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm,
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Otuz kızdı olcolop
Alıp keler bekensiñ.
Otuz kızdın birövü
Almazbektin küyövü.
Sleep, sleep, my white baby
Lie in a white cradle, baby!
You’ll capture thirty girls,
Will you bring them here?
One of the thirty
Will be Almazbekʼs bride.
Üyüñ, üyüñ üy eken
Üyüñ körkü çiy eken.
Your house, your house was a real house,
Its beauty owed to the reed.
Uşul üydün üzügü
Üzülüñkü körünöt.
Uşul üydö ceñekem
Süzülüñkü körünöt.
Tak übölük takıldap
Kaynenesi bakıldap.
The roof of this house
Appears to be shabby.
My auntie in that house
Appears to be haughty.
Her rolling-pin is rapping
Her mother-in-low is shouting harsh.
Menin atım surasañ
Kuyup koygon kuymaktay
Akıya, akıya.
Senin atıñ surasam
Kıykalagan şıyraktay
Akıya, akıya.
If you ask what is my name,
It’s like a well baked roll
Trallala, trallala
If I ask what is your name,
It’s like an ironed chimney
Trallala, trallala.
Atar-atpas tañ bolso
Alganım canda bar bolso.
Atpagan tañdın erkibi?
Aytışsak narkı berkini.
*Sürör (bir) sürbös tañ bolso
Süygönüm canda bar bolso.
Sürbögön tañdın erkibi
Süylöşsök narkı-berkini.
Until dawn arrives
My sweetheart could stay with me.
Is it the strength of rosy daylight?
We would talk about everything.
Until dawn arrives
My sweetheart could stay with me.
Is it the power of the sunken sun?
We would talk about everything.
Ökünöbüz da kalabız,
(Al) ötköndü kaydan tababız.
Ötkörüp iyip ömürdü,
Karızga kimden alabız.
We shall regret it,
The past can’t be brought back.
If life is over and gone,
Who could give it back to you?
Ötkörüp iyip ömürdü,
(Degi) karızga kimden alabiz.
Ala da Mışık Araşan
Tiyan-Şanga canaşa,
Caştardın işi bolboso
Bar bele sende alasa.
When life’s gone past,
Who can we borrow from?
Ala-Mišik, Arasan,
Next to Tien-Shan in a row.
If the young ones have nothing to do,
Will my debt remain?
Er Kurmanbek baatırıñ,
Atasına taarınıp.
Aylanayın ata dep,
Eki cagın karanıp.
Açuusu kelip oylonup,
Uygu-tuygu tolgonup.
Karap turup karasa
Tee-e-tigi zoonun betinde
Teltoru attın canında,
Tor bıştısı cürüptür.
Azuusun cañı sayıptır.
Karmap kelip Kurmanbek,
Kamçısına çenedi.
Karap tursa kunandın
Boyuna cetpey kalganın.
Kurmanbek the valiant champion
Got angry with his father.
What a horrible father you are! – he said
And he looked around.
He was engrossed in thoughts,
Impassioned with wrath
Gazing ahead of him
Into the rocky landscape.
Next to his chestnut steed
His four-year-old horse was standing,
Its molars had just grown out.
Kurmanbek seized it
He measured it with his whip.
He saw that his four-year-old horse
Was of short stature.
Alda Taala kuduret
Tört uruu mal carattı.
Tögöröktün tört burçun
Adamzatka karattı.
Cüktösün dep töögö
Arbın berdi kubattı.
Sıyırlardı saygakka
Çıçañdatıp turat dep
Canıbarım cılkıga
Mintip cakın kıldı ıraattı…
The Almighty divine power
Created four kinds of things
In the four corners of the world.
He put man to rule over them.
To increase its load He gave
More strength to the camel.
Cows flee from the flies,
He said.
He was more gracious
To the beautiful horse.
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip men keldim.
Aygır oozun tarta albay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
From undulating hills
I have arrived on horseback,
I couldn’t hold the horse in check,
I’ve come to that house by chance.
*Eki caş oynop külgöndü
Körö albayt eken bul turmuş.
Birlik menen Ak-Moyun,
Bildiriçi bul oyun.
The laughter of two young people playing
Couldn’t be tolerated by this life.
Birlik and Ak-Moyun,
This game is a good teacher.
Kantip ele seni men
Kadırıñ bilbey koyoyun.
Andan öydö Ak-Muz bar
Biröösünö men kumar.
How could I forget
You all?
Ak-Muz is on the opposite side,
I fell in love with one of them.
Alımkandın selkinçek,
Anday teppey, mınday tep.
Burulkandın selkinçek,
Burbay teppey mınday tep.
Süyümkandın selkinçek,
Süyböy teppey anday tep…
Alimkan’s swing
Step in this way, not that,
Burulkan’s swing
Don’t twist, step in this way!
Süyümkan’s swing
Don’t step without love, step this way!
Bekbekey aştı bel aştı
Beline belboo caraştı
*Saksakay aştı say aştı
Sanına sayma caraştı.
Bekbekey went beyond the ridge,
His belt fitted his waist well.
Saksakay went beyond the stream,
The embroidery fitted him well.
Bekbekey aştı bel aştı
Beline belboo caraştı
Saksakay aştı say aştı
Sanına sayma caraştı.
Bekbekey went beyond the ridge,
His belt fitted his waist well.
Saksakay went beyond the stream,
The embroidery fitted him well.
Bekbekey kaçtı bel aştı
Beline belboo caraştı
Saksakay kaçtı say aştı
Sanına saadak caraştı….
Bekbekey’s gone beyond the ridge,
The belt fitted his waist.
Saksakay’s gone, beyond the vale,
The quiver fitted his side well.
Aldey aldey ak böpöm
Ak beşikke cat böpöm
Kunan koydu soy böpöm
Kuyruguna toy böpöm
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, baby,
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby,
Eat your fill of its tail, baby!
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök
Ak beşikke cat, böbök.
Kunan koydu soy, böbök.
Kuyruguna toy, böbök.
Sleep, sleep, white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, baby,
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby,
Eat your fill of its tail, baby!
Bekbekey aştı bel aştı
Beline belboo caraştı.
Saksakay aştı say aştı
Sanına saadak caraştı.
Bekbekey went beyond the mountain,
The quiver fitted his waist.
Saksakay went beyond the valley,
The quiver fitted its strap well.
Aldey, aldey, altınım,
Ak beşikke cata goy.
Altın balam, ak balam,
Ak beşikke catçı sen.
Sleep, sleep, my darling,
Lie quickly in a white crib.
My golden darling, my white baby,
Lie in your white cradle now!
Kunan koydu soyoyun,
Kuyruguna toyçu sen.
Aldey, aldey, ak balam,
Ak beşikke cat, balam.
I’d kill a three-year-old lamb for you
You should eat your fill of its tail.
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, darling!
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm,
Ak beşikke cat böpöm.
Iylabaçı böbögüm ay,
Ata-eneñdi kıynabaçı, böbögüm ay.
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, baby.
Don’t cry, baby, oh,
Don’t worry your daddy and mummy, oh!
Bekbekey aştı bel aştı
Beline belboo caraştı.
Saksakay aştı say aştı
Sanıña san boo caraştı.
Bozorgon toonun etegi
Bozorup tuman ketebi?
Bozdop da kakşap ırdasam
Bozdosom ünüm cetebi?
Bekbekey crossed the mountain,
The belt fitted his waist well.
Saksakay left, crossing the valley,
The girdle fitted his side well.
The hillside looming grey,
Won’t the greyish fog rise?
When in sorrow I start singing,
When I weep, is my voice enough?
Aldey, aldey, ak balam
Ak beşikke cat, balam.
Kunan koydu soy, balam
Kuyruguna toy, balam….
Aldey, aldey, ak çocuğum
Ak beşiğe yat, çocuğum.
Kunan koyunu kes, çocuğum
Kuyruğuna doy, çocuğum.
Sleep, sleep my white child,
Lie in a white cradle, my child.
Kill a three-year-old lamb, my child,
Eat your fill of its tail!
Sleep, sleep my white child,
Lie in a white cradle, my child.
Kill a three-year-old lamb, my child,
Eat your fill of its tail!
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm,
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Atañ toydon kelgende
Arkası tolo et kelet.
Eneñ toydon kelgende
Emçegi tolo süt kelet.
Aldey, böpöm, aldey ay
Alda aylanayın aldey ay
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, baby!
Father will return from the wedding
Carrying a lot of meat on his back.
Mother will return from the wedding
She’ll come with breast bursting with milk.
Sleep, baby, sleep, hush,
I love you, sleep, hush.
Aldey, aldey ak böpöm,
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Eneñ işten kelgençe
Uyku daamın tat, böpöm.
Eneñ kelet cumuştan,
Emçegine süt tolup.
Atañ kelet cumuştan,
Çöntögünö et tolup.
Sleep, sleep, my white babe,
Lie in a white cradle, babe,
Till your mother returns from work,
Sink into a sweet dream, my babe.
Mother will come home from work,
Bringing milk in her breasts,
Father will come home from work,
Bringing meat in his pockets.
Bekbekey aştı bel aştı
Beline belbow caraştı.
Saksakay aştı san aştı
Sanına saadak caraştı.
Bekbekey went beyond the mountain,
The quiver fitted his waist.
Saksakay went beyond the valley,
The quiver fitted his waist well.
Aldey, aldey, balam ay,
Ak beşikke cata goy.
Aldey, aldey, balam ay,
Kunan koydu soy, bilek.
Kuyruguna toy, bilek.
Sleep, sleep, baby, ay,
Lie at once in a white crib!
Sleep, sleep, baby, ay,
Skin the tail of a three-year-old lamb, babe,
Eat your fill of its tail!
Baldarım menin ırısım
Paanayım carık cıldızım
Ömürlü bolor beken dep men
Tilegem tilek tımızın.
Baldarım menin törü üçün
Bakıttın Isık-Kölü üçün.
Isık-Köldöy taşkındap
Irısıñ aşıp tögülsün.
My children, the source of my life,
Radiant stars of my heart,
May your lives be long,
I’m telling you good wishes.
My children, in return for your respect
May your happiness spread wide.
May you get abundant nutriment
From the Isık-Köl.
Ayluu tündö bir basıp,
Carkıldap külüp, oynosok.
Ketirip içte kapanı da,
Köñülgö kirdi koybosok.
Were we walking together on a moonlit night,
Merrily, we’d laugh and play.
If we gave vent to our tensions,
No shadow would be left in our hearts.
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Iylaba, böbök, ıylaba
Ata-eneñdi kıynaba.
Sal, sal, sal bilek
Sarı mayga mal bilek.
Kunan koydu soy bilek
Kuyruguna toy bilek.
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, baby.
Don’t cry, baby, don’t cry,
Don’t make it hard for your parents.
Come on, come on, baby
Dip it into yellow butter, baby!
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby,
Eat your fill of its tail, baby.
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök
Ak beşikke cat, böbök.
Sleep, sleep, white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, baby.
Aldey böpöm, aldey,
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Kunan koydu soy, böpöm,
Kuyruğuna toy, böpöm.
*Aldey, aldey, aldey, ay
Aldey, ay aldey, ay.
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Lie in a white cradle, baby,
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby,
Eat your fill of its tail, baby.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, ay
Sleep, ay, sleep, ay
Köpölök ittin kuyrugun
Kölökö kılıp bereyin.
Artındagı şakmarın
Bulamık kılıp bereyin.
Aldey, aldey, aldey,
Uktaçı balam, ıylabay.
May I hold a shade for you
Form the tail of Moth, the dog.
The cack from your bum
We’ll give [to the two dogs outside],
Let them take it.
Sleep, my baby, don’t cry!
Körgöndö közdördü taldırgan
Kögüçkön sensiñ oylosom.
Köktön bir sızıp kaçırıp
Kök şumkar bolup koybosom.
One who looks at you is dazzled
I’d imagine your are a dove,
I’d become a falcon of the sky
Dashing across the sky, seizing you.
Sal, sal, sal, bilek
Sarı mayga mal, bilek.
Kunan koydu soy, bilek
Kuyruguna toy, bilek.
Come on, come on, baby!
Sink it into yellow butter, baby!
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby!
Eat your fill of ist tail, baby!
Karargan toonun eteginde
Kararıp tuman ketebi?
Kakşapbozdop ırdasam
Kakşasam ünüm cetebi?
From an ever darker hillside
Can an ever darker smoke rise?
If I sing amidst sobs and tears,
Is my voice enough for my complaint?
Aldey, aldey ak balam
Ak beşikke cat balam
Kunan koydu soy balam,
Kuyruguna toy balam
Ay, ay, balam, oy, oy, balam
*Eneñ ketti bazarga
Emçegi tolgon süt kelet.
Atañ ketti bazarga
Bereke tolgon göş kelet.
Sleep, sleep, my whilte baby
Lie in a white cradle, baby,
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby,
Eat your fill of its tail, baby,
Ay, ay, baby, ay ay, baby.
Your mother’s gone to the market,
She’s coming with breasts bursting with milk.
Your father’s gone to the market,
He’s coming with meat full of blessing.
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök,
Ak beşikke cat böbök.
El cayloodon tüşö elek
Bulamıgıñ bışa elek.
Koygun balam ıylaba,
Ene-atañdı kıynaba.
Sleep, sleeep, white babe,
Lie in a white cradle, babe.
They haven’t come from the summer pasture,
Your sweet soup isn’t cooked yet.
Stop, my little babe, don’t cry,
Don’t sadden your maternal granddad!
(Atan toygo ketiptir)
*Çöntögü tolo et kelet
Eneñ toygo ketiptir
Emçegi tolgon süt kelet
Aldey, böböm, aldey.
Your father’s gone to a wedding,
He is coming with a pocket full of meat.
Your mother’s gone to a wedding,
She’s coming with breasts bursting with milk.
Sleep, baby, sleep.
Aldey, balam, ıylaba
Apakeñdi kıynaba.
El cayloodon tüşö elek.
Bulamıgıñ bışa elek.
Astıña terdik salayın
Üstüñö tokum cabayın.
İştep ketken apañdı
Balam, ıylasañ kaydan tabayın?
Sleep, baby, don’t cry,
Don’t make it hard for mum.
They haven’t come from the summer pasture,
Your soup hasn’t been cooked yet.
Let me put a blanket under you,
Let me cover you with a woven sheet.
How can I bring here your mother
Going to work, baby, if you cry?
Şır-şır şır eken
Cılkıçının ırı eken.
Ala dagı şırıldañ
Kula dagı şırıldañ
Şırıldañ, şırıldañ.
Hey-hey it was one,
It was a horse herder’s song,
It was a mottled song,
Grey-and-mottled song,
Horse-herder’s song, herder’s song.
Ak boz attın üstünö
Ak şayı terdik caraşat.
Ak şayı terdik üstünö
Kök şayı celdik caraşat.
Kök şayı celdik üstünö
Kömkörö eer caraşat.
Kömkörö eer üstünö
Körkömdüü cigit caraşat.
On the back of a white and grey horse
A white silk saddle cloth is appropriate.
On the white silk saddle cloth
A blue silk saddle pad is appropriate.
On a blue saddle pad
A tall saddle is appropriate.
Into a tall saddle
A graceful champion is appropriate.
Ey, baatır Almañ kep aytat
Bayka töröm dep aytat.
Tetigi kün çıgış cagı uluu too
Kün kiriş cagı tereñ koo.
Kün batar cagı uç bolgon
Salınıp kelip toktolgon.
Sayandan çıkkan sarı cel
Kökölöktün sarı gel.
Valiant Almaη speaks,
Listen to me, folks!
Tall mountains on the east,
Deep gorges on the west.
The western part is the terminus
Of blond winds
Blowing from Sayan,
Of the blond winds of Kökölök.
Talaa-Bulak, Ak-Belden
Tappasmın sendey köp elden.
Men körgöndön sendey cok
Peri kızı bolbo bir kelgen.
Oynosok, külsök
Oyduñda cürsök.
Katkırıp oynop
Carışıp oynop.
Talaa-Bulak, from Ak-Bel
You have no match in the whole country.
Nothing resembles you,
Not even among the fairies.
If we play, let us laugh
Walk in the fair meadow.
Let’s play laughing merrily,
Let’s play in competition!
Car-cardı boylop
Kıdırıp oynop.
Kır-kırdı boylop
Degi ayıldaş bolboy emine!
Let’s go from sweetheart to sweetheart,
Let’s play strolling around.
Let’s track from mountain to mountain,
Let’s come from the same place, how about it?
Tetigi toonu uratkan
Omkorup taşın kulatkan
Al bizdin arık kazgandar
Çekesi tedep suu akkan.
A-ay kızıl coolukçan
Kanday turmuş cayıñız?
Kursak açıp ketti go
Kaynadı beken çayıñız?
The brigade washing off those hills,
Digging them, quarrying their stones
Is our canal builders,
Sweat is dripping from their brows.
Hey, guys with the red kerchiefs,
What’s up? How are you doing?
We are hungry,
Has your tea come to the boil?
Kaydasıñ baskan bul koldu
Kir baskanda kördüñ sen.
Kürüçbektin Er Çomoy
Cöö baskanda kördüñ sen.
Suusar içik kişmişter
Kir baskanda kördüñ sen.
Kürüçbektin Er Çomoy
Kor bolgondo kördüñ sen…
You saw this peerless country
When it was covered by frost.
The champion of Kürüčbek Čomoy
You saw when he had to walk.
You saw the marten and sable furs
When they were covered by frost.
You saw the champion of Kürüčbek Čomoy
When he had become despised.
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök
Ak beşikke cat, böbök.
Iylaba balam, ıylaba
Menin canım kıynaba.
Sal, sal, sal, bilek
Sarı mayga mal, bilek.
Kunan koydu soy, bilek
Kuyruğuna toy, bilek.
Iylaba balam, ıylaba
Çoñ eneñdi kıynaba.
Atañ toygo ketipir
Ak kise tolgon et kelet.
Iylaba balam, ıylaba
Çoñ eneñdi kıynaba.
Eneñ toygo ketipir
Emçegi tolgon süt kelet.
Iylaba balam, ıylaba
Çoñ eneñdi kıynaba.
Sleep, sleep, white babe,
Lie in a white cradle, babe.
Don’t cry, little one, don’t weep,
Don’t torment my soul!
Rock, rock, rock it, babe,
Dip it into yellow butter, babe!
Kill a three-year-old lamb, babe,
Eat your fill of its tail, babe!
Don’t cry, darling, don’t cry,
Don’t torture your paternal granny,
Your father’s gone to a wedding,
He’ll bring a white sackful of meat.
Don’t cry, darling, don’t cry,
Don’t torture your paternal granny.
Your mother’s gone to a wedding,
She’ll come home with breats bursting with milk
Don’t cry, darling, don’t cry,
Don’t torture your paternal granny!
Kelinge kete kiygizip
Keregin curtka tiygizip
Kelin algan ekenin
Tügöl curtka bilgizip.
Katınga kamka kiygizip
Kara curttun baarısın
Emi Kadır tüngö kirgizip.
Ceteğinin baarısı
Celmayanday töö bolup
Tügü cok kedey tügön
Baylaganı baş bolup.
On-on beşten bee bolup.
A bride is dressed in calico,
The news has been spreading
That the bride is coming,
So that everyone may know about it.
The women are dressed in Chinese silk,
And the crowd of celebrators
Rush in to the night of power
All their reserve horses
Look like ǰelmayan camels,
The poor have nothing of that sort.
What they have is
Ten or fifteen mares.
Aylanayın çorolor
Ak boz beeni soydurdum.
Atıñdı uykaş koydurdum.
Ekööñdü birdey teñ baktım
I love you, my fellows-in-arms,
I’ve had a grey white mare slain.
I gave you rhyming names,
I brought up both of you.
Biriñerden biriñdi
Kaysı cerden kem baktım?
Bulduruktap körüngön
Bul emine bilgile.
Dep oşentip aytkanda
Kançoro anda kep aytat:
Aylanayın abake
Bar deseñ aba barayın.
Barbay kantip kalayın.
Körünüp turgan Ürgönçkö
Men köz açkança barayın.
Coo cağına miñdeymin.
Katın-kızdı körgöndö
Men kanteerimdi bilbeymin.
Kıyıtıp aytaar sözüm cok.
Menin kız-kelinge ebim cok.
When would I have ranked you
Differenciating beween you?
We are in an impossible plight,
Get to know what’s it all about.
When [Semetey] had finished,
Kančoro stood up and continued:
I love you, uncle,
If you send me, I will go.
How could I stay longer
If you tell me,
I can go to Ürgönč visible there
While you bat an eye.
The enemy won’t reach me,
I can see no woman or maiden.
I don’t know what to do,
I have no illusions.
Kat cazam Sovet cönündö
Türlü oy tüşüp köñülgö.
Ömürüñördü tileymin
Uşintip alıstan kelip cürgöngö.
I’m writing a letter about the Soviets,
All sorts of things have come to my mind.
May your lives be long, I wish,
Even though you have come from afar.
Aldey, aldey ak böpöm
Ak beşikke cat böpöm.
Kunan koydu soy böpöm
Kuyruğuna toy böpöm.
Sleep, sleep, my innocent baby
Lie in a white cradle, baby.
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby,
Eat your fill of its tail, my babe.
Dastorkon dayın bolsunçu
Dastorkongo üyüm tolsunçu
Oy, dastorkon cayıp çay bergen
Atañ bir aman bolsunçu.
Aşuusu biyik Kum-Tördün
Aynıbay uçkan kuş kördüm.
Oy, aynıbay uçkan oşol bir
Ayalı bolup özgördüm.
Lay the table,
May it bring blessing to my house,
May your father offering tea by the laid table
be in good health!
In the Kum-Tör with the tall peak
I saw a bird not missing its course,
Ay, the bird that doesn’t miss its course
Took me to become his wife.
Asa baylap cem berip
Oşol kezde Toruga
Alla Taala kuduret
Tak özündöy dem berip.
Oşol kezde Taytoru
Kaşka tişi kabışıp
Cal kuyrugu cabışıp,
Kocogoy tartıp baş çaykap
Oozdugun çaynap kemirip.
Then he tied it safely, foddered it,
His horse, Toru.
Blessed be the name of God,
He has given us strength like his.
Then Taytoru
Sharpened its incisors.
Its mane and tail stuck to it.
It shook its head idly,
It fretted biting its bit.
Kayran eneñ Kanıkey
Törkününe kelgende
Özünön özü ceeligip,
Kıyla sözün saldı emi.
Your brave mother, Kanikey
When she nestled with her relative,
She spirited herself up
And had a good idea.
E-e-e-y, atañdın körü dünüyö
Arbıdı meenet künügö.
Aytpay curttun baldarı
Camandık kıldım kimiñe?
Kim koygon candı tim koyboy
Tiydiñbi Çubak cinime?
Kalıypa, sultan, piriñdi
Kagayınbı ciniñdi?
Kalcıragan Çubak kul
Kan kıl dep ayttım kimiñdi?
Elinde ar kim zor eken
Elinen azgan kor eken.
Allanın işi bolboso
Atañdın körü Çubak kul
Senin aylıñdın çetin kim körsün….
Ay, curse upon your begetter, world,
Troubles multiply day by day.
Have I ever done harm
To any of this country’s children?
Incessantly quarrelsome
Čubak, I am fed up with you.
Overcoming the caliph, sultan, holy superior
Shall I exorcize the evil spirit from you?
Should you make a khan
Out of foolish Čubak servant, whose khan?
Each person of the people is valuable,
Those who get fed-up with their people will be sad.
If Allah had nothing to do
May your father be cursed, Čubak servant!
No one shall see your village again.
Eki kolum kişendep
Baylaganda kerbezim.
Elden bölüp başımdı
Aydaganda kerbezim.
My arms have been shackled,
My sweetheart’s been taken away.
Far from my people in exile
My sweetheart’s been taken away.
Eki közüm türmödö
Caynaganda kerbezim.
Esen bol kırgız elim dep
Sayraganda kerbezim.
My eyes are fixed on the prison,
My sweetheart’s been captured.
Stay in good health, my Kyrgyz people,
My sweetheart whom I had to part with.
Menin apam surasañ,
Çogoynonun çogunday.
Senin apañ surasañ
Çoñ çıçkan uydun bogunday.
Akıy ey, akıy ey
Akıy ey, akıy ey.
When you ask my mother,
She is like a dried thorn.
When you ask your mother,
She is like cow dung.
Trallala, trallala,
Trallala, trallala.
Ir kılganım Isık-Köl
... catkan cer.
A degenim ep bolgon
... cerimdey.
*Kökürögüñ keñ saray
Askar toonun belindey.
Kiçinemden köngön cer
Aydagan malım öngön cer.
Tokoyuñ ay, talıñ ay,
Tolkunuñ ay, şarıñ ay.
I put Isık-Köl into verse
... where it is lying.
What I said was true to life
... like in my place.
Your bosom is a grand palace,
Your waist is the big mountain
I got used to it from childhood,
I graze and increase my flock here.
Your woods, ay, your plain, ay,
Your surges, ay, your stream, ay.
At-Başı boorun caylagan,
Çoko boluş, Ormon kan,
Manaptar bolgon elimden.
Malatay sınçı boluptur,
Mına çerik tuugan elimden.
Kazıbek ırçı boluptur,
Kazalın aytıp ırdagan.
Kançalar öttü elimden
At-Başı değen cerimden.
To the summer pasture in At Baši
Alderman Čoko, Ormon khan
Noblemen of my people went.
Malatay the seer appeared
From the Čerik tribe.
Kazibek the folk singer lived there,
Singing gazels,
What great people were my folk
At the place called At Baši.
Men toodogu (bir) tınarmın
Sen (bir) zoodogu ularsıñ.
Uça bergin salpıldap
Uyaña barıp kularsıñ
Ayagı barıp tınaarsıñ.
Kolumdan kelse, Kudayım berse
Oşondo canıma kelip konorsuñ.
Sen bir eñ ele kooz sonosuñ.
I’m a bird of prey of the mountains,
You are a mountain turkey among rocks.
You fly on, arriving
At your nest you drop in it exhausted.
At long last you calm down.
If it was up to me, may god grant it,
You would come to me and rest here.
You are a beautiful wild duck.
Kümüşpü deymin tişiñdi
Küygüzdüñ menin içimdi.
Emi kimge corutam
Sen üçün körgön tüşümdü?
Tişiñ bir bermet tizilgen
Tiktesem (de) içim ezilgen.
Tim tartıp alsam deym
Tikteşip cürgön kişiñden.
Your teeth are like pearls,
You’ve set my heart on fire.
Whom may I tell
My dream of you?
Like pearls arranged in a string,
When I stand up, I collapse inside.
I’ll catch you and kidnap you
From your fixed betrothed.
Altın (bir) da taka, cez nokta
Al kimdin corgosu ay?
Aytıluu kalkıñ çoguldu
Bul ele menin bir tuuganımdın ordosu.
Kümüş taka cez nokta
Al kimdin corgosu?
Kürdölüü eliñ çoguldu
Bul menin bir tuuganımdın ordosu.
Gold horseshoes and brass bit –
Whose horse is that one?
People have all gathered there,
It’s my brother’s village.
Silver horseshoes and brass bit –
Whose horse is that one?
Many have gathered there,
It’s my brother’s village.
Tuygundan bolot kum tülök
Suu boylop uçat bir çürök.
Çüröktü körüp talpınıp
Tuylayt (bir) eken et cürök.
Katası bolso teriñiz.
Kayrılıp bir az keliñiz.
Kusadar bolgon cürökkö
(İy koyçu), kurbalım, keñeş beriñiz.
The white falcon rises from the plain falcon,
The wild duck’s flying over the stream,
Agitated by the whild duck
The silly heart is beating madly.
What if it misses – you say.
What will be the fate of this silly yearning heart,
The wild duck flying off to freedom,
Give me advice!
Ak şumkar berdim taptap al
Kök uçuk berdim saptap al.
Karagaydın kak butak
Kagıp turup otko cak.
Kakıldagan kudagıy
Kızımdı caklışılap tarbiyalap bagıp al.
Çegedektin çet butak
Çertip turup otko cak.
I gave you a trained blue falcon, take it,
I gave you a blue ribbon tied to it, take it!
Break off the dry branch of the pine,
Burn it in the fire!
My talkative fellow father-in-law
Take very good care of my daughter!
Break off the top branches of shrubs,
Put them on the fire!
Tündö bir catıp tüş kördüm, tekem,
Tüşümdö caman iş kördüm, tekem,
Bul toodon keteli, tekem,
Alıskı toogo ceteli tekem.
I went to bed at night, I had a dream, darling,
In my dream I saw monsters, darling.
Let’s leave behind these mountains, darling!
Let’s go to faraway mountains, darling!
Bekbekey aştı bel aştı
Beline saadak caraştı.
Saksakay aştı, say aştı
Sanına saadak caraştı.
Bekbekey set out over the mountain,
His quiver fitted his waist well,
Saksakay set out over the valley,
His quiver fitted his waist well.
Arman, ay, adamda türkün tagdır bar
Ay arman, ar kanday bolot tagdırlar.
Arman ay, adamdın kelbes kolunan
Arman ay, şum acal menen ölüm zar.
Arman ay, sanaa bir külük, izi cok
Al arman, korgoşun salmak mizi cok.
Arman, acal bir cetip kün bütsö
Çirkin (al) kara cer tartat küçü tok…
Hardship, how many types of fate you can have?
Hardship, alas, fates are different.
Hardship, alas, man is helpless,
Hardship, ay, the last hour, death is cruel.
Hardship, ay, worries come suddenly, without a signal.
Hardship, alas, lead is heavy, it has no point.
Hardship, the day is over, the last hour has arrived.
When black soil accepts you, its power is great.
Kabakka tüşkön küyöö bar.
(Degi) kaynene değen biröö bar.
Kayrıp alat sözüñdü
Kapaga koşot özüñdü.
Ayılga tüşkön küyöö bar
(Degi) abısın değen biröö bar.
Añdıp alat sözüñdü
Ayıñ kılat özüñdü.
Here’s a son-in-law going down the valley,
Here’s a person called mother-in-law.
She misunderstands your word,
She is the cause of her grieving.
Here’s a son-in-law coming to your village,
Here is a person called sister-in-law.
She keeps chasing your word,
She makes you the target of gossip.
Kırañdan sogup cel tursa
Kıyıtıp ırdaym el tursa.
Kılıgı cakşı kara köz
Kılgıra karap tim tursa.
Kılgıra karap tim tursa.
Kaykıdan sogup cel tursa
Kaymana ırdaym el tursa.
Kadırı cakşı kara köz
Körmöksön bolup tim tursa.
Kadırı cakşı kara köz
Körmöksön bolup tim tursa.
When the winds blow from the plateau,
I can’t feel it but I tell it.
My sweetheart with a fine shape and black eyes
Is gazing at me,
Is gazing at me,
When the winds blow from the mountains
I tell it secretly if someone listens.
My valuable dear with the black eyes
Would pretend he heard nothing,
My valuable one with the black eyes
Would pretend he heard nothing.
Atar aldı salkınday şamal cel cüröt
Şamdagay uşul şamalda bizde kim cüröt
Oynotup toonun tulparın erkin üyrötüp
Şamdagay uşul zamanda bizde kim cüröt?
It’s become dawn, there is a cool breeze,
Who is passing here in this curly wind?
Who is approaching us rapidly this time of day,
Jumping and training his horse?
Ömür çirkin mınça nege kıskasın?
Kıskaruuga münöt sayın ustasıñ?
Cok degende berse bolo adamga
Bir cüz eki, bir cüz bir caştın tutkasın.
Kıyalap basıp kelesiñ,
Kızıl gül kolgo beresiñ.
Unutpay meni cürçü dep
Uktasam tüşkö kiresiñ.
Life, why are you so short?
Making every minute shorter.
If nothing else, you should give man
A hundred, a hundred and two years.
You are going down the hill,
You give a red rose in my hand.
Lest I should forget you,
You sneak into my dreams, too.
Çokoyum buttan suurulup
Çor boldu taman tuurulup.
Çoy-çoylop cürüp ötömbu?
Çokuda bir kün buyugup.
Ötügüm buttan suurulup
Özögüm ooruyt buyugup.
Özgöçö kördüm korduktu
Ölömbü bir kün buyugup…
I’ll kick my felt boots off my feet,
I’ll stamp my thickened soles.
Will I die while driving sheep?
One day a blizzard will catch me on the mountain.
I’ll kick my boots off my feet,
Fear grips my guts.
I suffered humiliations, too,
I will die by losing my way.
Asmandap uçkan cagalmay
Cagalmay cemin taba albay,
Kayran bir ömür kayran caş
Ketip kaldı şamalday.
…Aldeylep öskön apakem
Meni kaydan tabasıñ?
Kalkıbız caylayt köçmöndüü
Baldar, kalk caktırbayt köpköndü.
Kadırın kantip unutam
Kalkımda şair ösköndü?
The grey hawk soaring in the sky,
The grey hawk hasn’t found its prey.
Beautiful life, existence
Is gone with the wind.
Mother, who rocked me in the crib and reared me
Where could you find me?
Our folk live, settle, move,
Our people don’t like those who don’t find their place.
How could I forget those
Who live as poets among my folk?
Kurandın sözün baykagan
Enekem kurdaştın köönün caykagan.
Aylındagı kurdaştar,
Enemdin urmatın körüp tarkagan.
My mother observed the instructions of the Quran,
My mother won the heart of her friends,
All her friends in the village
Recognized her greatness.
Kız algan carga da cete albay
Kıynoosunu tartkan andan köp.
*Cardı ele carday cügürgön
Caşıl ala da buudan köp.
Caş algan carga cete albay (anan)
Capasın çekken andan köp.
Turumtay menen barçındı
Turguzbay bilgin barkımdı.
Tereñ go oylop tekşergin
Teñtuşçuluk saltıñ kıl….
Many are those who suffer because
They fail to reach the lass they’ve chosen.
Many are the mottled nomadic horses
Racing around in ravines.
Many are those who suffer because
They failed to reach the lass they’d marry.
Falcons and eagles
Know my worth without words.
Contemplate thoroughly, my fellow,
Your tradition.
Ubara (gana) boldum cön ele
Sen (gana) taruudagı bödönö.
Aydap (bir) çıgarım Aşkem dep
Ubara boldum böödö ele.
Aydap (bir) çıksam,
Karmap (bir) çıksam
Anan keçet (bir) beleñ cön ele?
You spared no trouble in vain,
Nightingale in the millet field,
I’m searching and I’ll find my Aškem
Despite all the hardships.
If I were chasing him,
If I got hold of him,
Would you just let me go?
Asılım beyiş atakem
Ayaktay taştın aldında
Atakem altınıñ kaldı birikpey
Ay tiygiz cerdin aldında
Atakem kantip bir cattıñ erikpey?
Atakem, küröktöy taştın aldında
Kümüşüñ kaldı birikpey.
Kün tiybes cerdin aldında.
Atakem, catasıñ kantip erikpey?
Atakem, a düynö cayga barganda
Cakşının baarı al cayda
Cakşılarga koşulup
Atakem, beyiştin törün keñ cayla.
My noble, heavenly father,
There’s a stone dish under you,
Gold left behind though not collected,
The Moon doesn’t shine upon you under the ground.
Daddy dear, how can you lie there?
Daddy dear, under a shovelful of stone.
Your silver left behind though not collected,
The Sun doesn’t shine upon you under the ground.
Daddy dear, how can you lie there?
Daddy dear, you went to the otherworld,
All the righeous are gathering there,
You are mingling with them
Daddy, yours will be the pride of place in heaven.
Albırt a calbırt ot küysö
Eteğiñ menen öçürgün.
Kayneneñ caman bir cakşı söz aytsa
Karaldım, külkü menen keçirgin…
Suuda (bir) suusar oynoyt go
Suusardın cünü oñboyt go.
Aman bolsun baldarıñ
Bir özüñdöy bolboyt go.
Should the fire burn with large flames,
Throw your skirt and quench it with it.
Should your mother-in-law say silly words,
My darling, tame her with humorous words.
Sables swim in water, don’t they?
Aren’t sables skinned for their fur?
May your children all be healthy,
You should be the healthiest of all!
Alaluu cılkı elde bar
Az mildet Üköy sende bar.
Acırap kaldım cete albay
Üköyüm, ayıkpas ildet mende bar…
There’s a mottled stud at home,
There’s little gratitude in you.
I parted with you, I can’t come to see you
My Üköy, I am incurably ill.
Kögörgön köldö tursam da men
Köz çaptıram askaga.
Köñülümdü burbaymın
Bir özüñdön başkaga.
Were I in a fair blue lake
I’d be gazing at the mountains.
I’d never give my heart
To anyone but you.
Ak barak bolso kolumda
Aga (bir) cazsañ sonun da.
Altınga okşoş Üköyüm
Teetigi apapak toodun boorunda.
Kögültür kagaz sonun da
Köp cazsañ aga borumda.
Kümüşkö okşoş Üköyüm
Teetigi kün tiybes toodun boorunda….
When I have a white sheet in hand,
I can write onto it nicely.
My Üköy, who is like gold,
You are right behind the white mountain.
The blue paper’s also nice
If you write a lot onto it.
My Üköy who is like silver
Is right behind the mountain left by the sun.
Caştıktı kimder kılbagan
Caş ötkön sayın ılgagan.
Caştıktı kılbay koygonsup
Kep kılat eken ulgaygan….
Who didn’t live full-blooded in their youth
Will come to regret it getting old.
The time of youth not used up well
Will make you reproachful.
Arkaña örüp çaçıñdı
Kimdin go kızı degizgem.
Altı Arkar cıldız batkança
Bakenim, ceti aylanıp emizgem.
Celkeñe örüp çaçıñdı
Men kimdin kızı degizgem.
Ceti Arkar cıldız batkança
Ceti aylanıp emizgem.
Bakenim, kümüş menen kalaydı
Küygüzöt ölüm dalaydı.
Bakenim, altın menen kalaydı
Bakenim, azaptuu kılat dalaydı…
Seeing your hair braided at the back
Whose daughter is this? I asked.
While the Little Bear star was shining,
My Baken, I got us six times to give breast to you.
Seeing your hair braided at the side
Whose daughter am I? I made you say,
While the Great Bear star was shining,
I got up seven times to give breast to her.
My Baken, silver and tinware,
So many people are seized by death.
My Baken, gold and tinware,
My Baken, all kinds of people.
Alma beken beşigiñ
Karaldım alat (bir) beken akeyiñ?
Örük beken beşigiñ
Karaldım öböt beken akeyiñ?
Ciyde senin beşigiñ
Karaldım cibiyt (bir) beken akeyiñ?
Was your crib made of apples?
Darling, did daddy take you in his hand?
Was your crib made of plums?
Darling, did daddy kiss you?
Was your crib made of olive wood?
Darling, did daddy love you?
Kök taylak catat kıyada
Caş mırzam, boz topurak uyada.
Caş mırzam, kalbaptır elden köñülüñ
Caş mırzam, caşabaptır ömürüñ.
Caş mırzam, baldardan körböy ubaydı
Caş mırzam, cılıp ketti tiyakka…
A grey camel calf’s lying on the slope,
My young husband, in the grey earth.
My young husband, no one’s broken your heart.
My young husband, you haven’t lived your life.
My young master, you haven’t seen your children,
My young master, you’ve left for the other world.
Sanay bersem sanaam ketet taralıp
Bilinbesten ötüp barat balalık.
Kol karmaşıp koş aytalbay alıstap
Ketken eken münözü bal balalık.
Ötkön ömür kayra kelbeyt caralıp
Öçöşköndöy saamay çaçım agarıp.
No use sitting, racking my brains,
The childhood’s over in a jiffy.
It didn’t shake hands, it fled,
Gentle childhood is gone.
The time that’s past will never return,
It will even make our hair white.
Kızım menen bir bassam caraşambı?
Kızım menen bir bassam artta kalam.
Men kartayıp, men kartayıp
I’m walking with my daughter, is it proper?
I’m walking with my daughter, I fall behind,
Will I still walk when I am old, when
I’m old?
Törgö kilem taştagan,
Enekem törödöy uulun baştagan.
Kapşıtta kilem taştagan,
Enekem kanışa kelin baştagan.
She laid a kilim on the pride of place,
Mummy governed her son the young master.
She laid kilims along the sides, too,
Mummy’s governed her daughter-in-law.
Manculu ataga kuran okup çal oturgan
Bir kız keldi kapıstan alıstan.
Çoçup ketip artın karap baykuş çal
Atı-cönün surap kaldı kapıstan.
Kızdın atı-cönü Emma eken angliçan
Cakıpkan Manculuga kelgenin.
Tilek tilep Manculudan ketkenin.
Aytıp berdi kıskaça
Altay cakka cetkenin
Altaydan bala körgönün.
Advanced in years, he was praying to Father Manǰu.
From the distance suddenly a girl returned.
The frightened old man turned to the girl
Asking about her family and homeland.
Her name’s Emma, she’s an English citizen,
The oldman talked long of Yakip Khan’s arrival in Manchuria,
His departure from Manǰuria with great wishes,
His passage
Towards the Altay mountain,
The birth of his child in the Altay.
Oylonup tuura tüşünsöñ
Küçtüü eken ilim, bilim, okuular.
Acal cetip, künüñ bütüp ketpese
Ar adamga sebep eken dokturlar.
You’ll judge right if you ponder,
Science, the schools were strong.
The hour of death doesn’t spare anyone,
Doctors profit from everyone.
Canım kalar beken dep
Dalay can keldi sandaşıp.
Dalaydın kalıp soobuna
Alıp kaldıñ dokturlar.
Acal menen karmaşıp.
Will my soul be saved, I wonder?
Lots of people will come.
Doctors will do their best,
They’ll make them live,
They’ll fight off death, too.
Aloy değen bir çöp bar
(Ce) izdep cürüp tabambı?
Üyüñdön turup ugasıñ
Aalamda bolgon kabardı.
Bu zaman arman kılçu zamanbı?
Çıkıldap sogot saatı
(Ce) cüröktön algan (da) dabışı.
Cüdöy turgan zamanbı?
E curtum, üyüñdön suuñ ağızdı.
There’s a herb called aloe,
Shall I find it if I look for it, I wonder.
If you keep sitting at home,
Will you be informed of the world’s news?
Won’t you be sorry for the lost time?
The clock goes tick-tacking,
It leant this sound from the heart.
This is a very hard time now,
Alas, my country, water flew from the house, too.
Tamçıñ (bir) agat kuyulup
(Ce) ak nanıñ bışat cuurulup.
Baktıluu baldar bolsunçu
Mına bu Kuurdun tuzu buyurup.
Cıldızıñ batat suyulup
(Ce) balıgıñ oynoyt çuburup.
Baktıluu kelin bolsunçu
Mına bu Ak-Terektin tuzu buyurup.
Your drops dripping, spilt out,
Your bread’s baking, kneaded.
Be happy, children!
Behold, this is Kuur’s wish.
Your star is falling exhausted,
Your fish is frisking trembling,
Be the young wife blessed,
Behold, this is Ak-Terek’s salt.
Gül kezekti eske salıp cürömün
Appak karday siz degende cürögüm.
Süyüü işi cürögümö kadaldı
Çının aytsam men kempirimdi,
kempirimdi süyömün.
Oyumdasıñ ar ubakta süygön car
Kat ciberem poçta arkıluu tosup al.
Eki caştın tilegine kargaşa
Arabızda buzukudan neçen bar?
Arabızda buzukudan neçen bar?
I keep thinking of my wonderful youth,
I’ll tell you my snow-white memories.
Love has captured my heart,
Honestly, I love my darling with all my heart,
I love my darling.
I always think of you, my darling,
Fetch my letter from the the post office!
Separating the desire of two young people,
Could anything be worse than the distance between us?
Could anything be worse?
Sal, sal, sal, bilek
Sarı mayga mal, bilek.
Koyon kaçtı koş,bilek
Koşu menen beş bilek….
Get going, going, going, baby,
Dip it into yellow butter, baby!
The rabbit’s gone, two babies
In pairs are five babies.
Ay nuru bizge tögüldü
Agaylar aççı köñüldü.
Ardaktap cürüp ötölü
Aldıda turgan ömürdü.
The moonlight has flooded us,
Gentlemen, entertain me.
Aware of its great value,
Let us spend our lives.
Kün nuru bizge tögüldü
Kükügüm aççı köñüldü.
Güldötüp cürüp ötölü
Gülgündöy caştık ömürdü.
The light of the sun’s flooded us,
My cuckoo bird, have a good time.
Let’s spend the time merrily,
Our youth which is like a rose!
Siz menen birge cürüügö
Men kandayça metod koldonom?
Siz menen birge cürüügö
Men kandayça metod koldonom?
Arpa (bir) menen Aksaydı
Aşıp barıp el caylayt.
Azap (bir) menen tozokko
Kanday (bir) cigit bel baylayt?
How could I manage to be
Together with you?
How could I manage to be
Together with you?
With Arpa and Aksay
The folks go to the summer pasture.
With torments and anguish
Which young man would gird himself?
Germandı Sovet ceñse eken (al)
Sokkunu aga berse eken.
Sarsanaa kılbay adamdı (al)
Baykem aman kelse eken.
Will the Soviets defeat the Germans,
If only they’d smite them!
Without causing excitement
I wish my brother would return safely!
Kümüştün keni sayda go
Külüktün körkü bayloodo.
Külüp bir oynop bir cürsök
Gül cıttangan cayloodo.
Ar türdüü güldör sayda bar (al)
Urugun terip aydap al.
Bir kişi menen bir kişi
Birdey bolmok kayda bar.
The silver mine is in the stream,
The beauty of a nomad horse is in the harness.
I wish we could go laughing and dancing
Together in the summer pasture fragrant of roses!
There are all sorts of flowers in the stream,
Collect their seeds grow them!
There is not a single person
Who is exactly like another, you should know!
Uluu (bir) toonu tötölöp
Uuldu baktık eköölöp.
Urmattuu karı men boldum
Uulumdun kızın, uulumdun uulun
Kızıl bir toonu tötölöp
Kızdardı baktık eköölöp.
Kımbattuu karı men boldum
Kızımdın kızın, kızımdın kızın
We made it over large mountains,
We’ve brought up our son.
I alone lived to see venerable old age,
I took my son’s daughter, my son’s son
for a walk.
We made it over red mountains,
We brought up our daughters.
I alone lived to see valuable old age,
I took my daughter’s daughter, my
daughter’s daughter for a walk.
Kayda kettiñ ıraaktap?
Turganda eki bala ermegim.
Where have you gone, you’re gone?
You’ve left me two children.
At-Başı değen cerimden
Ak kalpak kırgız elimden.
Ataktuu akın boluptur (oo)
Agayın tuugan elimden.
From my home called At-Baši,
From my white-capped Kyrgyz people,
Famous poets have been born,
Raising the fame of our people.
Kasımaalı, Kazıbek
Kazaldarı aytılıp
Kalkıñdan ırdap cürgön köp.
Rasuldun ırları
Irdalıp cüröt bul dagı.
Moñoldordon Boogaçı
Boluş bolgon bul dagı.
Bozdop (bir) ırdap Üköyün (oy)
Ötkön bir eken bul dagı.
Kasimali, Kazibek
Singing gazels
That spread among the people.
Rasul’s songs
Are still sung today.
Boogači was our leader
Of Mongolian origin.
He would sing sad songs about Üköy.
And that’s how his life went by.
Ey, ecelüü, siñdüü kelinder
Canıma beri keliñer.
Men kayekten ekenim
Surap bilip alıp külüñör.
Kara-Tegin, Cerge-Taldan
Kaçıp kelgen balamın.
Toygo bakkan toktuday
Togolok gana balamın.
Hey, sisters, young mistress,
Gather here around me!
Learn where I am coming from
Then have a good laugh!
From Kara-Tegin, ǰerge-Tal
My child escaped.
Like the yearling meant for a wedding,
My dear buxom child.
Çoñ-Kara-Kol çetindi
Çotumdun mizi ketildi.
Çoyulup barıp men öpsöm
Akzıynat, senin çokton kızıl betiñdi.
Keñ-Kara-Kol çetindi
Kerkimdin mizi ketildi.
Kerilip barıp men öpsöm
Akzıynat, men kebezdey cumşak betiñdi.
The grand Kara-Kol was hard,
My horse was foaming at the mouth.
I’d kiss your flaming red cheeks,
Akziynat, leaning close to you.
The wide Kara-Kol was hard,
My horse was foaming at the mouth.
I’d kiss your cheeks softer than cotton-wool,
Akziynat, taking a step backward.
Kararıp közüñ kılgırıp
Kakşıktı aytıp cıldırıp.
Kaçan (bir) kolgo tiyesiñ
Sen kara candı tındırıp.
Süygöndön berdim koluña
Men sürötümdü tarttırıp.
Süygönüm altın sen menen
Süylöşöm kaçan katkırıp.
With your enchanting eyes
You’re looking tauntingly.
When can I get hold of you
So that you may revive my loving heart?
I gave into his hand my lover’s picture,
I had her photo taken.
My love, my darling,
When can we talk to you?
Aldey, aldey, ak balam
Ak beşikke cat, balam.
Kunan koydu soy, balam
Kuyruguna toy, balam.
Ööbay balam, ööbay balam.
Sleep, sleep, my innocent babe,
Lie in a white cradle, my babe.
Kill a three-year-old sheep, babe,
Eat your fill of its tail, my babe.
Hush-a-bye, baby, hush, babe!
Arpanın Ala-Toosunan
Arkarın atsam zoosunan.
Aylantıp turup ey bir öpsöm
Asılkeç sendey selki oozunan.
From Arpa’s Ala-Dag
I’d shoot a stag off the cliff.
If only I’d hugged and kissed
On the lips a lass like you!
Arpanın Ala-Toosunan
Arkarın atsam zoosunan.
Asılkeç sendey selkinin
Aylantıp öpsöm oozunan.
From Arpa’s Ala-Dag
I’d shoot a stag off its cliff.
I wish I’d hugged the lass like you
And kissed her on the lips!
Kerme (bir) toonun türlörün
Kelinim terse güldörün.
Kelinden körüp ubaydı
Men, kelbetin körsöm düynönün.
Ularluu toonun türlörün
Uulum (bir) terse güldörün.
Uuldan körüp ubaydı
Men urmatın körsöm düynönün.
The types of Kerme-Too,
When my daughter-in-law’s picking rose.
When I see the kindliness of my daughter-in-law,
I wish I’d see the advance of the world.
The types of mountains with wild turkeys,
When my son is picking roses.
When I see the kindliness of my son,
I wish I’d see the respect of the world!
Kızıldan senin cooluguñ
Kıyladan artık coruguñ.
Kılıgıñdı köp sanap
Kıynooñdu tartıp oorudum.
Your scarf is red,
You’re different from the rest.
I was pondering about you,
I found no remedy to my woe.
Komuzuñdu kolgo alıp
Çertüüçü eleñ cırgalım.
Çerte (bir) tüşçü Toko dep
Kubanıp elder taraşkan.
Oy, menin alganım
Bul calgandan adaşkan.
Oozuñdagı ırdagan
Irdagan sayın caraşkan.
Irday (bir) tüşçü Toko dep
Kubanıp eliñ taraşkan.
With the lyre in your hand
You were playing, my happiness.
Go on, Toko, they kept saying,
They made merry, they went home.
Oh my dearest Husband,
You didn’t understand this false world.
The songs you sang
Were more and more like you,
Sing on, Toko, they kept saying,
They made merry, they went home.
Tört tülügü malga cay
Törlörü sonun muzdabas.
Tamaşañdı men sanap
Tartar (bir) boldum uktabas.
Its four peaks are inhabited, suited for livestock,
Its mountains are nice, not icy
I missed merry-making,
I became a woodcock who never sleeps.
Aksay (bir) cerdin soorusu
Añkıtat kongon konuşu.
Adamdın köönün kuykalap
Alısta kalgan boluuçu.
Kök irim cerdin soorusu (ce)
Köyköltöt kongon konuşu.
Adamdın köönün kuykalap (al)
Körünböy kalgan boluuçu.
Aksay is the nave of the world,
Its fragrance floats from all over.
My lover’s got stuck
Somewhere in the distance.
The middle of whirling waters,
Pastures are his dwelling place.
My lover has grown
Invisible somewhere.
Kurbu bir kurbu, kurbu taş
Kuuşup oynoyt ördök-kaz.
Kurbudan kurbu ayrılsa
Kuyulat eken közdön caş.
Tektir bir tektir, tektir saz
Tebişip oynoyt ördök-kaz
Teñtuştan teñtuş ayrılsa
Tegerenet közdön caş.
A flat stone, a flat stone,
A duck and a goose chase each other.
When a lassie parts with a lad,
Tears are flowing from their eyes.
Wavy, wavy is the reed,
Ducks and geese dance waddling.
When someone parts with a peer,
Their eyes brim with tears.
Sen bolsoñ kauhar suuluu möltür bulak
Cıbılcıp agıp kelseñ toodon kulap.
Suuñdu suusap suusap içkim kelet.
Canıña çatıp alıp meken kurap.
Bolboso cubay akkuu bolor beleñ
Aydıñga birge barıp konor beleñ?
Aykaşıp tay kulunça taytaktaşıp
Kumardan oşol künü kanar belem?
If you were the crystal clear brook,
You’d slowly descend from the mountain.
To quench my thirst
I’d lie and nestle by your side.
Or were you a never parting swan,
Settling by my side at a bright place.
Playing and frolicing like a colt
Could I fulfil my passion that day?
Köl ceeginde köp gül turat
Biri kızıl, biri kök.
Birde süysö, birde süyböyt
Anın sırın kim bilet?
Eger Volga tolkup aksa
Anı süzüü en kıyın.
Süygön carıñ süyböy koyso
Anı süyüü en kıyın.
There are many flowers on the lake shore,
There are red, there are blue ones.
One loves, the other loves not,
Who can unravel this secret?
When the Volga billows,
You cannot swim in it.
If your darling stops loving you tomorrow,
You won’t be able to bear it.
Uşul üydün üzügü
Üzülüñkü körünöt.
Uşul üydö bir ceñem
Süzülüñkü körünöt.
Bıçak uçu caltırayt
May tomurup atabı?
Üköktörü şaldırayt
Kurut alıp atabı?
The roof of the house
Appears to be shabby.
The mistress of the house
Appears to be cheeky.
The tip of the knife is shining,
Is she getting butter with it?
The cupboard is creaking,
Is she taking out some curd?
Bir butakta eki alma
Sen dagı da alba, men da alba.
Emne bolup kalgansıñ
Kızıl gül beleñ men barda?
Two apples on one branch –
You an apple and me one, too.
What’s happened to you,
You were a red rose and I was the field-guard?
Caş kesek caydın kurağı
Caş boydon adam turabı?
Caş keziñde oynop kül
Caş kezek kelbeyt turbaybı.
Youth is the summer of life,
We won’t remain young, will we?
Make merry and laugh when you’re young,
It will never ever return!
Baldarım aman bolsun dep
Bak-taalay üygö konsun dep.
Ardaktap kütsök ak toydu
Ak tilek kabıl bolsun dep.
Caşoobuz cakşı bolsun dep
Cakşılık üygö konsun dep.
Kadırlap kütsök meymandı
Kaaloosun aytıp koysun dep.
May my children be in good health,
Their homes be filled with luck and happiness.
Let’s have a hopeful wedding party,
May our wishes come true!
May our lives be nice,
Our home be filled with goodness!
We entertain our guests in good style,
So they will tell us their wishes!
Balamday körgön kelinim
Bal sözüñ ugup eridim.
Meerimdi tögüp oynoçu
Men boloyun şerigiñ.
Baleketiñdi alayın
Baykesi bolom eriñdin.
Asabın tartıp cüröm go
Senin alakanday ceriñdin.
My daughter-in-law, my child,
Your honey-sweet words please me,
You’ve captivated me with your dance,
Let me be your lover.
Let me be my brother who longs for you,
Your husband.
I am suffering
For a handful of your space.
Burulçanın selkinçek
Burbay tepçi kelinçek.
Alımkandın selkinçek
Anday teppey mıınday tep…
The swing of Burulča
Don’t step twirling, lady!
The swing of Alimkan
Not this way, step that way!
Sal, sal, sal, bilek
Sarı koygo mal, bilek.
Kunan koydu soy, bilek
Kuyruguna toy, bilek.
Köpölök ittin kuyrugun
Kölökö kılıp bereyin.
Götönüñdö çalmanı
Eşiktegi eki itke
Bulamık kılıp bereyin.
Move, move, get moving, babe,
Dip it into butter, babe,
Kill a three-year-old animal, babe,
Eat your fill of its tail!
Butterfly from the dog’s tail,
I make a shade for you.
The poop from your bum
Will be offered to two dogs,
Let them have a feast.
Aksaydın başı balkındı
İy canım, ak baytal oyttoyt salkında.
Aytıp (bir) aytpay ne payda
İy canım, alıska ketken altındı?
The front of Aksay is gently hilly,
A white mare’s grazing at a cool place.
What good is it to speak out
My lover who’s gone far away?
Kök saydın başı balkındı
(E koyçu), kök baytal ottoyt salkında.
Körüp bir körböy ne payda
O canım, kömüskö ketken altındı?
The mouth of the blue valley is bumpy,
A blue stud’s grazing at a cool place.
What’s the use of not seeing
A lover who’s crept away stealthily?
Bekbekey aştı, bel aştı
Beline belboo caraştı.
Saksakay kaçtı say aştı
Sanına saadak caraştı.
Ukuruk uçu dolono
Uuru da börü colobo.
İynemdin uçun maytardım
Bügün da koroo kaytardım.
Bekbekey’s gone beyond the mountain
The quiver fitted his waist well.
Saksakay’s gone, beyond the valley,
The quiver fitted his belt well.
The tip of my spindle is a thorn,
Robbers, wolves should not come near!
I’ve twisted the tip of my needle,
I was tending the flock today.
Cayganım kolhoz cılkısı
Cayloonun menmin ırçısı.
Oylop koy selki ilgeri
Boluppu mendey cılkıçı
Boluppu mendey cılkıçı.
Cılkı ottoyt çöptün türlörün.
Men cıttaym cıpar güldörün.
Eriktim cılkı çetinde
Eskerip kelçi süygönüm.
Eskerip kelçi süygönüm.
I was grazing the flock of the kolkhoz,
I was the singer of the summer pastures.
Imagine, sweetheart, in times of yore
I was a shepherd second to none,
I was a shepherd second to none.
The stud was grazing all sorts of grass,
I would deeply inhale their smell.
I am bored just with the flock,
Come darling and see me,
Come darling and see me.
Kündör ötüp baratat
Külgün kezek bala çak.
Külüñdöşüp alıştan
Kün, Çolpondoy karatat.
Aylap ötüp baratat
Altın kezek bala çak.
Aşık kılıp adamdı
Ay, Çolpondoy karatat.
From day to day the time of laughter,
Childhood passes.
Smiling from faraway,
Venus looks down with the Sun.
From day to day our golden age,
Our childhood dwindles.
You are then made to fall in love
By the Moon and by Venus.
(Oy) Kiresiñ menin tüşüme
Uşunça meni zarlantıp (çirkin)
Sen barsıñbı cerdin cüzündö?
*Cazdıkka başım burulsa
Kiresiñ menin tüşüme.
Uşunça meni zarlantıp (çirkin)
Barsıñbı cerdin cüzünde?
Ah, when you get mingled with my dream
You make me sad as I am,
Are you still on the earth?
When I rest my head on the pillow
You appear in my dreams, too.
Is there anything else on earth
That can make me so sad?
Kudaybergen ceenim,
Çakırtıpsıñ üyüñö.
Ataktuu baatır Çolponbay,
Alıp keldi tünündö.
My sister Kudaybergen
You invited me to your place.
Famous hero Čolponbay
Took me at a late hour.
Çakırgan çerge barganday
Çapan cok ele kiyüügö.
Alçaktatıp cürüşkö
At kayda maga minüügö.
I didn’t have proper clothes,
A nice caftan to put on.
I didn’t have a fine steed,
To ride and arrive there.
Çokoyum buttan suurulup
Çor boldu taman tuurulup.
Çoy-çoylop cürüp ötömbü
Çokuda bir kün buyugup?
Ötügüm buttan suurulup
Özögüm sızdayt buulugup.
Özgöçö kördüm korduktu
Ölöm go bir kün buulugup.
I’ll kick my felt boots off my feet,
I’ll click my hardened soles.
Will I die one day, saying Choy, choy
In a snow storm on the peak?
I’ll kick my boots off my feet,
It pains me deep inside.
I’ve suffered much contempt and scorn,
One day I’ll have had enough and die.
Tattıdan tattı, tattıdan tattı
Kuçaktap catsañ, kımça bel tattı.
Kuykalap ceseñ, kuykum et tattı
Tattıdan tattı, tattıdan tattı….
Tattıdan tattı, ak tamak tattı
Kuykalap ceseñ, kuykum et tattı.
Kuçaktap catsañ, ak tamak tattı.
Tattıdan tattı, tattıdan tattı….
Sweeter than sweet, sweeter than sweet,
Lying in an embrace, a slender waist is the sweetest.
When you roast it on fire, meat with its skin is most delicious,
Sweeter than sweet, sweeter than sweet.
Sweeter than sweet, the white-necked one is the sweetest
When you roast it on fire, meat with its skin is most delicious,
Lying in an embrace, the white-necked is the sweetest,
Sweeter than sweet, sweeter than sweet.
Bir balam Volga aydasa
Bir balam cayloo caylasa.
Kımızı kıçkıl bolgondo
Çakırıp bizdi sıylasa.
Koş aytışıp keterde
Nebere eerçip ıylasa.
If one of my sons were a Volga driver,
The other’d drive flocks in the summer pasture.
When his kumiss has got ready,
He’d invite us to a dinner.
When the times comes to say farewell
My grandchild would ask me to say in tears.
Kıyarıp közüñ kararat
A sen kıylaga saldıñ alamat.
Oynoş bolup alsam dep
Men da aşkere kıldım dalalat.
The look in your eyes is eloquent,
And you have talked to lots of people.
You told them I was your lover
I gave you too much attention.
Burulçanın selkinçek
Burbay tepçi kelinçek.
Burulçanın selkinçek
Burbay tepçi keliinçek.
Süyümkandın selkinçek
Süyöp tepçi kelinçek
Süyümkandın selkinçek
Süyöp tepçi kelinçek
Burulča‘s swing
Don’t take crooked steps, young lady!
Burulča’s swing
Don’t take crooked steps, young lady!
Süyümkan’s swing
Swing when you’re pulled, lady!
Süyümkan’s swing
Swing when you’re pulled, lady!
Şıp şırıldañ şır eken
Cılkıçının ırı eken…
Drip-drop dripping, it was a drop,
It was the horse-herder’s song…
Kızıl kürmö şayı kiyip
Boylogula kızdar ay.
Kızık köñül bar çakta
Oynogula kızdar ay.
Oynoy albay, külö albay
Kayran caştı ötközüp
Koybogula kızdar ay.
İ-i-iy, kızdar ay.
Put on red silk caftans
And stroll about in them, lassies, ay!
At the time of your wild youth
Dance a lot of dances, lassies, ay!
Without dancing, without laughing
Your lovely youth is in vain.
Don’t let is pass, lassies, ay!
Ay-hey, lassies, ay!
Atırday abañ añkıgan
Asmanı tunuk çalkıgan.
Suusunan içseñ kımızday
Adamdın deni balkıgan.
Öröönü kilem cayganday
Özgöçö körköm salkın cay.
Belinde çeksiz bereke
Tört tülüktüü malga bay.
Its air is full of ozone,
Its sky is light blue.
Its water is like kumiss
Enlivening the soul.
Its valley appears to be covered
By a wonderful cool blanket.
Its mountains are the paradise
Of animals full of blessing.
Küzdün (bir) künü kök kaşka
Küñgöyden akkan bulaktı.
Köñülden ketpey sağındım (men)
Kümüşüm altın ınaktı.
The water of an autumn day is sparkling,
Its current flows from the south.
From the depth of my heart I long for
My silver, my gold, my sweetheart.
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök,
Ak beşikke cat, böbök.
Apañ işten kelgençe
Uyku daamın tat, böbök.
Sleep, sleep, white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, baby.
Till mummy returns from work
Have a good night’s sleep.
Kurandın sözün baykagan
Enekem kurdaştın köönün caykagan.
Aylındagı kurdaştar,
Enemdin urmatın körüp tarkagan.
Mummy observed each word of the Quran,
Mummy was loved by all her friends,
All her friends in the village,
They all admired her.
Kurandın sözün baykagan,
Kelindin köönün caykagan.
Aylındagı kelinder
Enemdin urmatın körüp tarkagan.
*Enekem inekke maldı cüktögön
Bayırkısın men aytsam
Narga cügün cüktögön.
Baldarına kalganda
Keñeşin aytıp “şük” değen.
She observed every word of the Quran,
She was loved by all the young women,
The young wives in her village
Paid her full reverence.
Mummy loaded her cow
To recall an early event,
The load was lost in fire.
As for her children,
She governed them with a firm hand.
Baldarım buudandı minse terdetip,
Kelinder buulumdu kiyse kirdetip.
Çoñ ene bolup balpayıp
Otursam beşik termetip.
If my children were hardworking nomads,
If my daughters-in-law dressed in silk,
I’d be lucky as a grandma,
I’d be sitting rocking a cradle.
Aralap alma baktarın
Men ağınan üzüp algamın.
Aldeylep cürüp çoñoytkom
Asılın körsöm balanın.
Kıdırıp alma baktarın
Men kızılın üzüp algamın.
Kıynalıp cürüp çoñoyttum
Kızıgın körsöm balanın…
Walking in an apple orchard
I chose a white one and picked it.
I reared my child with devotion,
Let me live to see his generosity!
Walking in an apple orchard
I chose a red one and picked it.
I reared my child amids great hardships,
Let me see his star rising!
Kızıl güldöy elem özgördüm
Kıylanı baştan ötkördüm.
Kırdaalıñ barda oynop al
Kıykırsañ kelbeyt ötkön kün.
*Caşıl güldöy elem özgördüm
Dalaydı baştan ötkördüm.
Caş keziñde oynop al
Calınsañ kelbeyt ötkön kün.
I was a red rose, I’ve changed,
I underwent so many things.
Dance and make merry in time,
However you scream, no past day will return.
I was a green rose, I’ve changed,
All sorts of things happened to me.
Have a good time while you’re young,
However you may beg, no past day will return.
Ey kaykısı biyik Muz-Tördün
Kayıp (bir) uçkan kuş kördüm.
Kayrattuu kelin men elem
Kaynene bolup özgördüm.
Ey çokusu biyik Muz-Tördün
Çogulup uçkan kuş kördüm.
Çoyulgan kelin men elem
Çoñ ene bolup özgördüm.
Ey, in the Muz-Tör with the high pass
I saw a lost and lonely bird.
I was a hardworking young woman,
I became a mother-in-law, I’ve changed.
Ey, in the Muz-Tör with the high summit
I saw birds flying in flocks.
I used to be a proud young woman,
I became a grandmother, I’ve changed.
Kara kürmö şayı kiyip
Boylogula kızdar ay.
Kadır-köñül bar çakta
Oynogula kızdar ay.
Oynoy albay, külö albay
Oyun barkın bile albay
Kayran caştı ötkörüp
Koybogula kızdar ay.
Caftans made of black silk fabric
Are worn by lassies of various build.
There’s desire, there is the heart,
Just have the flair for playing, lassies, oh!
Those who don’t play or laugh
Have no idea what playing is good for.
They waste their beautiful youth,
Beware you’ll be sorry one day, lassies, oh!
Sen kızıl gül caynagan
Men bulbul bakta sayragan.
Sen bir panar men panar
Carıgıñ gana öçsö
Caylanam, caylanam, caylanam?
Açılgan gülgö cetsembi
Aşıktıgım bekerbi?
Açılgan gülgö cete albay
Armanda kalıp ötüp
Ketembi, ketembi, ketembi?
You are a blooming red rose,
I’m a thrush singing in the tree.
You are a lantern, I am one, too,
If your light goes out,
What shall I do, what shall I do?
Shall I hurry to the blooming rose?
Is my love all in vain?
If I can’t reach the blooming rose,
Will I die amidst torments,
Will I die?
Ak kuba bolgon tügöngür
Añgeme aytıp külgöndür.
Aşıgım kayda ketti dep
(Oşo) aylasın tappay cürgöndür.
Kıpkızıl bolgon tügöngür
Kılçaktap basıp külgöndür.
Kızıktuum kayda ketti dep
(Oşo) kıynoonu tartıp cürgöndür.
My darling with the snow-white cheeks
Spoke ill of me and laughed.
Where did my darling go? she asked,
She left in anguish.
My darling with the red cheeks
Is looking for me laughing.
Where’s my merry darling? she asked,
She left in sorrow.
Say sagızgan sayda eken
San cılkı kalhoz bayda eken.
Sagınsam közgö körünböy
Oy, sanaalaş carım kayda eken?
Oy, sanaalaş carım kayda eken?
Kök kögüçkön köldö eken.
Köp cılkı kalhoz bayda eken.
Körünböy közgö elesiñ
Ay, köp cılkı kalhoz kayda eken?
Ay, köp cılkı kalhoz kayda eken?
The water magpie walks in water,
The kolkhoz had lots of studs.
However much I yearn for him, he can’t be seen,
Where is my yearned-for sweetheart?
Where is my yearned-for sweetheart?
The blue bird walks in the lake,
The kolkhoz had lots of studs.
It can’t be seen, it’s lost in the mists
Where’s the kolkhoz with the studs?
Where’s the kolkhoz with the studs?
Aldey, balam, aldey
El cayloodon tüşö elek.
Arpa talkan bışa elek.
Aldey, aldey, aldey
Aldey, balam, aldey
Sleep, my baby, sleep,
They haven’t returned from the summer pasture.
The barley and roast wheat isn’t cooked yet.
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
Sleep, my baby, sleep!
Kunan koydun kuyruğun
Bulamık kılıp bereyin.
Aldey, balam, aldey
Iylabaçı sadagañ.
El cayloodon tüşö elek
Atañ toogo ketti ele.
Kancıgası tolgon et kelet.
Aldey, aldey, aldey
Iylabaçı balam.
I cook soup for you
From the three-year-old lamb’s tail,
Sleep, my child, sleep,
Don’t cry, my little one!
They haven’t returned from the summer pasture.
Your father’s gone to the mountain,
He’ll bring meat tied to his saddle.
Sleep, baby, sleep
Don’t cry my little one!
Ak köynök kiysem ceñi tar
Ceñ uçunda katı bar.
Katın alıp okusam
Menin alganımdın atı bar.
*Kök köynök kiysem ceñi tar
Mına ceñ uçunda katı bar.
Katın (bir) alıp okusam
(Tetigi) baldarımdın atı bar….
If I don a white dress, the sleeves will be tight,
There’s a letter hidden in one.
If I read the letter,
I will get to know my suitor’s name.
If I don a blue dress, the sleeves will be tight,
There’s a letter hidden in one.
If I read the letter,
I will get to know my children’s names.
Salamdan baştaym ırımdı
Anıktap sizge sırımdı.
Calpı caşka tarıhım
(Mobu) bolsun dep cazdım bul ırdı.
Asel, sagınsam da men muñduu
Cetsin dep sunam kolumdu.
Ketpeysiñ menin esimden
(Mobu) suusar bir kaltar borumduu.
Let me start my verse with greeting,
Let me tell my secret.
I want to let all young people know
My story, that’s why I wrote my verse.
Asel, missing you makes me sad,
I’ve had enough, I open my arms,
I can’t forget you,
Your sable-like figure.
Almaluu bakta men cüröm,
Almasın terip cep cüröm.
Alma (bir) tergen kızdardı
Ala kaçsam dep cüröm.
Cüzüm (bir) bakta men cüröm,
Cüzümün terip cep cüröm.
Cüzüm (bir) tergen kızdardı
Culmalasam dep cüröm.
I walk in an apple orchard,
I pick apples and eat them.
I’d like to catch and kidnap
Lassies picking apples.
I walk in a grape yard.
I pick grapes and eat them.
I’d take delight in teasing
Lassies picking grapes.
Argımakka at koşkon
Ar cakşı menen baş koşkon.
Toburçakka at koşkon (koyçu)
Top çakşı menen baş koşkon.
He gave a horse for a horse,
He made friends with all pleasant people.
He gave a horse for …
He made friends with all good people.
Ak boz attın takası
Ak irim köldün cakası.
Aytmayınça cazılbayt (oo çirkin)
Azırkı caştın kapası.
Azırkı caştın kapası.
Kök boz attın takası
Kök irim köldün cakası.
Körmöyünçö cazılbayt (oo çirkin)
Köpçülüktün kapası.
Köpçülüktün kapası.
The shoe of a grayish white horse –
The shore of a whirling wide pond.
If they can’t talk out their trouble
Today’s youth won’t get rid of it.
Again again again,
They can’t get rid of it.
The shoe of a greyish white horse –
The shore of a whirling wide pond.
Without taking note of them,
People’s troubles can’t be erased,
Again again again
Many people’s troubles.
Külsöñ bir külküñ kül azık
Külküñö tuugan men aşık.
Caşagan cakşı turbaybı
Cakşıga cakşı canaşıp.
Kete elekmin ulgayıp
Karap bir koyçu, külüp bir koyçu cılmayıp.
When you laugh, your laughter feeds me,
I am enamoured with your laughter.
Life is so beautiful
When good ones keep together.
Not yet reaching old age,
Just look at me, just laugh and smile!
Balkıp (bir) denem süyünöt
(Ce) baldarga boldum men ene.
Conumdu tosup kötörgöm
Cokçuluk değen nemege.
Baktıma menin buyurup
(Ce) baldardı berdi Kudayım.
Baldardı cakşı çoñoytup
Körsöm (bir) dedim ubayın.
My heart feels relieved
I became mother to my children.
I took it on my back and carried
Poverty and misery.
I resigned myself to my fate,
Allah granted me children,
I brought them up for the true path,
I can now see your blessing.
Ak kuuga salıp caydım tor
Caraşat senin ceriñ zor.
Kıdırıp kelsem tabılbas, tabılbas,
tabılbas, tabılbas
Kımbatım kırgız aman bol.
Kan cügürgön (de) tamırday
Tatınakay asfalt col.
Örkündöy bersin talantıñ, talantıñ,
talantıñ, talantıñ
Taalayım kırgız aman bol.
I lured the swan into the net,
Similarly to your difficult plight.
No matter where I am, valuable
Kyrgyz people, be in good health!
Like blood running in the veins,
How nice this tarred road is!
May your values multiply,
Kyrgyz people, be in good health!
Ular (bir) baktım tötölöp
Uuldu baktım böpölöp.
Urmatın körör bekembiz,
Uuldun uulun cetelep.
I tamed a wild mountain turkey,
I looked at my son, I reared him.
Shall we live to see, my son,
Your son bring his son to pay tribute?
Kızdardı baktım böpölöp
Kırgıyek baktım tötölöp.
Kızmatın körör bekembiz,
Kızdardın kızın cetelep?
I wondered at the lassies with affections,
I looked at Kirgiyek, I tamed her.
Shall we live to see her serve us,
Her daughter taking her daughter for a walk?
Kırgızdın kımbat tamagı
Kımızga suusun kanabı?
Kızmatın körör beken dep
Kıynalıp baktık balanı?
Ardaktuu kırgız tamagı
Ayranga suusun kanabı?
Akılduu bolor beken dep (biz)
Aldeylep baktık balanı?
Precious food of Kyrgyz people,
Can we ever give up drinking kumiss?
I wonder if our child reared with toil
Will be of great help to us?
Precious Kyrgyz food,
Can we ever give up drinking ayran?
Will our child reared with love
Be clever enough?
Köçköndü kimder baştagan
İçime calın taştagan.
Çöp-çöptün başın uypalap
Cürögüm başın kuykalap.
Küydüm desem tütün cok,
(Ce) cürögümdö bütün cok.
Cürögümdö bütün cok.
Elibiz köçüp cönödü
Egiz (bir) Toogo cölöndü.
Elesiñdi men körböy
Emgegiñ tartıp ölömbü?
Kalkım köçüp cönödü
Kara (bir) toogo cölöndü.
Kara canım Kalilim
Kaygıñdı tartıp ölömbü?
Who launched this migration
Causing infinite anguish in me?
Smoke covering the plants,
Settling on my heart!
I burnt but no whiff of smoke remained,
Not a single drop remained in my heart,
Not a single drop remained in my heart.
Our people took to the road,
Starting from the İkiz mountain.
Losing your contours from sight,
Dying of sorrow, how can I go on?
My people took to the road,
Starting from the Kara mountain.
The treasure of my heart, my Halil,
I’m dying of yearning after you.
Köl da bolso, köl ceeginde sen bolsoñ
Köl ceeginde kök volgaçan men
Keede salıp, keede salbay volgaga
Tamaşalap taştap ketip oynosom.
Köl da bolso, köl ceeginde sen bolsoñ
Köz kaykıtıp kök volgaçan men
Koyçu, koyçu kaysı birin aytayın
Sen suu çaçıp, men kubalap
If there was a lake and you were on its shore,
I’d be in a blue car near the lake.
Sometimes I’d pick you up, sometimes
I wouldn’t,
I’d keep teasing you like this.
If there was a lake and you’d be on its shore,
And I’d be in a gorgeous blue car.
Hey, which of my dreams should I speak
You’d sprinkle water and I’d chase you.
Keçüü keçseñ murun keç
Kiyin kalsañ col taygak.
Uuru kılsañ, calgız kıl
Eköö bolso biri aygak.
Coloçu barsañ, sak bolgun
Corgoñdu uuru albasın.
Ölüm çirkin tügötöt
Özgöçö candın argasın…
If you want to cross the pass, start soon,
The rest of the path will be slippery.
If you do something wrong, you do it alone,
One of the two is a traitor.
If you go away, be alert,
Let no thief steal your blanket.
Loathsome death devours you,
Makes you impotent.
Ar bir caştın baarında
Cürögündö süyüü bar?
Eki cakka bölünüp
Süyüünün eki türü bar.
Eki cakka bölünüp
Süyüünün eki türü bar.
Birinçisi kişi tübölük
Akırettik dos bolot.
Every young person’s heart
Is full of love
There are two kinds of love
Pointing in two directions.
Those belonging to the first type
Are eternal friends.
The other lasts for a day,
Ends and dissolves in thin air.
Çiy barkıttan körpöçöñ
Çıdabaym seni körbösöm.
Çındıgıña cetermin
Çın acal cetip ölbösöm.
Boz atka salgan kol çider
Boştoçudan kat ciber.
Al katıñdan ne payda
Kadırkeç bolsoñ özüñ kel.
Kadırkeç bolsoñ özüñ kel.
Your saddle cloth is velvet,
I’ll die if I can’t see you.
I’ll get to know the truth,
Whether my last hour has struck.
The grey horse is tethered,
Send a letter with the postman.
What’s the use of the letter,
You’d better come yourself,
Ay, hay,
You’d better come yourself.
Barmagım sınıp kayrıldım
Balapan boydon ayrıldım.
Eki birdey çıraktan
Bir zamatta ayrıldım.
Söömöyüm sınıp kayrıldım.
Köz ilinip açkıca
Eki birdey çıraktan
Bir zamatta ayrıldım.
I had much trouble with my broken finger,
I was separated early from my children.
I was thus deprived
Of my two apples of my eye.
I broke my index finger, it hurt,
During my wakefulness
I was suddenly deprived
Of my two fair children.
Adırdagı altı ırgay
Altı ırgaydı men kıybay
Aldı aldınan karasam
Altı tülök kırgıyday.
Six shrubs on the mountain top,
I won’t tread on the six shrubs,
While I’m looking up from under,
He is like the mottled falcon dropping its feathers six times.
Şır, şır şır eken,
Şırılkandın ırı eken.
Saktaganı sarı may,
Katkanı cupka.
Shoo, shoo, shoo it was.
It was Širilkan’s song.
He hid yellow butter,
He hid strudel dough.
Altay cayda
Şırıldañdın küçü eken.
Küçü bolso müçö eken.
Şırıldañdı aytkan
Ar bir adam işi eken.
For six summer months
The horse-herder’s song had its power.
When it had, it shared out its wealth.
To sing the horse-herder’s song
Is the duty of us all.
Toguz ay boyu kötörüp
Tolgonup kündü ötkörüp.
Tüyşüktü tartıp muñayıp men,
Tün uykumdu tört bölüp.
I carried you in my tummy for nine months,
I lived through strenuous days.
I overcame anxieties,
Sleepless for many a night.
Ak buluttun arası
Kızım ataktuu cerdin balası.
Dataluu küngö tuş bolgon
Kızım baktıluu bala karaçı.
Ak tubar şayı capkanbız
Kızımdı ay tiygizbey bakkanbız.
Kök tubar şayı capkanbız
Kızımdı kölökö cerge bakkanbız.
From among white clouds,
From a noble house is my daughter.
We’ve woken up to see a great day,
Look how I’m saying farewell to her.
We erected a white silk tent,
To protect my daughter from the sun.
We erected a blue silk tent,
To rear my daughter in a sheltered place.
Toktolboy akın tilim tolkup sayra
*Tolgonup tolkun ömür kelbeyt kayra.
Tüyülgön cürögümdö tereñ sır bar
Tüyünün çeçe turgan teñtuş kayda?
Dagı biröö sırtı suluu, içi dülöy
Bürkölsö tuman baskan aysız tündöy.
Buyurup taalayına kez boluşsa
Boşko kaytat kayran ömür soolgon güldöy.
Flood out my verse uncontrolled,
Life’s surging, never returning.
My heart hides a deep secret,
Which of my friends could pry it open?
A handsome hull, with an empty core,
His voice turns into dark mist.
If destiny should bind me to such a mate,
I would live in vain, like a wilted rose.
Salkın cayloo Çoñ-Cargılçak arası
Sap-sap bolot başka-başka salaası.
Adamzattın açıp köönün sergitken
Atır okşoyt eñ bir taza abası.
Ak möñgüdön suular agıp toktogon
Ar cerinde altın bulak köldörü.
Kölün boylop kök şiberin capırıp,
Ösüp atat malıbızdın töldörü.
The cool summer pasture of Čoŋ-J̌argılčak,
All its nooks and corners are of unmatched beauty.
Refreshing, reviving, exhilerating
Is its cool air rich in ozone.
Molten from the white glacier
Its springs nurture its lakes all over.
On the lake shores lawn, green pasture
Feed our multiplying flocks.
Öçpöy turgan kasiyeti bar bolso
Cürök kandan boyok kılıp köröyün.
Közdün nuru kerek bolso ayta koy
Karegimden çaçıratıp bereyin.
Ce güldördön casaysınbı külgündöp
Tıyan-Şandın sansız gülün tereyin.
You say her uniqueness is eternal,
I’ll give my heart’s blood for paint.
I’ll add the lustre of my eyes if needed,
Just tell me that I should emit my light.
But if you want to decorate her with flowers,
I’ll gather all the flowers of the Tien-Šan.
Sagat törttön otuz münöt ötköndö
Baykasam men Süydümgö kelgenmin.
İliktirler cım-cım etip cagılgan
Kazarmadan saldat çıgıp cabılgan.
Tırıbok menen turgan eken saldattar
Rota menen ötüp turdu canımdan.
Mañdayında küyüp turat eki şam
Asmanga uçat ayagınan çıkkan çañ.
It was four thirty
If I remember well, when I got to Süydöm
The lights were on,
Troops started out of the barracks.
Soldiers all in arms
Passed me in groups.
Two torches shone across from me,
The feet stirred a cloud of dust.
Ay nuru cerge tögüldü
İniler aççı köñüldü.
Ardaktap cürüp ötkülö (al)
Aldıda turgan ömürdü.
Kün nuru cerge tögüldü
Ceñeler aççı köñüldü.
Güldöp (dele) cürüp ötkülö (al)
Gülgündöy caştık ömürdü….
Moonlight has flooded the earth,
Let us, brothers, raise our spirits.
May you live the rest of your lives
Aware of life’s value!
Sunlight has flooded the earth
Le tus, young wives, raise our spirits.
May your youth of rosy beauty
Be spent laughing and dancing!
Sarı-Oydun salkın toosunan
Sagızgan uçat zoosunan.
Sanaaga saldıñ kanteyin?
Kanteyin, körö albay koydum
Kök-Oydun körköm toosunan
Kögüçkön uçat zoosunan.
Köp oygo saldıñ kanteyin?
Kanteyin, körö albay koydum
From the rock of the cool mountain
Of Sarı Oy a magpie’s flying off.
You’ve saddened me, what can I do?
What shall I do, I haven’t seen you.
From the rock of the gorgeous mountain
Of Kök-Oy a pigeon’s flying off.
You’ve plunged me into grief, what can I do?
What shall I do, I haven’t seen you.
Caydın bir gana toluk kezinde,
Adırluu toonun betinde,
San güldön tandap birdi üzgön
Caydarı gana selki esimde.
İ-i-i-iy, i-i-iy esimde.
Esimde baarı andagı,
Agarıp atkan tañ dagı.
Özüñdöy bolso azırkı
Caştardın süyüp alganı.
In summer, around its middle,
On top of a hilly mountain.
A merry lass comes to my mind,
She was picking mottled flowers.
Ay-hoy, comes to my mind.
I remember that time clearly,
Even the first glimmer of dawn.
I wish the beloved spouses of today’s young
Would resemble you, too!
Aldey, aldey ak böpöm
Ak beşikke cat böpöm.
Ata-eneñdi kıynaba
Ötö katuu ıylaba.
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in the white cradle, baby,
Don’t disturb your mum and dad
Howling and squalling.
Aldey, aldey, ak beşik
Ak beşikke cat, beşik
Apañ işten kaytkança
Balam, uykudasıñ, cat, beşik.
Sleep, sleep, white cradle,
In a white cradle, lie [in] a cradle,
When your mum returns from work
You’ll be asleep, baby, lie [in] a cradle.
Sarı, sarı sal, bilek
Sarı mayga mal, bilek
Kunan koydu soy, bilek
Balam, kuyruğuna toy, bilek.
Blond, blond, start, my baby,
Dip it into yellow butter, baby,
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby,
Eat your fill on its tail, baby!
Cayloodun toluk ubagı
Caykalgan şiber tulañı.
Güldögön bette cayılgan
Gülcandın kozu ulagı.
Mingeniñ tulpar torudan
Kiygeniñ cibek sonundan.
Kaytarganıñ koy-eçki
(Emese), Kalbanın biyik boorunan.
In the nice time of the summer pasture
Its grass is swaying.
In its meadows full of flowers
Gülǰan’s lamb and kid are grazing.
Your mount is a noble steed,
Your costume is beautiful silk,
You are tending sheep and goats
Among the high mountains of Kalba.
Ayırbay da közdü irimden
Çabaktı ele tikteym kiringen.
Karmaymın a seni akırın
Karmaymın a miñdin birinen.
I can’t take my eyes off, I’m watching
The fish playing in the whirlpool.
I’m going to fish you out carefully,
I’m going to catch you from among a
thousand and one.
Bilegiñ cazdap moynuña
Birge da catsam koynuña.
Sürböğön tañdın erkibi
(Degi) Süylöşsök arkı berkini.
Eşke bir çıksam erigem
Üygö bir kirsem zerigem.
Cürögüm süygön bozoygo
Men kaysıl künü kezigem?
Twining my arms around your neck
I wish I could lie in your lap.
Until the day breaks at dawn
We would talk and talk.
When I go out, I get bored,
At home I’m in despair.
When will I find a lad
I can love with all my heart?
Attanıp çıksam columdan
Tiysen (bir) menin koluma.
Iraazımın Allaga
Basıp (bir) catsam booruma.
Kaltar (bir) tülkü sen bolsoñ
Karala barçın men bolsom.
Adırdı aşıp sen barsañ da
Aldıñdan tosup men konsom.
I set off on horseback,
I wish I could get hold of you!
I shall accept God’s will,
If I can rest my head on your bosom.
You’d be the black fox,
I’d be the pied eagle.
You’d come from over the mountains,
So we could meet halfways.
Kümüştü kümüş asırabaybı?
Kümüştön türlü buyum casalbaybı?
Isn’t silver nurtured by silver?
Aren’t all sorts of things made from silver?
Kümüştöy össö keliniñ, uuluñ
Bul kaynene, kaynata
Kününö caşarbaybı?
Ayına caşarbaybı?
When lasses, lads grow to be silvery,
Don’t their mothers- and fathers-in-law
Get younger day by day,
Get younger month by month?
Elibiz caylayt köçmöndüü
El caktırbayt köpköndü.
Kalkıbız caylayt köçmöndüü
Kalk caktırbayt köpköndü.
Kantkende esten çıgaram
Keçee kan tögülgön kündördü?
Kara-Balta Üç-Kayıñ
Çöp çıgat say sayın.
Our village’s a flourishing nomadic place,
Our village doesn’t like those who are proud.
Our people are flourishing nomads
Our people don’t like those who are proud.
How could I forget
The bloodshed of yesterday?
Kara Balta, Üč –Kayin
Green grass is growing in the river bed.
Cagalmayday kaykıp uçup bara albay,
Caş cürökkö cagarların taba albay
Eç bolboso sen konuuçu tokoygo,
Canım seket caya albadım torumdu.
Mınça nege tülkü kuumay oynottuñ
Aytçı degi anık bele süygönüñ….
Like the gliding flight of the falcon,
Not finding repose in a youthful heart,
I wish you’d settle in the forest,
Darling, my dear, I haven’t been able to stretch my net yet.
Why have you confused me so much,
Tell me: did you love me truly?
Kızımdın kökülünö kök monçok takkanbız
Kölökö cerge bakkanbız.
Saamayına monçok takkanbız
Kızımdı salkın (bir) cerge bakkanbız.
Kızımdı karçıga kuştay taptap al
Kızımdı cakşı bir kılıp barktap al.
Kızımdı ak uçuk berdim saptap al
Ak şumkar berdim taptap al.
We threaded pearls in my daughter’s bang,
We reared her in shady sheltered places.
We threaded pearls in her locks and tress,
We reared my daughter in cool places.
You train my daughter like a falcon,
You know my daughter very well.
I’ve given you white yarn, you thread it in the needle,
I’ve given you a white falcon, you train it.
Ak sandıktan but ketti
Ay, kızıke, uşul (bir) üydön kut ketti.
Kök sandıktan but ketti
Kızıke, sen küyöögö ketkende
Uşul üydön kut ketti.
Cayloonun başı teptegiz
Cayloogo bakkan mal semiz.
Caş kezüñde oynop kül
Canım, calbarsañ kelbeyt on segiz.
Köykölüp catkan kök şiber.
A leg of your white chest’s broken.
Your wedded daughter moved out of that house.
One leg of your blue chest’s broken,
Your wedded daughter moved to her groom.
The blessing moved out of this house.
Flat is the top of a summer pasture,
The livestock’s fat on the summer pasture,
Dance and laugh when you are young.
My dear, no use begging, you won’t be eighteen again.
The meadow’s green, the grass is sprouting,
Köynökçön catsañ et küyör.
Köp ele ısık bolboylu
Körüşpöy ketsek iç küyör,
Körüşpöy ketsek iç küyör.
If you lie out in a shirt, you’ll be roasted.
Let’s not be too close to each other,
If we don’t meet, we’ll burn out inside.
If we don’t meet, we’ll burn out inside.
Aldey, aldey, aldey, ak böbök
Ak beşikke, ak beşikke cat, böbök.
Apañ işten kelgençe,
Apañ işten kelgençe,
Uyku daamın tat, böbök.
Tat böbök, tat böbök!
Iylaba, ıylaba
Aldey ay, aldey ay
Ata-eneñdi kıynaba, kıynaba.
Aldey ay, aldey ay,
Ata-eneñdi kıynaba.
Sleep, sleeep, sleeep, white babe,
Lie in a white crib, white cradle, babe!
Till your mother gets home,
Till your mother gets home
Have a good night’s sleep, babe.
Softly, baby, softly, babe!
Don’t cry, don’t cry,
Sleep, ay, sleep ay,
Don’t make it hard for your paternal granny.
Sleep, ay, sleep ay,
Don’t make it hard for your paternal granny!
Soñ-Köldün başı tal menen
Soodager ötöt mal menen.
Solkuldap ıylap baratam
(Men) soolugan Cantay çal menen.
Keñ-Koldun başı tal menen
Kerbender ötöt mal menen.
Keyişte ketip baratam
(Men) kemşeygen Cantay çal menen.
The magistrate of Son-Köl with a coffin,
Merchants with caravans.
I am weeping in loud sobs
Wilted ǰantay has grown stupid.
The magistrate of Ken-Kol with a coffin,
Caravans with merchandise.
I am going, weeping bitterly
Old ǰantay has grown stupid.
Kırgızdın toosu Tiyan-Şan
Ar cagın tegiz gül çalgan.
Oşo bir güldöy güldösök
Eki caşta ne arman!
Bir tursam sen dedim
Başkaga köñül berbedim.
Balalık kılıp ketpeçi,
Balapan kuştay ermeğim!
Tien Šan is the mountain of the Kyrgyz people,
All its sides are covered with flowers.
Let’s blossom out like they do,
How lucky we are, two young people!
I’ve always dreamed of you,
I never took note of anyone else.
Don’t be silly, do not leave,
My only one, my nestling!
Tektirge çıkkan buudaydı
Teñseltip şamal ırgaydı.
Degele canga bir ölüm
Teñtuştar oynop cırgaylı.
The wheat has shot up high,
It’s swaying with the wind.
Death catches everything that lives,
My friends, let’s keep making merry!
Kurbuga çıkkan buudaydı
Kulpuntup şamal ırgaydı.
Kuuragan canga bir ölüm
Kurdaştar oynop cırgaylı!
Wheat that’s shot up from a small clog
Is swaying with the wind.
The poor people are caught by death,
My fellows, let’s keep making merry!
Aldey, aldey ak böpöm,
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Eneñ işten kelgençe
Uyku daamın tat, böpöm.
Sleep, sleep, my innocent babe,
Lie in a white cradle, my babe.
Until mummy returns from work,
Sleep nicely, my little babe.
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm,
Ak beşikke cat böpöm.
Aldey, balam, uktaçı,
Enekeñdi kıynabay.
Aldey, balam, ıylaba,
Enekeñdi kıynaba.
Sleep, sleep, my innocent babe,
Lie in a white cradle, my babe.
Sleep, baby, sleep!
Don’t exhaust your mummy.
Sleep, my baby, sleep,
Don’t exhaust your mummy.
Teñtuşum, Bake, amanbı?
Sizge (go) cazdım salamdı.
Kat cüzünön süylöşüp (iy)
Aytışpadık armandı.
Artta kalgan agayın
Ar cerde tarap sandaldı.
Birden aytıp saga zamanda
Bilesiñ (oy) kim kaldı (ey)?
My friend Bake, are you well?
I’m sending you my greetings.
Being in touch only through letters
I couldn’t tell you about my trouble.
My kinfolk I left behind
Got scattered and exiled.
Could you tell me sometime
Who of my acquaintances are still alive?
Serkenin mayın aşadım
Seksenge çıga caşadım
Toktunun mayın aşadım
Toksongo çıga caşadım.
Naarazı bolboym calganga
Nasibim kalsın baldarga.
Iraazı bolom calganga
Irısım kalsın baldarga.
I have eaten goat fat,
I lived for eighty years.
I’ve eaten yearling fat,
I lived for ninety years.
I bear no grudge against this false world,
Let the children also have my share.
I accept this false world as it is,
Let the children have my nourishment!
Sal, sal, sal, bilek
Sarı mayga mal, bilek…
*Kunan koydu soy, bilek
Kuyruguna toy, bilek.
Come on, come on, baby!
Sink it into yellow butter, baby!
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby!
Eat your fill of its tail, baby!
Ubagım ötüp ketkenin,
(Al) oylonboy cürgön ekemin.
Ubagım kayda dep cürsöm
(Al) uulga bergen ekemin.
It takes me unawares
That time has slipped away,
When I ask where it’s gone,
Verily, I’ve given it to my son.
Kezegim ötüp ketkenin,
Men keyibey cürgön ekemin.
Kezegim kayda dep cürsöm
Kelinge bergen ekemin.
It was already my turn earlier,
But I failed to notice it.
I’ve given it to my daughter-in-law,
And I didn’t even notice it.
Kıl akkanday kıyalap
Cılkı aydap ışkırıp, tak.
Kıya cerge kargaday
Sen da aldıñ ışkırıp, tak.
Koyçulardın koñur küü
Koşup aytıp salkındap.
Cılkıçının ırı eken
Şır-şır-şır-şır şıñıldak, tak.
Ay, ay, ay kelin, oy, oy, oy kelin.
Like a feather’s circling down from the
Horses are driven down with a whistle,
Like a crow waiting in the crevice,
You also whistled, gee-ho!
It was the shepherds’ song,
Improvised in a cool place.
It was the horse wranglers’ song,
Trallala, trallala, horse wranglers’ song,
Kezigip cıldardın bir cıldarında,
Kayırsız aylardın bir aylarında.
Kaydadır alıp ketip caştıgımdı,
Karılık tuzağına bayladıñ da.
We met in some of the years,
In one of the unblessed months.
You snatched away my youth
You trapped me in old age.
Ulam, ulam ukkum kelet sözüñdü
Uulcanday baldan şirin sözüñdü.
Ubarañdı tartıp cüröm ne kılam?
Ubayımga saldıñ menin özümdü.
Kayra, kayra körgüm kelet özüñdü
Karagattay cangan kara közüñdü.
Kaysı künü koldon karmap aytamın
Cürögümdö bek saktalgan sözümdü.
I want to hear your voice again and again,
Your honey-sweet words finer than herbs.
You are the cause of my suffering, what shall I do?
You have abandoned me.
I keep yearning to see
Your olive black eyes, alas!
When will the day come when taking your hand in mine
I can tell you the word hidden in my heart?
Adamga azkenekey ömür bergen
Düynögö men namıska askım kelgen.
Caşoodo cantalaşıp dalbas urup
Bir künü cay tababız kara cerden.
Düynödö bügün caşaym, ömür süröm
Kim bilet erteñkisin nak iş kümön.
Oydo cok oynop-külüp turgan kezde
Şum acal alıp keter katıp cügön.
Man’s granted a brief span of life
To live in this world decently.
While running after a bit more life,
We all find our place in the black earth.
Today I’m still here, I’m alive,
But who knows what will be tomorrow,
In the midst of gaiety the breath gets lost,
Fate comes and takes you in its boat.
Aşuusun aşıp Kemindin
Kileygen gana (bir) töştü kemirdim.
San üydün da için da karalap men
O koyçu,
Suluusun gana taptım kelindin.
E-i-iy, i-iy, i-iy…
Crossing the mountains of Kemin
I would’ve eaten its huge breast.
I’d looked into numberless houses,
Oh shepherd,
When I found the most beautiful woman.
Kat cazdım cön men koydum kol,
Barar (bir) ceriñ Aydıñ-Köl,
Ölbösöm kayta kelermin,
Kaygırba canım aman bol.
Kaygırgan menen ayla cok
Kaygırgan bizdey kayda cok.
Kükük bir menen zeyneptey
Ayrılgan bizdey kayda cok.
I’ve written a letter, I signed it,
You went to Aydin-Köl,
Unless I die, I will return,
Don’t brood, my dear, stay in good health!
However I brood, there is no remedy,
There are sad people like us everywhere,
Like the cuckoo, like the zeynep bird,
People part with their loves everywhere.
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm!
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Kagılayın karaldım
Kunan koydu soy, böpöm.
Kuyruguna toy, böpöm.
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm!
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in a white cradle baby!
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in a white cradle baby!
Don’t make me sad, darling,
Kill a three-year-old lamb, baby,
Eat your fill of its tail, baby!
Sleep, sleep, my white baby!
Karargan toonun eteği
Kayrılıp tuman ketebi?
Karaanıñdan Altınay
Kakşasam ünüm cetebi?
Kızargan toonun eteği
Kızarıp tuman ketebi?
Kılıgıñdan Altınay
Kakşasam ünüm cetebi?
Will the smoke wrapping the side
Of the black mountain vanish?
My supporter, Altinay,
Will my calling voice reach you?
Will the smoke covering the side
Of the Red mountain vanish?
Will you hear it, Altinay,
When your behavior makes me cry?
Cagalmay ötkön darakka
Cagalmay cemin ilbeybi?
Candatıp aytkan bir sözdü
Caş adam özü bilbeybi?
A grey hawk has lighted on the branch,
Won’t the grey hawk breach its vow?
Can’t a young man understand
What is merely hinted at?
Bazarbaydın Tölögön
Mingen atı Kökdödön.
Seksen cigit koşko alıp
Beş cigiti boş kalıp,
Ak-Cayık közdöy cönögön.
Bazarbay’s son is Törlögön
His mount is Kökdödön.
He took eighty warriors with him,
Leaving five lads behind,
He started for Ak-ǰayik.
Arpanın başı Korgon-Taş
Ayagınan kel Otoo-Taş
Ay sayın cırgap cürüügö
Arak bir içpey bolgon mas.
Ayıl go senin tamaşañ
Artıkça cırgal oñgon caş.
Bel Kara-Suuñ, Ak-Beyit
Bek sanaymın köp keyip.
The barley sprouts in Korgon-Taš (month)
It ripens in the month of Otoo-Taš.
We had a good time in every month,
Intoxicated without alcohol.
In the plain your amusement
Is the time of your beautiful youth.
Bel Kara-Suu, Ak Beyit
I remember you with longing.
Atalap balañ ıylasa
Ar kanday sözgö kıynasa.
Akılduu bolup çoñoyup
Atasın bala sıylasa.
Enelep balañ ıylasa
Ebi cok cerden kıynasa.
Estüü bolup çoñoyup
Enesin bala sıylasa.
Father! If your child cries like this to you,
If he makes you utter all kinds of words,
Bring him up to be clever,
To respect his father.
Mother! If your child cries like this,
If he makes you do thing you wouldn’t do,
Teach him to show compassion,
To respect his mother.
Erkelikke cetkirbey
Malga sattı oy-day.
Köz caşıma karabay
Çalga sattı oy-day.
He ignored my finicking,
He sold me off, alas oh,
He ignored my sobs and tears,
He married me off to an old man, oh!
Aldey, aldey, aldey, böpöm
Apañ ketti cumuşka.
Apañ kelgençe iylabagın
Aldey böpöm, aldey böpöm.
Sleep, sleep, sleep my babe,
Your mother’s gone to work,
Don’t cry till your mother comes home.
Sleep, baby, sleep, my babe.
Men elime cazdım salamdı
Eñsegen elim da amanbı?
Egem Taala buyurup men
(Men) elime esen barambı?
El içine cazayın momintip,
Mendegi bolgon kabardı.
Elimde birge oynogon
Teñtuşka aytam salamdı.
I’ve sent my greetings to my people,
Are you in good health, my longed-for people?
If the Almighty God should order it,
How shall I write to my people?
I would then write down
The news that is about me.
May I greet my peers
Who used to play with me at home!
Kılımdan kılım eskerip,
Kırgızdın kıraan şerlerin.
Ar dayım esten çıgarbayt
Altın çöyçök At-Başım
Ak kalpak kırgız elderin.
Many generations won’t forget
The most valiant Kyrgyz champions,
There is no way to forget
At-Baši which is like a golden cup,
The Kyrgyz people with the white hat.
Caraşpaybı maktasam
Malga cayluu cer bolgon?
Baarı sonun kelişken
Irıskısı çuburgan,
Intımaktuu kırgız el.
Isn’t it proper to praise
My land abounding in animals?
All are nice to look at,
All have an abundance of food,
The Kyrgyz people are flexible.
Agarıp sakal çaç kaldı,
Akılım ketip baş kaldı.
Ardaktap sıylay turgula
Azıraak ömür caş kaldı.
Azıraak ömür caş kaldı.
Bulbulday mukam ündü aldı
Buldurap kızıl til kaldı.
Buşayman kılbay sıylay tur, baldar,
Bolcolubuz az kaldı.
Bolcolubuz az kaldı.
Kur ele kayrat söz kaldı,
Kubatı ketip köz kaldı.
Kadırlap sıylay turgula, baldar,
Kamgaktay uşçu caş kaldı.
Kamgaktay uşçu caş kaldı.
Muun oorup, aksap but kaldı,
Bulçuñdan kubat küçtü aldı.
Meymandap sıylay turgula
Möönötübüz az kaldı.
Möönötübüz az kaldı.
Eñkeyip alsız bel kaldı,
Eegimden appak tişti aldı.
Es-akıl menen sıylay tur
Ebelek çöptöy caş kaldı.
Ebelek çöptöy caş kaldı.
Karuusu ketip kol kaldı,
Kargıldanıp ün kaldı.
Kabatır kılbay sıylay tur
Kaytuuçu colgo az kaldı.
Kabatır kılbay sıylay tur baldar,
Kaytuuçu colgo az kaldı.
Cetimiş aşıp caş bardı,
Birge öskön kurbum az kaldı.
Cakşılap kuştay turgula, baldar,
Caşoonun çegi az kaldı.
I still have my grey beard and hair,
I still have my brainless head.
Don’t stop respecting me,
I still have a little life left.
I still have a little life left.
My lark’s voice is gone,
My tongue is made unintelligible.
You may safely show respect,
I have probably little time left,
I have probably little time left.
I still have a few empty words,
I have my poor eyesight left.
Respect me, children, with dignity,
I have a plant-like life left,
I have a plant-like life left.
I still have legs with hurting joints,
I have muscles whose strength is gone.
Give me a treat, children,
We have little time left,
We have little time left.
I have a waist that hardly bends,
My mouth is suddenly without teeth.
Show me reasonable respect,
I have years like dry leaves left!
I have years like dry leaves left!
I have my tired, ill arms left,
I have my stuttering voice left,
Respect me, children, without anger,
There’s little left till the return,
Respect me without anger, children,
There’s little left till the return.
My age is over seventy,
There are hardly any of my peers left.
Show respect, children,
I have little left till the end of my life.
Seksendi tayap caş bardı
Teñ öskön kurbum az kaldı.
Sagıntpay kelip turgula, baldar,
Saparım cakın az kaldı.
Ulgaydım köñül burgula
Urmattap sıylay turgula.
Uzak col tartar kez keldi
Uçurap ketip turgula.
Kartaydım köñül burgula
Kadırlap sıylay turgula.
Kayta turgan kez keldi
Kabarlaşıp turgula.
Years going on eighty are left,
Few of my generation are still here,
Don’t make me wait, children, come,
My vehicle is about to start, little is left.
I’ve grown old, listen,
Don’t begrudge me your respect.
I am starting on a long road,
Drop in to see me often.
I’ve grown very old, listen,
Don’t begrudge me your affection.
My hour has struck, children,
Don’t leave me without news!
Kızıl kızıl kozunun
Körpösü elem oyday.
Kız da bolsom bir üydün
Erkesi elem oyday.
Erkelike koybodu
Çalga sattı oyday.
Kalıñ malga kızıgıp
Malga sattı oyday.
Reddish brown little lamb,
I was its wool, ay, hey!
Had I been a maiden,
I’d be finicky, ay-hey!
He didn’t bother about finicking,
He gave me to an old man, ay-hey.
His interest was the money he got for me,
He sold me off, ay-hey.
Koroo başı çoñ koktu
Oylonup cürök köp soktu.
Keçigesiñ kelbeysiñ
Oyuñda takır men cokpu?
Kök-Oydu şamal aydadı
Köñüldü selki bayladı.
Kök-Oydo beken bizdin el
Körünöt beken taş, bagı?
A deep brook’s before the pen,
The heart sinks into sorrow,
You are late, maybe you don’t come,
Or perhaps you’ve forgotten me?
A north wind was blowing in Kök-Oy,
My heart was stolen by a fair lass.
Was Kök-Oy our homeland?
Can you still see its rock, its garden?
Cayloogo çıktım ermekke
Cayloonun gülün termekke.
Cayloonun gülü darı deyt
Ooruluu cürgön cürökkö.
Kıştoogo çıktım ermekke
Kıştoonun gülün termekke.
Kıştoonun gülü darı deyt
Kıynalıp cürgön cürökkö.
I went up the summer pasture to have a good time,
To pick flowers growing on the summer pasture,
Flowers of the summer pasture are remedy
To an aching heart.
I went to the winter camp to have a good time,
To pick the flowers of the winter camp.
The flower of the winter camp is remedy
To a yearning heart.
Altından senin biyalañ
Ay çıgadı kıyadan.
Ayda aylıña baruuga senin
Alganıñdan uyalam.
Kümüştön senin biyalañ
Kün çıgadı kıyadan.
Kündö aylıña baruuga senin
Küyövüñdön uyalam.
Your cup is made of gold,
The moon’s rising behind the mountain.
To go monthly to your village –
I’m afraid of your husband.
Your cup’s made of silver,
The sun’s rising behind the mountain.
To go daily to your village –
I’m afraid of your husband.
Altından söykö tagıp al
Kızımdı ay tiygizbey bagıp al.
Kümüştön söykö tagıp al
Kızımdı kün tiygizbey bagıp al.
Kümüştön söykö tagıp al.
Kızımdı kün tiygizbey bagıp al.
Altından söykö tagıp al
Kızımdı ay tiygizbey bagıp al.
Put ear-rings made of gold in her ears,
Behold my daughter who can’t be touched by the Moon,
Put ear-rings made of silver into her ears,
Behold my daughter who can’t be touched by the Sun.
Put ear-rings made of silver into her ears,
Behold my daughter who can’t be touched by the Sun.
Put ear-rings made of gold in her ears,
Behold my daughter who can’t be touched by the Moon.
Ömürdün ötüp ketkenin
(Al) oylonboy cürgön ekenmin
Ubagım kayda dep cürsöm
(Al) uulga bergen ekemin.
*Kezegim ötüp ketkenin
Men keyibey cürgön ekemin
Kezegim kayda dep cürsöm
Kelinge bergen ekemin.
I didn’t even notice
That life’s come to its end.
If I ask where my life’s gone
Sure enough, I’ve given it to my son.
My turn is long over,
I didn’t even notice it.
If I ask when it is my turn,
Sure enough, I’ve given it to my daughter-in-law.
Soñ-Köldün başı sal menen
Soodager ötöt mal menen.
Solkuldap ıylap baratam
Solugan Cantay çal menen
Solugan Cantay çal menen.
The leader of Son-Köl’s in the coffin,
Merchants are progressing with their goods.
I am going along sobbing
With aged ǰantay,
With aged ǰantay.
Kılçayıp arttı karasam,
Elesteyt közgö bala çak.
Sıymıktanıp kubansak da
Barlıgı bizge caraşat.
If I look back,
I remember my childhood.
We take pride and we rejoice,
This journey suits us.
Kök-Oydu şamal aydadı
Köñüldü selki bayladı.
Kök-Oydo beken bizdin el?
(Degi) körünöt beken taş, bagı?
Sarı-Oydu şamal aydadı
Sanaanı selki bayladı.
Sarı-Oydo beken bizdin el
(Degi) sagınat beken ey taş, bagı.
A north wind was blowing in Kök-Oy,
My heart was stolen by a fair lass.
Was our home in Kök-Oy?
Can its rock, its garden still be seen?
A north wind was blowing in Sari-Oy,
A fair lass has driven me out of my mind.
Was our home indeed in Sari-Oy?
Are we missed by its rock, its garden?
Seyildep barıp suu boylop,
Karmaymın çabak dep oylop.
Baratsam suunun dabışı
Çertkensiyt Tokom küü tolgop.
I started along the river bank
Happily to catch fish.
Suddenly I heard the splashing of water,
As if it were the music of my Toko.
Bir künü tursam keçinde
Tigi Çayektin arkı çetinde.
Poçtoçu kelip kat berdi
Adres bar betinde.
Başkalar menen işim cok
Anda baldarım turgan esimde.
Aça salıp karasam anda,
Ardagım degen söz turat.
One night I was sitting
On the other side of Čayek.
The postman came, bringing a letter,
The sender was on the envelope.
I don’t bother about others,
I’m thinking of my children.
When I opened it,
The salutation was: My darling.
Ak kayıñ tübü batkaktır
Ak maral cünün taştaptır.
Ak maralday kerilgen
Ayaşım oyun baştaptır.
Kök kayıñ tübü batkaktır
Kök maral cünün taştaptır.
Kök maral sınduu kerilgen
Koşunam oyun baştaptır.
The foot of the white poplar is marshy,
The hair of the white stag’s been lost.
With the build of the white stag,
My friend’s spouse started a game.
The foot of the blue poplar is marshy,
The blue stag was losing its hair.
Having the build of a blue stag,
My neighbour started a game.
Al kezde sen da caşsın, men da caşmın
Üy kılıp oynoçu elek taştın astın.
Kez-kezde keñeş kılıp aytar eleñ
Kempiri konoktoyt dep abışkasın.
Kagazga nandı tuurap mayda-mayda,
Okşotup bötölködö suunu çayga,
Çaynektin kapkagına kuyup berip,
İçkin dep aytar eleñ kayra-kayra.
You and I were both young then,
We were building a house of golden pebbles.
Sometimes you would say for fun,
You’d feed your hubby as his wife.
You sliced bread on some paper,
With water in a glass as if it was tea,
You handed it in the lid of the kettle,
Drink! you would say with resolve.
Örgö ele çıksan kaynene
Öbök da bolot al dele.
Barkına cetip iş kılsañ
Cölök da bolot al dele.
Uy saalıp, sütüñ caylanuu,
Nan bışıp, çayıñ kaynaluu.
Bolbogon cerden çır çıgıp
Ketirdiñ dalay aylanı.
When you’re going uphill, your mother-in-law
Will be helpful to you.
If you do your work thoughtfully,
You’ll have her as your supporter.
Your cow will be milked, there’s your milk,
Your bread will be baked, your tea’s ready.
If you don’t quarrel unnecessarily,
You will stop a dispute in time.
Kelişimdüü kelincan
Kem körböymün uulumdan.
Carı bolgon balama
Canday ısık cuurulgan.
Canday ısık cuurulgan.
*Elge ıymanduu kelin bol!
Menin soolgus kölüm bol!
Cumuş kılsam kolum bol!
Saparga çıksam colum bol!
Saparga çıksam colum bol!
My dear daughter-in-law,
You are worthy of my son,
You’ve become my child’s lover,
You’re kneaded from a hot soul,
You are kneaded from a hot soul.
Be a young wife who respects people!
Be my rose that never withers!
Be my hand that does the chores!
When I set out, be my road!
When I set out, be my road!
Sozula tartıp kün çıksa
Soñ-Köldün cayık talaası.
Oylogon oygo cetpese
Sargarat adam balası.
Köl boyunda kaz turat
Köñüldü şaytan azgırat.
Al şaytanga kirişsek
Kimibizdi ant urat?
When the sun rises slowly
Over the wide plain of Soη-Köl
Does a man feel sad
If he can’t achieve his goal?
A goose’s standing on the lakeside,
Satan is inciting my heart.
If we yield to that devil
Whose vow will be hit back?
Abası salkın kölökö.
Sen köñülüñ burbasañ
Men burbaymın bölökkö.
Caydın bir künü şar akkan
Canımdan akkan bulağım.
Caş ekende oynogon
Caş buradar ınagım.
Kıştın künü kök kaşka
Kıyadan akkan bulağım
Kız ekende koşulgan
(Anan) kız buradar ınagım.
*Kulagıñda iymegiñ
Kulpurat senin kiygeniñ
Kuçaktap bir gün çatsam dep
(Anan) kusadar bolup cürömün.
[You are like] Crisp air and shades,
No one can steal your heart,
Nobody else can win it.
In summer time my ample spring
Gurgling by my side.
Whom I got to know in her maidenhood,
My old friend, my darling.
In winter days my fountain
Gushing forth in a paper-dry valley.
My girlfriend, my darling
Whom I got to know in my maidenhood.
Your earrings in your ears,
Your costume is colourful.
If only we could spend a night
Embracing each other.
Kelepten içke bilegiñ
Kelebi kabıl tilegim?
Buta atım cerden burkurayt
Atır cıttuu ilebiñ.
Atır cıttuu ilebiñ.
Your wrist is thinner than a thread,
Will you accept my proposal?
One can smell from afar
Your wonderful fragrance,
Your wonderful fragrance.
A kagılayın karaldım
Altından beşik ırgap öt.
Alganıñ menen cırgap öt.
Kümüştön beşik ırgap öt
Küyövüñ menen cırgap öt.
Sagızganga cem berdim
O kagılayın kulunum
Sagınganda men keldim.
O kagılayın
Atadan kalgan calgızım
Senin azabıñı tartıp
I love you, my dear,
May your rocking crib be of gold.
May you be happy with your spouse,
May your rocking crib be of silver!
May you be happy with your husband!
I’ve given food to the magpie,
She is my precious dear!
I missed her so I’ve come to see her.
I love you, my dear,
You’re the only one your father left behind,
I miss you all the time.
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Iylaba, böpöm, ıylaba,
Apakeñ canın kıynaba.
Atakeñ toygo ketiptir
Çöntögü tolgon et kelet.
Apakeñ toygo ketiptir
Emçegi tolgon süt kelet
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm.
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, baby
Don’t cry, little baby, don’t cry,
Don’t make it hard for your granny!
Your daddy’s gone to a wedding,
He is coming with pocketfuls of meat.
Your mummy’s gone to a wedding,
She is coming with breasts bursting with milk.
Sleep, little one, sleep.
Eskerme cazam ır başı
Esiñe alsan eñ cakşı!
Esiñe albay sen koysoñ
Talaada kalar söz başı.
Balalık ötüp keterin
(Al) baykabay kalgan ekemin
Balalık kezdi ötkörüp
Baş çatıp kalgan kezegim.
I begin the poem from memory,
It’s great if you remember it!
If you don’t remember,
I began it in vain.
I didn’t notice
That my childhood was over.
When it was over,
I regretted it.
Tün menen coyloy baskanda
Tülkülör tüşöt kapkanga.
Tün eken dep er cigit,
Maksatıñdan cazganba.
Hey, the foxes sneaking round at night
Get caught in the trap.
At night, gallant young man,
Do not miss your target!
Tün eken dep er cigit
Maksatıñdan cazganba.
Sen askada too kiyik
Cete albadım zoo biyik.
At night, gallant young man,
Do not miss your target!
You chamois living on the rocks,
I can’t catch up with you, the mountain’s large.
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök,
Apañ toygo ketken.
Emçegi menen süt kelet.
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök,
Atañ toygo ketken,
Kesesi menen bir et kelet.
Sleep, sleep, white baby,
Your mother’s gone to a wedding.
She’s coming with breasts bursting with milk.
Sleep, sleep white baby,
Your father’s gone to a wedding,
He is coming with a sackful of meat.
Kökölöp uçkan ılaaçın
Ilaaçın cayat kulaçın.
Irdabay kantip koyoyun
Kızdarımdın kubançın.
The falcon rising into the skies
Stretches its wings wide.
I cannot help singing loud
The pride I take in my children.
Bekbekey aştı, bel aştı
Beline belboo caraştı.
Saksakay aştı, say aştı
Sanına saadak caraştı
Aldey, aldey, aldey.
Bekbekey went beyond the mountain,
The belt fitted his waist well.
Saksakay went beyond the valley,
The quiver fitted his side well.
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
Ubagım ötüp ketkenin
Men de oylonboy cürgön ekemin.
Ubagım kayda dep cürsöm
Çirkin uulga bergen ekemin.
Kezegim ötüp ketkenin
(Ali) keyibey cürgön ekemin.
Kezegim kayda dep cürsöm
(Men) kelinge bergen ekemin.
My time is over,
I haven’t noticed it.
If I ask where my time is,
Sure enough, I’ve given it to my son.
My turn’s a matter of the past,
I still take no note of it.
When I ask when will it be my turn,
Sure enough, I’ve given it to my daughter-in-law.
Cayloonun köğü caykalgan
(Al) caş kezek öttü suykaygan.
Caş külgönçök baldarga da
Tay ene bolduk balpaygan.
Kıştoonun kögü caykalgan
(Al) kız kesek öttü suykaygan.
Kızgaldaktay kızdarga da
Çoñ ene bolduk balpaygan.
Youth like summer pastures of green grass
Flies off in a jiffy.
I’ve become the grandma
Of kids playing amidst laughter.
Like hay flies in the winter camp of nomads
My fair daughter has flown off.
I’ve become the grandma
Of girls ready to be brides.
Ay nuru cerge tögüldü
Agaylar aççı köñüldü.
Ardaktap cürüp ötölü
Aldıda turgan ömürdü.
Kün nuru cerge tögüldü
Külgündör aççı köñüldü…
Moonlight has flooded the earth,
Brothers, open up your hearts.
Let us truly honour
The life awaiting us.
Sunlight has flooded the earth,
Lassies, open up your hearts.
Ceñse eken, Sovet ceñse eken
Tilekti Kuday berse eken.
Soguşka ketken bir boorum
Aman bir esen kelse eken.
May the Soviets win, may they win
May God fulfill my wish!
May my brother going to war
Return home sane and sound!
Cakşını adam baykaybı?
Camandar adam caykaybı?
Cakşı menen bir cürsöñ
Ölgönçö kumar tarkaybı, tarkaybı?
Ketken bir cagıñ karasam
Köz cetkiz meykin keñ talaa.
Carooker seni samasam
Arılbayt işten köp sana, köp sanaa…
Do you take note of what is good?
Are you consoled by what is evil?
When you take the side of what’s good
Will your passion be fulfilled before you die?
If I look at your road,
Eyes can’t encompass the distance.
My beautiful, thinking of you
Doesn’t soften the desire in my heart.
Üyüñ, üyüñ üy eken
Üyüñ körkü çiy eken.
Your house, your house was a real house,
Its beauty owed to the reed.
Sal, sal, sal, bilek
Sarı mayga toy, bilek.
Kunan koydu soy, bilek,
Kuyruğuna toy, bilek.
Örük beken beşigi
Öböt beken akesi?
Ciyde beken beşiği
Cigit beken akesi?
Move, move, move little babe,
Be full with yellow butter, babe,
Kill a three-year-old animal, babe,
Eat your fill of its tail, babe!
Was his cradle a plum
Did his father kiss him?
Was his cradle an olive,
Was his father a champion?
Şaldır-şuldur şarkıldayt,
Şakek alıp catabı?
Bıçak uçu carkıldayt,
May tomurup catabı?
Kızıl koroz kıykıldap, kırman çaçtı.
Kızıl toru ceñekem sandık açtı.
Sandıgınan köp akça caynay kaçtı.
Sandıgınan berem dep alıp catsa.
It’s clinking merrily,
Is she getting out a ring?
The tip of the jack-knife’s shining,
Is she getting out some butter?
A red cock crowed, scattering corn,
My red-faced aunt opened the chest,
Loads of money scattered from her chest,
Loads of money scattered from her chest.
Assaloomu aleykim, catkan baylar
Koroo tolup köp koyu batkan baylar.
Bu koyuñdu köçköndö kimiñ aydar?
Kul çarığın süyrötüp, kuluñ aydar.
Kara ögüzün kañtarıp taşka baylar
Könöçögü tögülüp şoru kaynar.
Assaloomu aleykim, döötü kalam
Tördö catkan baylarga, berdik salam.
Selamünaleyküm masters in bed,
Masters with penfuls of sheep.
Who drives this flock when migrating?
Dragging their feet servants drive them.
Servants tying the black ox tight to a stone,
They get food in a sheepskin, they suffer a lot.
Selamünaleyküm fountain pen,
We’ve greeted those sitting in the pride of place.
Talaadagı şırıldañ ey
Kuladagı şırıldañ ey.
Şırıldañçı şıykıbız ey
Kaçan kelet uykubuz ey.
Aman bolso cılkıbız ey
Tañda kelet uykubuz ey.
Adır-adır cerlerden ey
Aygır minip biz keldik ey.
Wranglers’ song on the stubble-field, hey,
Horse-herders’ song in Kula, hey,
The wranglers’ song is sung aloud, hey,
When shall we get sleepy, hey?
When my stud horses are sleepy, hey,
We won’t get sleepy till morning, hey.
From undulating mountains, hey
We’ve come riding a steed, hey
Adır-adır cerlerden ey
Aygır minip biz keldik ey.
Aygır oozun tarta albay ey
Bay üyünö tuş keldik ey.
From undulating mountains, hey
We’ve come riding a steed, hey.
We failed to keep the steed in check,
We’ve just come into that house.
Kıy koroz, kıy koroz kırman çaçar
Kız albagan cigitter teñge çaçar.
Teñgeleri teşikten ırgıy kaçar.
A lazy cock, a lazy cock scatters straw,
A lad who doesn’t marry scatters money,
The money flows out through the hole.
Aygır oozun tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
We failed to hold the horse in check,
We’ve come into that house by chance.
Kiçinekey balası ala kaçtı.
Kiçinekey balası berbeymin dep ala kaçtı
Ala kaçtı.
He snatched a little child, he ran away with him,
I won’t give back the little child, he said, he ran away,
He ran away…
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can
Orozonun onu sizge, onu bizge,
Orozonun soobu tiysin sizge.
Orozonun bitirin beriñ bizge.
Spirit of fasting that comes once in twelve months
Ten of fasting [days] is our, ten is yours!
May you get reward for it in the world to come,
May we pay the alms of fasting!
Budur, budur toolordon,
Buka minip men keldim,
Buka oozun tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Adır, adır toolordon
Argımak minip men keldim.
Argımak oozun tarta albay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
From hilly and smooth-backed mountains
I’ve come riding a bull.
I failed to keep the bull in check,
I’ve come into this house by chance.
From hilly and smooth-backed mountains
I’ve come riding a stallion.
I failed to keep the stallion in check,
I’ve come into this house by chance.
Orozonun onu bizge, onu sizge,
Akıretke barganda soobu sizge.
Ten of fasting [days] is our, ten is yours!
May you have rewards for it in the world to come.
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
I’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May it give your crib a son like a white ram!
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip men keldim.
Aygır oozun tarta albay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Uşul üydö ceñekem
Süzülüñkü körünöt.
From undulating hills
I have arrived on horseback,
I couldn’t hold the horse in check,
I’ve come to that house by chance.
My sister in that house
Appears a bit conceited.
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip men keldim.
Aygır oozun tarta albay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Budur, budur toolordon,
Buka minip men keldim,
Buka oozun tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Uşul üydün carıgı
Üzülüñkü körünöt.
Uşul üydö ceñekem
Süzülüñkü körünöt.
Bıçak uçu cıltıldayt,
May tomurup catabı?
Kazan-ayak kıldırayt
Kurut alıp catabı?..
From hilly and smooth-backed mountains
I’ve come riding a stallion.
I failed to keep the stallion in check,
I’ve come into this house by chance.
From undulating mountains
I’ve come riding a bull.
I failed to keep the bull in check,
I’ve come into this house by chance.
The light in that house
Seems to be glimmering,
My auntie in that house
Seems to be finicking.
The tip of the jackknife’s shining,
Is butter being taken out?
Pots are heard clattering,
Is dried cheese being brought?
Altından neçen buyum casalbaybı?
Alganıñ turmuş sırın çeçe bilse.
Al adam kündön küngö caşarbaybı
Al adam kündön küngö caşarbaybı?
What a lot of things are not made of gold,
Would to God your wife could find out the secret of life!
You won’t grow ever younger,
You won’t grow ever younger, will you?
Kurut berseñ turup ber
Beti koluñ cuup ber.
Come on, give me dried cheese!
Wash your face and give me your hands!
Caramazan, caramazan…
Ramazan greeting, Ramazan greeting
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip men keldim.
Aygır oozun tarta albay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
From undulating hills
I have arrived on horseback,
I couldn’t hold the horse in check,
I’ve come to that house by chance.
Assaloomu aleykum, ıramazan,
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can.
Onu sizge, onu bizge,
Orozo karmasañ soobu sizge.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting,
Fasting spirit that comes every twelth month.
Ten is our, ten is yours!
If you fast, you deserve reward in the world to come.
Assaloomu aleykum, ıramazan,
Paygambarım mingeni toru ala at
Tomuguna kuyruğu orolot.
Paygambarım mingeni karala at
Kapçıtına kuyruğu orolot.
Paygambarım mingeni kızıl ingen
Kızılına kızıgıp kızı mingen.
Paygambarım mingeni kula ingen
Kubalasa taylagı carga kirgen.
Paygambarım mingeni çal baş buura
Baki coktun enesi Batma Zuura
Paygambarım mingeni toru ala at
Tomuguna kuyruğu orolot….
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramadan greeting,
The apple-grey saddle horse of my prophet
His mount with its tail reaching its hooves,
The mottled black mount of my prophet,
His saddle horse with its tail reaching its thighs.
My prophet’s red-haired camel,
His daughter mounted his red camel with envy,
If she chases my prophet’s grey-haired camel
It will lose its offspring.
My prophet’s white-headed camel bull,
Fatima Zuhra is the mother of us all,
My prophet’s mount is a dapple-grey horse,
The tail of the mount reaches to its hooves.
Assaloomu aleykim, caramazan,
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can.
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy bala bersin beşigiñe.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting,
The spirit of fasting comes once in twelve months!
Oh I’ve come to your gate singing a Ramazan greeting,
May it give you a babe like a white ram in your cradle.
Uşul üydün üzügü
Üzülüñkü körünöt.
Uşul üydö ceñekem
Süzülüñkü körünöt.
Kazan-ayak kaldırayt
May tomurup catkanbı?
The roof of this house
Appears to be shabby.
My auntie in that house
Appears to be finicky.
The clatter of pots can be heard,
Is butter being brought?
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
I’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May it give your crib a son like a white ram!
Uşul üydün üzügü
Üzülüñkü körünöt.
Uşul üydö ceñekem
Süzülüñkü körünöt.
The roof of this house
Appears to be shabby.
My auntie in that house
Appears to be haughty.
Takta soko takıldayt.
Takıldatpa ceñeke.
Mendey balañ cok bele?
Kakıldatpa ceñeke.
Uşul üydün üzügü
Üzülüñkü körünöt.
Uşul üydö ceñekem
Süzülüñkü körünöt.
*Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır başın tarta albay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
Budur, budur toolordon,
Buka minip biz keldik,
Buka başın tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
A wooden mortar is creaking,
Don’t keep creaking it, auntie!
Haven’t you had a child like me?
Don’t let me beg you, auntie!
The roof of this house
Appears to be shabby,
The mistress of this house
Appears to be haughty
From rolling hilly mountains
We’ve come riding a stallion.
We failed to keep the stallion in check,
We’ve come to this house by chance.
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to hold the bull in check,
We’ve come to this house by chance.
Assaloom aleykum, caramazan,
Caramazan aytkanga keldim men da.
Caramazan aytamın kündö men da.
Caramazan aytkandan tıngan cokmun.
Caramazan aytılıp künügö da
On eki salam bir kelip aytar elem.
Salamdaşıp özüñö kaytar elem.
Adır, adır cerlerden aygır minip,
Tañ atkança kelemin, tañga cürüp.
Budur, budur cerlerden buka minip
Muñdanamın, kelemin buurusunan.
Selamünaleyküm, Ramazan,
I’ve come to greet Ramazan, too,
I’m singing Ramazan every day.
I haven’t had enough of singing Ramazan.
To sing Ramazan every day,
To sing its twelve greetings I’ve come.
I have returned to greet you.
From hilly places mounting a horse I set out,
I arrived in the morning,
From rolling mountains, on a bull
I set out, saddened by homesickness.
Assaloom aleykim, el agası,
Elden eken atamdın şıbagası.
Altın eken atının takagası
Kümüş eken tonunun cakagası.
Koş arıktan attagan koydun izi
Koy caşırıp berem deyt baydın kızı.
Koş arıktan attagan taydın izi
Tay caşırıp berem deyt baydın kızı.
Selamünaleyküm our president,
You’ve been fed by your people.
Golden horse-shoes on your horse,
Your furcoat’s trimmed with silver.
Your flock of sheep follows two trails,
The bey’s daughter promises even more.
Your stud follow two trails
The bey’s daughter promises even more.
Assaloomu aleykum, paygambarım
Samarkanda kız cıktı candın baarın.
Men barıp küröşöyün al kız menen
Iyıktar maga bergin batalarıñ.
Selamünaleyküm, my Prophet!
A girl from Samarkand has beaten all
the wrestlers.
Let me go and fight with that girl,
Holy people, please, pray for me!
Koy balam, barba, dedi, tilimdi alsañ
Kor bolosuñ kelbegenge özüñ barsañ.
Oyloçu tekeberdik carabayt go
Al cakta menmensingen bolot sarsañ.
Don’t go, honey, asked my father, listen to me,
Don’t look for trouble!
Just think, my father, how indecent it is
To boast of an impudent daughter.
Assaloom aleykum, caramazan,
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can.
Orozonun onu bizge, onu sizge
Orozonun bitirin bersin bizge.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting,
Spirit of fasting, appearing every twelfth month.
May ten fasting days be ours, ten yours!
May the Ramazan alms be our turn!
Caramazan aytkandan kim toygon
Bayırkınınn nuskasın kim koygon
Has anyone got fed up with the Ramazan
Is there anyone who would break the
Assaloom aleykim, caramazan,
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can.
Orozobuz kabıl bolsun, karmagan can.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting,
Spirit of fasting, appearing every twelfth month.
May the offering of fasters be accepted!
Budur-budur toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik.
Buka başın tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
*Adır-adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır başın tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a steed.
We failed to bridle the steed,
We’ve come into that house by chance.
From hilly mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
I failed to control the bull,
We’ve come into that house by chance.
Adır, adır toolordon ey-ey,
Aygır minip biz keldik ey-ey,
Aygır başın tarta albay ey-ey,
Uşul üygö tuş keldik ey-ey.
Budur-budur toolordon ey-ey,
Buka minip biz keldik ey-ey,
Buka başın tarta albay ey-ey,
Uşul üygö tuş keldik ey-ey.
From undulating mountains, ey, hey,
We’ve come riding a steed, ey, hey
I failed to hold the steed’s mouth, ey, hey,
We’ve come to that house by chance, ey hey
From the hilly mountains, ey, hey
We’ve come riding a bull, ey, hey.
I failed to hold the bull’s mouth, ey, hey,
We just managed to arrive, ey hey.
Adır-adır toolordon
Arkar minip biz keldik.
Budur-budur toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik.
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a wild sheep.
From hilly, wavy mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
Adır-adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır başın tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a steed.
We failed to bridle the steed,
We’ve come into that house by chance.
Budur-budur toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik.
Buka başın tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From hilly, wavy mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to bridle the bull,
We’ve come into this house by chance.
Kurut berseñ turup ber
Beti-koluñ cuup ber.
If you give dried cheese, come on, give some,
Give some, after washing hands and face.
Kündöş katın kurusun
Berdim, berdim dep koyot
Ceñine katıp cep koyot.
Kıy koroz, kıy koroz kırman çaçar
Kız albagan cigitter teñge çaçar.
Teñgeleri teşikten ırgıy kaçar.
Plague on you, second wife,
She says: I’ve given, I’ve given,
She hides it in her sleeve and eats it.
A lazy cock, a lazy cock scatters straw,
A lad who doesn’t marry scatters money,
The money flows out through the hole.
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik
Aygır başın tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
Bıdır, bıdır toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik.
Buka başın tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From hilly and smooth-backed mountains
We’ve come riding a stallion.
We failed to keep the stallion in check,
We’ve come into this house by chance.
From rolling mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to hold the bull in check,
We’ve arrived in this house by chance.
Berdim, berdim dep koyot
Eteginen alıp cep koyot.
I’ve given, I’ve given, she says,
She eats it up all in secret.
Sayga bütkön sarı tal
Irgay emey emine.
The blond branch sprouting from the brook,
Was nothing else but bird-cherry, wasn’t it?
Men elem Kayberen kiyik
Mültelüü ok mürümö tiyip.
Mına men aldıñda turam
Caradar başımdı iyip.
Kükük, kükük.
Men elem Kayberen kiyik
Mültelüü ok mürümö tiyip.
Mına men aldıñda turam
Caradar başımdı iyip.
Kükük, kükük.
I was the Miraculous Stag
A warning bullet hit my shoulder.
Behold, I’m standing before you,
My wounded head turned to the side,
Cuckoo, cuckoo.
I was the Miraculous Stag
A warning bullet hit my shoulder.
Behold, I’m standing before you,
My wounded head turned to the side,
Cuckoo, cuckoo.
Çımıyandan körpöçöñ
Çıdabaym seni körbösöm.
Çın barkıña cetermin men
Çın acal cetip ölbösöm.
Your saddle cloth is made of silk,
I’ll die if I can’t see you.
I am aware of your true value,
If the last hour of my life hasn’t struck.
… beret karılık
Karılıktı turganım cok sagınıp.
Ataganat koldon keler iş bolso
Turbayt belek kayra on beşke cañırıp.
...it’s caused by old age,
I didn’t want it to catch me.
If only I could fight it off,
We’d stay fifteen years old again.
Adır, adır toolordon
Argımak minip men keldim.
Budur, budur toolordon
Buka minip men keldim.
Buka murdun tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Bıçak uçu cıltırayt,
May tomurup atkanbı?
From hilly and smooth-backed mountains
I’ve come riding a stallion.
From undulating mountains
I’ve come riding a bull.
I failed to hold the bull in check,
I’ve come to this house by chance.
The tip of the jack-knife’s shining,
Is butter being taken out?
Orozonun onu bizge, onu sizge
Orozonun bitirin bersin bizge.
Kızıl koroz kıykañdap kırman çaçtı
Kızıl-toru ceñekem sandık açtı
Sandıgınan akçası çubay kaçtı.
Adır, adır toolordon
Arkar minip men keldim.
Arkar oozun tarta albay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
May ten fasting days be ours, ten yours!
May the Ramazan alms be our turn!
The red cock strutting, scattered all the hay,
A red-cheeked bride opened up the chest.
The money got scattered from her chest.
From rolling-backed mountains
We’ve come riding a stallion.
We failed to hold the stallion in check,
We’ve come to this house by chance.
Paygambarım mingeni kündöy kaşka
Kümüş cügön başında, tizgin başka.
My prophet’s horse is like the sun, it has a blaze,
Its bit is silver, its reins are special.
Budur, budur toolordon
Buka minip men keldim.
Buka başın tarta albay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Bıçak uçu caltıldayt
May tomurup atabı?
Sandık oozu kıldırayt,
Akça bergen atabı?
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to hold the bull in check,
We’ve come to this house by chance.
The tip of the knife is shinking
Is butter being taken out?
The lid of the chest is creaking,
Is money being taken out?
Budur-budur toolordon
Buka minip men keldim.
Bukanın oozun tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Kazan-ayak kaldırayt
May tomurup catabı?
Sandığı da kaldırayt
Akça berip catabı?
From undulating hills, hey
I have arrived riding a bull,
I couldn’t hold the bull in check,
I’ve come to that house by chance.
There is a noise from the vessels,
Butter’s being melted.
A chest’s being creaked,
Is some money given away?
Caramazan ayta keldik eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
Caramazan aytkan menen kim toygon bar?
İlgerkinin nuskasın kim koygon bar?
We’ve come to your gate to welcome Ramazan,
May a child like a white ram be born to your cradle!
Has anyone got fed up with Ramadan greetings?
Who would throw away the tradition of ancestors?
Assaloom aleykum, caramazan,
Ayta keldim uşul üygö(ñ) orozo can.
Orozonun onu bizge, onu sizge,
Orozonun bitirin beriñ bizge.
Saying Selamünaleyküm, the Ramazan greeting,
I, fasting soul, entered this house.
Ten for us and ten for you of your sacrifice,
All your reward at the end of Ramazan for us!
Assaloom aleykim, caramazan
On eki ayda bir kelgen caramazan.
Uktap catkan baldarga
Umay salam.
Kulak kakkıla baarıñarga
Dubay salam.
Orozogo soyulgan kara boruk
Atalardan kalıptır, uşul coruk.
Caramazan ayta keldik eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting,
Ramazan greeting that arrives once in twelve months.
To every sleeping child
Greetings have come from Umay.
Listen, to all of you
I’m giving the prayer.
Two-year-old black sheep killed for fasting
Is the tradition left for us by the ancestors.
We’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May it give your crib a son like a white ram!
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe
Koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
Adır-adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır başın tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
We’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May you have a child like a white ram born in your cradle!
From rolling mountains
We’ve come riding a stallion.
We failed to hold the stallion in check,
We’ve arrived in this house by chance.
Caramazan aytkandın paydası bar
Cayıp koygon kurut-maydın paydası bar.
The Ramazan greeting has its use,
The flattened dried cheese, butter has its use.
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır oozun tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
Budur, budur toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik.
Buka başın tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From hilly and smooth-backed mountains
We’ve come riding a stallion.
We failed to keep the stallion in check,
We’ve come into this house by chance.
From rolling mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to hold the bull in check,
We’ve arrived in this house by chance.
Caramazan aytıp keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
We’ve come to you to greet Ramazan,
May it give you a son like a white ram in the crib!
Caramazan ayta keldik eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
Caramazan aytkandın caylası bar
Cayıp koygon kuruttun maydası bar.
We’ve come to your gate with Ramazan greetings,
May you have a son like a white ram.
The Ramazan greeting has its fixed price,
A ball of dried cheese has its morsels.
Caramazan aytıp keldim eşiğiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşiğiñe.
Caramazan aytkandın cayı bardır
Cayıp algan kuruttun mayı bardır.
I’ve come to you to greet Ramazan
May you have a son like a white ram.
A Ramazan greeting has its price
Dried cottage cheese has its butter.
Bıçak uçu cıltırayt
May tomurup atabı?
Kazan-ayak kaldırayt,
Ce kurut alıp atabı?
The tip of the knife is shining
Is butter being taken out?
The clatter of pots can be heard,
Is dried chees being brought?
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip men keldim.
Aygır oozun tarta albay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
From undulating hills
I have arrived on horseback,
I couldn’t hold the horse in check,
I’ve come to that house by chance.
Uşul üydün tündüğü
Üzülüñkü körünöt.
Uşul üydö ceñeyin
Süzülüñkü körünöt.
May tomurup catkan beym,
Bıçak uçu caltırayt.
The roof of this house
Seems to be half open,
The young wife in that house
Seems to be diligent.
She must be getting butter,
The knife’s tip is shiny.
Kim cıttabayt süyüü çirkin gülünön
Kündö ötömün terezeñdin tübünön.
Kayırçıday eki cagım karanam
Altın, aytçı, kaçan senden tüñülöm?
Keede bürkök, keede cark deyt kabagıñ
Kantip senin kıyalıñdı tabamın?
Men özümdü er kökürök körsöm da
Eerçip cürgön kölököñdöy samadım.
Who wouldn’t smell the flower of love?
I walk past your window every day.
I look around as a beggar,
Sweetheart, tell me, how could I not love you?
Sometimes your face is sad, sometimes it’s happy.
May I get some of this happiness?
Should I think I was a valiant soldier,
I’d become your shadow following you.
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe
Koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
We’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May you have a child like a white ram born in your cradle!
Adır-adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır başın tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a steed.
We failed to bridle the steed,
We’ve come into that house by chance.
Budur, budur toolordon,
Buka minip biz keldik,
Buka başın tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to hold the bull in check,
We’ve come to this house by chance..
Caramazan, caramazan
Calgız kazık aylangan oşol cazgan.
Caramazan aytkandan kim toygon bar?
Bayırkınınn nuskasın kim koygon bar?
Paygambardın bir uulu Üsön eken
Karmaganı tutkaluu kişen eken.
Kişenin suuga salsa batpas eken
Caramazan degende catpas eken.
Ramazan greeting, Ramazan greeting,
A world twirling around the Pole Star.
Has anyone had enough of the Ramazan greeting?
Does anyone throw away the ancient tradition?
One of the prophet’s sons is Husain.
What he seized was a chain,
When he threw it in the water, it didn’t sink.
He didn’t get tired saying Ramazan greetings.
Paygambardın bir uulu Üsön eken
Karmaganı tutkaluu kişen eken.
One of the prophet’s sons is Husain.
What he seized was a chain.
Bay aytat baglan kozu men berem deyt,
Baybiçe aytat, barça cooluk men berem deyt.
Baydın koyun öñörölü,
Baybiçenin coolugun böktörölü.
Says the master: I’ll give a sucking lamb,
Says the mistress: I’ll give a silk kerchief.
We take the host’s lamb under the arm,
We pack the mistress’ kerchief full.
Tıyındarı teşikten çıga kaçar
Kanı suyuk boz baldar ala kaçar.
They throw the money into the hole,
Young children steal it.
Car Muhambet aytıp ötkön, caramazan
Caramazan calgız kazık
Aylangan muzoo cazgan.
Muzoo kelip kempirdin butun başkan.
*Bay aytat baglan kozu men berem deyt,
Baybiçe aytat, barça cooluk men berem deyt.
Baydın koyun öñörölü,
Baybiçenin coolugun böktörölü.
Dear Muhammad sung in the Ramazan greeting,
A solitary stalk greeting Ramazan,
Registering the stray calves.
The calf’s back and stepped on the granny’s foot.
Says the master: I’ll give a sucking lamb,
Says the mistress: I’ll give a silk kerchief.
We take the host’s lamb under the arm,
We pack the mistress’ kerchief full.
Takta soku takıldayt
Takıldatpa ceñeke.
Mendey balañ cok bele
Kakıldatpa ceñeke.
A wooden mortar is crunching,
Stop crunching it, auntie!
You had a child like me, didn’t you?
Don’t make me beg, auntie!
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe,
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
Caramazandın caydası bar,
Cayıp koygon kuruttun paydası bar.
Budur, budur toolordon,
Buka minip men keldim.
Buka başın tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Adır, adır toolordon,
Aygır minip men keldim.
Aygır başın tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
*Uşul üydün üzügü
Üzülüñkü körünör.
Uşul üydö ceñekem
Süzülüñkü körünör.
I’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May it give a son like a white ram in your cradle!
A Ramazan-greeting has its fixed price
Dried cheese has its use.
From undulating mountains
I’ve come riding a bull.
I failed to hold the bull in check,
I’ve come into this house by chance.
From bumpy mountains
I’ve come riding a stallion,
I failed to hold the stallion in check,
I’ve come into this house by chance.
The roof of this house
Looks very shabby,
The mistress of this house
Looks arrogant.
Budur, budur toolordon
Buka minip men keldim.
Bukanın oozun tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip men keldim.
Aygırdın oozun tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
From rolling mountains
I’ve come riding a bull.
I failed to hold the bull in check,
I’ve arrived in this house by chance.
From hilly and smooth-backed mountains
I’ve come riding a stallion.
I failed to keep the stallion in check,
I’ve come into this house by chance.
Üsökeñdin üyündö,
Karadan şırdak oyulgan.
Kadırluu çıgıp katını
Kaşın kerip çoyulgan.
Üsökeñdin üyündö,
Oymolor oyulup koyulgan.
Barktuu çıgıp baybiçesi
Oozun kerip çoyulgan.
In Üsöken’s home
There’s a black embroidered kilim.
The mistress set out with dignity,
Her eyebrows like a bow, proudly.
In Üsöken’s home
Embroideries are nicely shown.
The mistress set out mightily,
Her mouth tightly shut, proudly.
Sap, sap, sap aylar
Salam ayttık akeler
Börtö, börtö, börtölör
Börtölördö şırtalar
Şırtalardın kiygeni
Ceñi tar da upuzun.
Anı bıçkan ceñe ayım
A düynödö törü keñ.
Bu düynödö törü keñ.
Paygambarım bir uulu Karamoldo
Karamoldo oturat kara coldo.
At-Başınday Ak Kuran aldı kolgo.
The months all in a row, a row,
We’ve been greeting you, agas,
Tralla, tralla, trallala
Trallala de trallala
The costumes of the whistlers
Was tailored by auntie
Whose width is like her length.
She has a wide space in that world,
She has a wide place in this world,
One of my prophet’s sons is Karamoldo
Karamoldo sat down on the road,
With a holy Quran big as a horsehead in his hand.
Adır, adır toolordon
Argımak minip biz keldik.
Argımak başın tartalbay
Tuugandar, uşul üygö tuş keldik.
Budur, budur toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik,
Buka başın tartalbay
Tuugandar, uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a steed
We failed to bridle the steed well,
Ay, brother, we’ve come into that house by chance.
From foggy-misty mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to bridle the bull well,
Brother, we’ve come into this house by chance.
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip men keldim.
Aygır oozun tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
Budur, budur toolordon
Buka minip men keldim.
Buka murun tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldim.
From undulating mountains
I’ve come riding a stallion.
I failed to bridle the stallion well,
I’ve come into that house by chance.
From hilly and smooth-backed mountains
I’ve come riding a bull.
I failed to keep the bull in check,
I’ve come into that house by chance.
Bıçak uçu cıltırayt,
May tomurup atabı?
Kazan-ayak kaldırayt,
Kurut salıp atabı?
Sandık oozu şırk etet,
Akça alıp atabı?
Akça berse alabız
Kurcundarga salabız.
The tip of the jack-knife’s shining,
Is she taking out some butter?
The lid of the pan is rattling,
Is she getting out some dried cheese?
The top of the chest is creaking,
Is she taking out some money?
If she gives money, we’ll accept it
Putting it in our large leather bag.
Mayıñ bolso alıp çık,
Beti-baştı maylaylık.
If you have butter, get it out,
Let’s smear it on our faces.
Caramazan aytkandın cayı bardır,
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe,
Ak koçkordoy bala bersin beşigiñe.
Caramazan aytkandın cayı bardır,
Cayıp koygon kurutunun mayı bardır.
Mayıñ bolso alıp çık,
Beti-baştı maylaylık
Kurtuñ bolso alıp çık,
Katırata çaynaylık.
A Ramazan greeting has its fixed price.
We’ve come to your gate with Ramazan greetings,
May you have a boy like a white ram in your crib!
A Ramazan greeting has its fixed price,
Dried cottage cheese has its butter.
If you have dried cheese, bring it,
Let’s crunch it,
If you have butter, get it out,
Let’s smear it on our faces.
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır oozun tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a steed.
We failed to curb the steed,
We’ve come to this house by chance.
Budur, budur toolordon,
Buka minip biz keldik.
Buka murdun tartalbay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır oozun tartalbay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to keep the bull in check,
We’ve come to this house by chance.
From hilly and smooth-backed mountains
We’ve come riding a stallion.
We failed to keep the stallion in check,
We’ve come into that house by chance.
Adır, adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır başın tartalbay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From rolling mountains
We’ve come riding a stallion.
We failed to hold the stallion in check,
We’ve arrived in this house by chance.
Üsökeñdin üyündö,
Karadan şırdak oyulgan.
Kadırluu çıgıp katını
Kaşın kerip çoyulgan.
Üsökeñdin üyündö,
Oymolor oyulup koyulgan.
Barktuu çıgıp baybiçesi
Oozun kerip çoyulgan.
In Üsöken’s home
There’s a black embroidered kilim.
The mistress set out with dignity,
Her eyebrows like a bow, proudly.
In Üsöken’s home
Embroideries are nicely shown.
The mistress set out mightily,
Her mouth tightly shut, proudly.
Uşul üydün tündüğü
Kayıñ beken?
Maga berer coolugu
Dayın beken?
Uşul üydün tündüğü
Arça beken?
Maga berer coolugu
Çarçı beken?
Is the upper smoke-ring of this house
Made of beech?
Is the kerchief meant for me
Is the upper smoke-ring of this house
Made of juniper?
Was the kerchief meant for me
Budur, budur toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik.
Buka başın tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From foggy-misty mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to bridle the bull well,
We’ve come into this house by chance.
Aldey, aldey, ak balam,
Ak beşikke cat, balam.
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in a white cradle, darling!
Budur, budur toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik.
Buka başın tartalbay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
From rolling mountains
I’ve come riding a bull.
I failed to hold the bull in check,
I’ve arrived in this house by chance.
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe,
Ak koçkordoy bala bersin beşigiñe,
Al balañ cakşı çıksın geşigiñe.
Budur, budur toolordon,
Buka minip biz keldik.
Buka murdun tartalbay,
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
We’ve come to your gate to say Ramazan greetings
May it give you a son like a white ram in the crib.
May that child be fortunate!
From undulating mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to curb the bull right,
We’ve come to this house by chance.
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
Balañız baatır çıksa nasibiñe
Alıp kelet tolo tolo üyüñüzgö.
Koroo tolgon köp koygo batkan baylar
Koroo tolgon koyuñdu kimder aydar?
Booruna tayaktarın süyröşüp koyçu aydar
Arkasında cantayıp köpkön baylar.
I’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May it give your crib a son like a white ram!
If the son is luckily destined to be a champion,
He will fill the entire house with gain.
Masters have penfuls of sheep,
Who can drive so many sheep?
Embracing his crood, the shepherd
Brings enormous gain for the masters.
Assaloomu aleykum, caramazan,
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can.
Caramazan ayta keldik eşigiñe,
Ak koçkordoy bala bersin beşigiñe.
Uşul üydün üzügü
Üzülüñkü körünöt.
Uşul üydö ceñekem
Süzülüñkü körünöt.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting
Spirit of fasting that comes every twelth month.
We’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May it give you a son like a white ram in your crib!
The roof of this house
Appears to be shabby,
My sister is this house
Appears to be haughty.
Paygambardın mingeni kara kaşka
Kaapır kuup kelatat Kara-Taşta.
Mücür kılıç kolunda boovu başka,
Çapkan taşı ketiptir eki başka,
Kötün koyup kalıptır seki taşka.
My prophet’s mount is black with a blaze,
He is chasing an infidel in Kara-Taš.
He has a short sword in one hand, reins in the other,
He slashed at the cliff, cut it into two,
He sat on the large flat rock.
Agala toonu etektep
Aylanıp öttüm Narındı.
Özgöçö cakşı körömün
Ekööbüz baskan ayıldı.
Carpıñdı cazıp kınalıp,
Ir tappaym saga ılayık.
Caktırgan özüm cakşı ırdı (men)
Irdoodon turam uyalıp.
I hiked through the region of Narin,
The sides of colourful mountains.
I especially like the village,
That both of us have visited.
She’ll like it, it’ll amuse her.
I can’t find a verse that becomes you.
I’m too bashful
To sing my favourite song for you.
Bel beldi karap it üröt
Beyliñdi sanap iç küyöt.
Kır kırdı karap it üröt
Kılıgıñ sanap iç küyöt.
Facing the mountains a dog is barking,
I remember its posture I’d like to see it.
Facing the hills a dog is barking,
I remember its behaviour I’d like to see it.
Calbırak ösöt dirildep,
Cabıktın sırın kim bilet?
Caş keziñde oynop, kül
Cabıkkan sırdı,
Cabıkkan sırdı kim bilet?
The tree leaf is trembling,
Who knows the secret locked in yourself?
Laugh and make merry while you are
Who can find out your hidden secrets?
Çaynekte çayın kaynatıp
Dastorkon, nandı caynatıp.
Çaynekte çayıñ bolboso
Men, barbayt elem cay basıp.
Kazanga etti bışırıp
Et ce dep meni çıkırıp.
Kazanda etiñ bolboso
Kayrılbayt elem kızıgıp.
Boiling tea in the kettle,
Putting it on the table
If you have no tea in the kettle,
I’d go there in vain!
Cooking meat in the cauldron,
Come eat some meat, you’d call.
If there’s no meat in the cauldron
Why should I go there?
Tar kapçıgay ötö tataal buruluş
Taygak eken, etiyattap burunuz.
Cardan ıldıy suuga kulap
Cerden bildik taksi aydagan
suluu kız.
Koştoşolu emi başka keteli
Körüşkönçö salamatta turuñuz…
Körüşkönçö salamatta turuñuz…
The curve is steep in the canyon,
It’s slippery, turn carefully,
Lest we should fall in the water from
the cliff.
We learnt driving on the plain, young
driver lady!
We said good-bye, we parted.
When you meet, greet each other,
When you meet, greet each other.
Cetembi degen ümütüm,
Ceteleyt meni künü-tün.
Sargaya tartkan sarı ireñ
Sen üçün emey kim üçün?
Mahabat biyik munara
Miñ miñder bolot ubara.
Oşentip cürüp koşulat
Bar bolso bekem ubada.
The hope to find you
Stays with me day and night.
My cheeks have gone pale,
If not for you, for whom then?
Love is a tall minaret,
Thousands have got involved.
Overcoming obstacles you’ll win
If you remain faithful to your promise.
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Ata-eneñdi kıynaba
Ötö katuu ıylaba….
Sleep, sleep, my white baby,
Lie in the white cradle, baby,
Don’t disturb your mum and dad
Howling and squalling.
Kırgıyek degen kıraan kuş
Kır taşka barıp kongon cok.
Kızıgıp oynop cürgöngö
Kıştoobuz birge bolgon cok
Cagalmay degen capan kuş
Car taşka barıp kongon cok.
Carpımdı cazıp külgöngö
Cayloobuz birge bolgon cok.
The mottled hawk is a wild bird,
It would not settle on rocks.
We had a good time, we danced,
Pity we didn’t share the winter quarters.
A grey hawk is a wild bird,
It didn’t settle on a kind rock.
Our hearts were set open with laughter,
We did not share the summer pasture.
Bozorgon toonun boorunan
Bozortup üñkür men kazdım.
Kakıldagan oy ceñe
Kay cerimen men cazdım?
From the peak of a hill looming grey
I dug a grey-looking cave.
You garrulous hussy,
What did I write to you about?
Başımdagı bar cazdık
Totu kuştun cünü eken.
Baarlaşkanım ketip soldatka
Aldanın buyrugu uşu eken.
*Başımdagı bar cazdık
Totu (bir) kuştun cünü eken.
Alganım ketip askerge
Aldanın kaysı tünü eken.
Under my head a pillow,
From the feathers of a peacock.
My confidant joined the army,
That was God’s will.
Under my head a pillow,
From the feathers of a peacock
My brother-in-law joined the army,
Which of God’s nights was it?
Aldey, aldey, ak böpöm,
Ak beşikke cat, böpöm.
Apañ işten kelgençe
Uyku daamın tat, böpöm.
Apası işke ketiptir
Emçegi tolo süt kelet.
Anı balam eemp alat.
Atası toygo ketiptir
Çöntögü tolo et kelet
Anı balam cep alat.
Sleep, sleep, innocent babe,
Lie in a white cradle, my babe.
Till mummy gets back from work,
Have a real good sleep.
His mother’s gone to work,
She’ll come with breasts bursting with milk.
My little one sucks it all.
His father’s gone to a wedding,
He’ll come with pocketfuls of meat,
My little one will eat it up.
Saksakay aştı san aştı
Sanına sayma caraştı.
Saksakay is gone, crossing many places,
The embroidery fitted him at the side.
Bekbekey aştı bel aştı
Beline belboo caraştı
Saksakay aştı say aştı
Sanına san boo caraştı
Bekbekey went beyond the ridge
The belt fitted his waist well,
Saksakay went beyond the stream,
The belt fitted him.
Aldey, aldey, ak balam
Ak beşikke cat balam.
Atañ toygo ketiptir
Ak kise tolgon et kelet.
Eneñ toygo ketiptir
Emçegi tolo süt kelet.
Sleep, sleep, my innocent babe,
Lie in a white cradle, my babe.
Your father’s gone to a wedding,
He’s coming with a white sackful of meat
Your mum’s gone to a wedding,
She’s coming with breasts bursting with milk.
Aldey, balam, ıylaba,
Apakeñdi kıynaba.
Aldey, böpöm, ıylaba….
Sleep, little one, don’t cry,
Don’t make it hard for mummy,
Sleep, my baby, don’t cry.
Aldey, aldey, aldey ay,
Ak beşikke cat böpöm.
Aldey, aldey, aldey, ay
Aldey, aldey.
Sleep, sleep, sleepy-sleep,
Lie in a white cradle, babe.
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
Sleep, sleep.
Komuzdu kolgo alayın
Üç kılduu komuz çalayın.
Karılık degen ırımdı
Calpı curtka cayayın.
Bügün cutup cibersin
Karılıktı ırdayın.
Karıp kalgan keziñde
Atıñ bolot tayagıñ.
Almaday bolgon başıñdı
Alıp tınat bu düynö…
Let me take my lute in my hand,
Let me pluck my three-stringed lute
Singing my song to my people
The title is Oldness.
He may seize my soul any day,
I’m still to sing about old age.
When you grow old,
You may lean on a golden stick,
Your beautiful soul
Will be carried on by the world.
Kıl arkandın selkinçek
Kızdar oynoyt elpildep.
Ayluu tündö salkın cel
Ayda tepsek selpildep.
Ayluu tündö salkın cel
Ayda tepsek selpildep.
Kıl arkandın selkinçek
Kızdar oynoyt elpildep.
On a swing hanging from tethers,
Lassies play and rejoice.
In a breeze on a moonlit night
We’d love to fly to the Moon.
In a breeze on a Moonlit night
We’d gladly fly to the Moon.
On a swing hanging on tethers
Lassies play and rejoice.
Aldey, balam, aldey,
Öövay, balam, öövay,
Atañ toygo ketti ele
Çöntöğü tolo et kelet.
Eneñ toygo ketti ele
Emçegi tolo süt kelet.
Aldey, balam, ıylaba
Apañdın canın kıynaba.
Öövay, balam, ıylaba
Aldey, balam, ıylaba.
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Hush-a-bye, baby, hush!
Your dad’s gone to a wedding,
He’s bringing pocketfuls of meat,
Your mum’s gone to a wedding,
She’s coming with breasts bursting with milk.
Sleep, baby, don’t cry,
Don’t torment your mum’s heart.
Hush-a-bye, baby, don’t cry,
Sleep, baby, sleep.
Kaşka tişi kadoodoy
Kızıl dili bülöödöy
Azuuları bolottoy
Çatkayagı kolottoy.
Keñ sorusu ketmendey
Kebezdey bolgon kökülü
Közünö çenep kertkendey.
Cambaşının koşkonu
Kazan asa turganday
Karan kalgan Taybuurul
Ey beregi
Ürgönçtün suusun körgöndöy, ey.
Its incisors are like spades,
Its red tongue like a fist,
Its molars made of steel,
Its groin is like a valley.
Its wide rump-bone’s like a spade,
Its hair is like silken wool,
As if cut off above its eyes,
Its hip bones are shapely.
You may hang a cauldron on them,
Confound darn Taybuurul,
Ay, it is from that place,
As if it had drunk from the water of Ürgönč.
Küröökö coot kiygender
Külüktü tandap mingender
Künü-tünü kol tosup,
Küçöp catkan miñ san er.
Kögüçköndöy baldarga
Küröşör bolsoñ birden kel.
Ak bulut soot kiygender
Argımak tandap mingender.
Arı tünü col tosup
Arbıp catkan miñ sandar
Arstanday baldarga
Alışar bolsoñ birden kel.
Kılıçtın mizin calmantıp
Nayzanı kökkö şañdantıp
Cakın keldi Bayışka
Can koybogon balbansıp.
Wearing sets of armour,
Choosing noble steeds,
Riding the roads day and night,
Thousands of men, sleeping awake.
With tiny toddling children
We should wrestle one by one.
Those wearing armour like white clouds,
Those choosing noble steeds well.
Making shortcuts every night
Thousands of men gathering,
Let’s fight with the lion-sized child
Taking turns one by one.
He licked the blade of his sword,
He pointed his lance at the sky
He approached Bayiš
Like the soul-collecting champion.
Bıçak sırtı kıldırayt
May tomurup catabı?
Mayıñ bolso alıp kel
Sakal murut maylaylı.
Kurutuñ bolso alıp kel
Anda kuldur-kuldur çaynaylı.
Akça berseñ alamın
Can çöntökkö salamın.
Eçki berseñ albaymın
Ulak berseñ albaymın,
Ubalına kalbaymın.
Eçki berseñ bakırat
Eldin baarın çakırat.
The spine of the knife’s screeching
Is it scratching butter?
If you’ve got butter, give me at once,
To smear it on beard and moustache.
If you have dried milk, bring some here!
Let’s crunch it!
If you give money, I’ll take it,
I’ll put it in my pocket.
If you give a goat, I won’t take it,
If you give a kid, I won’t take it either.
I won’t bother with it,
If you give a goat, it will bleat,
It’ll call everyone there.
Ayt, ayt dese Aldanı ayt
Atı cakşı Kudaydı ayt.
Burkurap çıkkan buluttu ayt
Burma tildüü som balta
Burup sokkon ustanı ayt.
At-Başınday kitepti
Ayrı okugan moldonu ayt.
Köz baylagan tumandı ayt ey,
Kökürök çeçken ıymandı ayt.
Speak it, speak about God,
Say God’s nice name!
Speak about the curly cloud,
The moonaxe with the twisted edge,
Speak about the craftsman who made it!
Speak about the molla
Reading out from a book as big as a horse head,
Speak about the fog that veils each other’s
glances (alas my children)
Speak about the imam who’s thrusting out his chest.
Asılım (dele) beyiş cırgalım,
Emi kanday bir öttüñ düynödön?
Emi kalıs dele bolçu künöödön.
Erişi (bir) cibek en torko
Emi en torko kaydan tabılat
Katıgün, eskilerge koşulgan
Emi cırgalım kaydan tabılat?
Cırgalım, çiydelüü bulak tal beken?
Arman ay, ölümdön küçtüübar beken?
Cırgalım, almaluu bulak tal beken?
Katıgün, acaldan küçtüü bar beken?
My dear heavenly bliss,
Why did you leave this world here?
You were without sins,
Ripe silk, a broad silk cloth,
Where shall we get broad silk cloth now?
That long-known
Happiness of mine, where shall I find it now?
Was my happiness an olive twig on the river bank?
Is there anything more powerful than death?
Was my happiness a spring apple branch?
Is there anything more powerful than death?
Cırgalım, Ak-Töbödö mayram deyt,
Cırgaldı ukkandın baarı kayran deyt…
My happiness, there’s a feast at Ak-Töbö
They all say of my happiness, it’s a shame what happened.
Maasını kiyip çıraştap
Baldarıñ baktıñ ırastap.
Balanın körüp urmatın,
Enekem bastıra berdiñ ıraaktap.
Kepiçin kiydiñ çıraştap,
Kelindi baktıñ ırastap.
Kelindin körüp kelbetin,
Kete da berdiñ ıraaktap.
You put on your embroidered boots
You brought up well-mannered children.
Your children had seen your virtues
Mother, you had given me far away.
You put on galoushes, fancy ones,
You raised a daughter-in-law, a nice one,
When your daughter-in-law saw your greatness,
You gave her far away.
Adırda cılkıñ ala baş
Argımak külük aralaş.
Artıñda kalgan balañ caş,
Ala cat çorom da ala cat.
Küdürdö cılkıñ alabaş
Külük (bir) argımakaralaş.
Artıñda kalgan balañ caş,
Ala cat çorom da ala cat.
Bal kaynattım bakırga,
Kaynatkan balım tatkan cok.
Murazım kayrılıp kerez da aytkan
Your mottled stud farm’s on the hill,
Blood-horses and nomads mixed.
The baby you left behind is small,
Take us also with you, sir.
Your moddled stud farm’s on the horizon,
Blood-horses and nomads mixed.
The baby you left behind is small,
Take us also with you, sir.
I warmed honey in a copper pot,
You didn’t even taste the honey,
You didn’t tell us your last will.
Uşul üydö ceñekem appak gana
Oromolun beret maga saktap gana
Apapaktay ceñekem appak gana
Bet aarçısın beriptir maga saktap
The mistress of the house is snow-white,
She gave me her scarf in secret.
My snow-white sister, snow-white,
Give me your handkerchief too in secret.
A kızım kettiñ küyöögö
Aşkanada aşıñ kaldı.
A kızım küyöögö kettiñ alıska
Emi oroguñ kaldı kamışta.
Ah my daughter, you’ve got married,
Your life has remained in the kitchen.
Ah my daughter, you’ve got married,
Your sickle’s remained in the reed-bed.
Tünküsün carık panarım
Türmödön kayta kelgende
Küyütün tarttım balanın.
My candle burning at night,
When I was released from prison,
I was overcome by mourning for my child.
Kaz karkıldap köl saktayt.
Kara ılaaçın çöl saktayt.
Karıp kalgan atakeñ
Kulunum, kayakka barıp can saktayt?
Kayakka barıp can saktayt?
A goose’s gabbling on the lake,
A black hawk’s over the desert.
Your old father, my dear,
Where shall he spend his days?
Where shall he spend his days?
Karışkır atıp börü algan
Al tügül kara kulak şerdi algan.
A karmasa kolgo turbagan
Bul kapilet tura şum calgan.
İlbeesin kuup, iz çalgan
Al tügül tirüü tandap tülkü algan.
Tübölük kolgo turbagan
Bul tüyşüktüü tura şum calgan…
My heroic spouse
Who shot a wolf, caught a wolf,
Hunted even for lions with black ears.
You couldn’t keep it back with your hands
This false world is transitory.
My heroic spouse,
Who hunted with falcons, followed the trail,
Even caught a live fox.
He couldn’t keep it in hand forever,
This trifle false (world...)
Arpa bir menen Aksaydı
Aşıp ko barıp el caylayt.
Azap bir menen tozokko
Kanday adam bel baylayt?
Azap (bir) menen tozokko
Kanday cigit bel baylayt?
Aytıp (bir) koyot turbaybı
Beret dep caştın tilegin.
Berip (bir) koyso Kudayım
Biz öñdüü caştın tilegin.
The summer pasture of Arpa and Aksay
Is traversed by the people.
Which young man would gird his waist
With torments and anguish?
Which young man would gird his waist
with torments and anguish?
The sages tell
The wishes of young people,
If only God would grant
The wish of young ones like us.
Casayın kasal caştıktan
Caş kezde köñül azdıkkan.
Cadıga salıp caman iş
Ce, cañıltat şaytan kastıktan.
Ottoy (bir) küyüp calındap
Oynoştu oynoyt mastıktan.
Oynop külsö bir cerde
(Ce) ortodon ar kim kas çıkkan.
Should I write poems about youth
When you’re young you often go crazy,
We are often made to do
Unworthy things by the Satan.
Ablaze like the flames of fire
He dances hotly with his darling.
When his darling bursts out laughing,
He gets mad about others.
Arpanın Ala-Toosunan
Arkarın atsam zoosunan.
Baldaktuu şumkar eken dep
(Degi) karmasam kuştun boosunan.
At Ala-Dag of Arpa
I wish I could shoot a stag off the rock!
It was a tame falcon saying
I wish I could catch a bird from its garden.
Arpanın Ala-Toosunda
Akşumkar salgan uya bar.
Bar ekeni çın eken
Tügengir, barıp kördüm bir sapar.
In Arpa’s Ala-Dags
There’s a nest of the white falcon.
Sure enough there is such a thing,
I went to see it for myself.
Bol, bol dep balam ıylasa
Bolbogon cerden kıynasa.
Kıynasa dele meyliçi
Atasın bala sıylasa.
Al, al dep balam ıylasa
Albas (bir) cerden kıynasa.
Kıynasa dele meyliçi
Apasın bala sıylasa.
Come, come, my weeping child calls,
Urging me at an inconvenient place.
He is urging, so I must come
If he takes me for his father.
Take, take, my weeping child calls,
But I can’t take him in my arm there.
He’s urging so I pick him up
If he takes me for his mother.
Asmandap uçkan ılaaçın
Ilaaçın cayat kulaçın.
Irdabay kantip koyoyun
Baldarımdın kubançın.
The falcon flying ever higher
Stretches its wings wide.
I cannot help singing loud
The pride I take in my children.
Ceñ kap kiydim ceñ üçün
Ceñil baa boldum sen üçün.
Ceñil baa bolsom meyliçi (degi)
Sen kandaysıñ men üçün?
Kol kap kiydim kol üçün
Korduk kördüm sen üçün.
Korduk körsöm meyliçi (degi)
Sen kandaysıñ men üçün?
I put on a long-sleeved one,
I became arrogant for you.
Shall I be arrogant or shall I not,
What do you think of me?
I put on gloves for you,
I was abased for you.
Abased or not abased,
What do you think of me?
Kızıl kürmö şayı kiyip
Oynogula kızdar ay.
Kızıl köñül bar çakta
Boylogula kızdar ay.
Kızıl ömür barında
Oynoy albay, külö albay
Kayran caştı ötközüp
Koybogula kızdar ay.
She was wearing a red silk caftan,
Play, lassies, ay!
As long as there are loving hearts,
Stroll along a lot lassies, ay!
As long as the life is joyful,
And you don’t make merry,
You miss your beautiful youth,
You’ll regret it lassies, ay!
Çokoyum buttan suurulup
Çor boldu taman tuurulup.
Çoyçoylop cürüp ötömbü
Çokuda bir kün buyugup.
*Ötügüm buttan suurulup
Özögüm ooruyt buulugup.
Özgöçö kördüm korduktu
Ölömbü bir kün buyugup.
I’ll kick my felt boots off my feet,
I’ll hit my hardened soles together.
Saying čoy, čoy I’m going to die
One day in a snow storm on the peak.
I’ll kick my boots off my feet,
I’ll feel a pang in the stomach.
I have suffered much contempt, too,
One day I’ll have had enough and die.
Koroobuzga tal alıp
Kolgo kürök, bak alıp
Mına mintip, mına mintip.
Togoloto top teptik
Topko sala biz çettik.
Mına mintip, mına mintip.
We planted a sapling in our garden,
Having taken the tree, with a spade in hand
That’s how it’s to be done!
Standing around, with dance steps
We reared it together.
That’s how it’s to be done!
Kurandın sözün baykagan,
Kelindin köönün caykagan.
Aylındagı kelinder
Enemdin urmatın körüp tarkagan.
She observed the instructions of the Quran,
She won the love of young women,
The brides in the village,
They all respected my mother.
Enekem inekke maldı cüktögön.
Bayırkısın men aytsam
Narga cügün cüktögön.
Baldarına kalganda
Keñeşin aytıp “şük” değen.
Mummy loaded her cow
To recall an early event,
The load was lost in fire.
As for her children,
She governed them with a firm hand.
Bekbekey kaçtı bel aştı
Beline belboo caraştı.
Saksakay kaçtı san aştı
Sanına saadak caraştı.
Bekbekey went over the mountain,
The quiver fitted his waist well.
Saksakay went beyond the valley,
The quiver fitted his side well.
Kögörgön köldö tursam da men
Köz çaptıram askaga.
Köñülümdü burbaymın
Bir özüñdön başkaga.
Were I in a fair blue lake
I’d be gazing at the mountains.
I’d never give my heart
To anyone but you.
Köl üstünö mal barbayt
Ölböy tirüü can kalbayt.
Ölböy tirüü can kalbayt
Köl üstünö mal barbayt.
No livestock goes down to the lake,
No person remains alive,
No person remains alive,
No livestock goes down to the lake.
Ak boz attın takası
Ak irim köldün cakası.
Aytmayınça cazılbayt
Küñötay kızdın, kızdın kapası.
Oy-boy, Küñötay kızdın, kızdın kapası.
Kök boz attun takası
Kök iyrim köldün cakası.
Körmöyünçö cazılbayt
Küñötay kızdın, kızdın kapası
Oy-boy, Küñötay kızdın kızdın kapası.
The shoe of a white horse –
The shore of a white whirling lake.
When it is not spoken out,
The trouble of a Küηötay girl won’t be less.
Oy-hoy, the trouble of a Küηötay girl.
The shoe of a grey horse –
The shore of a blue whirling lake.
If it is not looked at,
The trouble of a Küηötay girl won’t be less,
Oy-hoy, the trouble of a Küηötay girl.
Ak boz attın takası
Ak iyrim köldün cakası
Aytmayınça arılbayt
A kurgur Küñötay kızdın kapası.
Kök boz attın takası
Kök iyrim köldün cakası.
Körmöyünçö cazılbayt
A kurgur Küñötay kızdın kapası.
The shoe of a white horse -
The shore of a white whirling lake.
If she can’t speak it out,
A poor Küηötay girl’s trouble won’t be less.
The shoe of a grey horse –
The shore of a blue whirling lake.
If it isn’t looked at,
The trouble of a poor Küηötay girl won’t be less.
Kumurskaday beliñden
Kubantıp aytkan kebiñden.
Kuran karmap bergensip
Ubadañdın beginen.
Recalling your wasp-waist,
Your kindly words.
As if printed in the Quran,
Your words flowed so amply.
Kurbu (bir) kurbu, kurbu saz
Kuuşup oynoyt ördök-kaz.
Kurbudan kurbu ayrılsa
Kuyulup agat közdön caş.
Undulating bumpy reed-bed,
A goose and duck chase each other.
When a friend parts with his friend,
Tears keep flowing from his eyes.
Şıp şırıldañ şır eken
Cılkıçının ırı eken.
*Sayga bütkön sarı tal
Irgay emey emine?
San cigittin içinde
Cırgal emey emine?
Kap-kap kara tay
Kaptal cünüñ kanakey?
Kapka atandık ceñeke
Şakek colu kanakey?
Drip-drop dripping, it was a drop,
It was the horse-herder’s song
The blond shrub budding in the vale
Is not bird cherry, what is it then?
It’s no happiness to be among
Lots of brave lads, what is it then?
Ay, hey, fine black colt,
Where is your side hair?
We’ve become distinguished, sister,
Where is your celebration?
Ceti bir ketmen topurak
*Gül canım bırpırasın dediñbi?
Gül canım artıñda kalgan baldarıñ
Gül canım çırkırasın dediñbi?
Gül canım altı bir ketmen topurak
Gül canım bırpırasın dediñbi?
Gül canım artıñda ele kalgan altın çaç
Gül canım çırkırap cürsün dediñbi?
Seven shovelfuls of earth
Dear rose of mine, shall scatter its dust, did you say?
Dear rose of mine, the children you left here,
Dear rose of mine, shall cry, did you say?
Dear rose of mine, six shovelfuls of earth
Dear rose of mind, shall scatter its dust, did you say?
Dear rose of mine, the golden-haired (mate) you left behind
Dear rose of mine, shall cry, did you say?
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök
Ak beşikke cat böbök.
El Ak-Saydan tüşö elek
Bulamıgıñ bışa elek.
Sleep, sleep, my innocent babe,
Lie in a white cradle, babe.
The people haven’t left Ak-Say yet,
Your sweet floury soup hasn’t been
cooked yet.
Asılım beyiş Eralım
Toburçak meyis cediñbi
Eralım, top içinen bölünüp,
Eralım, ay karañgı körgö kirdiñbi?
Asılım beyiş Eralım, Eralım ay.
Darling, my paradise, ah my Eral,
Have you eaten bunches of grapes?
My Eral, you’ve risen from among the people,
My Eral, oh alas, have you gone to a dark grave?
Darling, my heaven, my Eral, my alas!Eral,
Kız kezek cakşı turbaybı
Kımız içip cürgöngö.
Kız keziñ ötüp ketken soñ
Kelin dep koyot turbaybı.
Kelin kez cakşı turbaybı
Konyak içip cürgöngö.
Kelin kez ötüp ketken soñ
Ayal dep koyot turbaybı.
Your maidenhood was spent in pleasure,
You would travel around drinking kumiss.
When your maidenhood is over,
You are called a bride.
Your bridehood was spent in pleasure,
You would travel around having drinks.
When your bridehood is over,
You are called a wife.
Ömür degen cuugan koldun kirindey
Ötö beret bir özüñö bilinbey.
Kayran ömür kayra keler bolsoçu
Suu sıyaktuu cerge siñip kömülböy.
Ömür değen aradan go amanat
Emne kılsa ömür kayra caralat?
Kayran ömür öz tabınan ötkön soñ
Kim ömürdü kayra izdep taba alat?
Like dirt from a washed hand
Life disappears, you don’t even notice.
If only it could be reversed
Before the earth sucks up the water drop.
Life is up to us to preserve.
It is reproduced one way or other.
My beautiful, when life is over
Who can find it again?
Uuçtasa kolgo turbagan
Opaasız eken bu calgan.
Acal bir bütüp kün bütsö
Acaldan kaçıp kim kalgan?
Karmasa kolgo turbagan
Kaltıs go eken bu calgan.
Acal bir cetip kün bütsö
Uşul calganda kim kalgan?
Impossible to hold in hand,
Unreliable and false is this world.
Fate reaches you, the day’s cut off,
Who could escape from it?
Refusing to remain in hand,
Slippery and false is this world.
Fate reaches you, the day’s cut off,
Has anyone stayed on in this false world?
Men küyüttüü Külüsün
Küñ ordunda cürüşüm.
Carkırap köñül açılbay
Cabılıp cüröm künü-tün.
I, grieving Külüsün,
Am living as a slave.
I can’t relax with laughters,
I suffer torments day and night.
Men musapır armanda
Mençelik kızdar zarlanba.
Balasın satat ata-enem
Mal alıp kargan çaldarga.
Poor me, I’m in great trouble.
Maidens, don’t let this happen to you!
My mother, father sold their child
Instead of livestock to an old man.
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök
Ak beşikke cat, böbök.
Kunan koydu soy, böbök
Kuyruguna toy, böbök.
Aldey ay, aldey ay,
Atan kelet ukta ay.
Sleep, sleep, white babe,
Lie in a white cradle, babe.
Kill a three-year-old lamb, babe
Eat your fill of its tail, babe!
Sleep, ay, sleep, ay,
Your father has arrived, sleep, ay.
Attandım Sarı-Tekesten
Artımdı karaym belesten.
Acıraşpas bolsomçu
Aksargıl bolgon seketten.
I mounted my horse in Sari-Tekes,
I looked back from the hilltop.
If only I hadn’t parted
With my beautiful blonde!
Kuzgun-Taş menen Kuu-Moynok
Kusaluu bolom köp oylop.
Tündö catıp tüş körsöm
Töşöktö catam birge oynop.
I am missing
Kuzgun Taš and Kuu Moynok.
When I go to bed in the evening
I dream of having a good time with them.
Ardagım eki balama (men)
Aylanıp süyöm cana da.
Alayın dese bala üçün
Apakeñ canı sadaga.
Ermegim eki balama (men)
Ezilip süyöm cana da.
Egerde kerek dep kelse
Enekeñ canı sadaga.
Around my two dear children
I am busying myself with pleasure.
If you say you accept it,
Your mother sacrifices her soul for you.
My life, my two children,
I love them like my own soul.
Should you need it,
Your mother would do anything for you.
Tübölük caşap men cüröm
Tagdırdı aytıp sırlarga.
Emçegiñ cıttap men tursam
Cüröktö cazgan sırlarga.
I live eternally
Sharing my destiny with my secrets.
Sighing on your bosom, I could be a secret
By your side, written in the heart.
Caş balapan balalık
Calınsak kaydan tababız.
Ötüp da ketti caş ömür, caş ömür
Karızga kimden alabız.
Buyrugu cok too kiyik
Mergençige atılbayt.
Altından baaluu caş ömür, caş ömür
Akça da bersek satılbayt.
Where can we find youth
That is like a bird’s nestling?
Youth is over and gone,
Who can we borrow from when we are in debt?
I can’t throw a poor mountain stag
In front of the hunters.
You can’t exchange your youth
Worth more than gold for money.
Kuçaktap catıp balasın
Enesin emne kagasıñ?
Çakçañdaba köp ele
Sen dagı kaynene bolup kalasıñ.
Kelin go degen kıyın nerse
Anın sırın başınan baykap bilse
Baş bolup esiñ oodarat
Baş bagıp alıp üyüñö kirse.
Your son’s sleeping in her lap,
Why are you scolding his mother?
Don’t be so self-conceited,
You’ll also become a mother-in-law.
It’s not easy to be a daughter-in-law,
Some know it from the very beginning.
She is bullied, her heart is tortured
From the moment she enters the house.
Dastorkon dayım bolsunçu
Atamdın dastorkonu üygö tolsunçu.
Dastorkon cayıp çay bergen
Apakem ar dayım aman bolsunçu.
*Eginge aylım tolsunçu,
Egindüü elim bolsunçu.
Egindüü aylım içinde
Eneler aman bolsunçu.
May there always be laid tables,
May my father’s table fill our home!
Those whose table’s empty should serve tea,
May my mummy be in good health always!
May my field be replete with corn,
May my people have an abundant crop,
In our sown plains
May the mothers be in good health!
Kök uçuk berdim saptap al
Kudagıy, kök şumkar berdim
taptap al.
Ak uçuk berdim saptap al
Kudagıy, ak şumkar berdim
taptap al.
Cük üstündö aynegim
Kızım süt üstündö kaymagım.
I gave you a blue silk yarn, you thread it in
the needle,
My daughter’s father-in-law, I gave you a
blue falcon, you train it.
My daughter’s father-in-law, I gave you a
white silk yarn, you thread it in the needle,
My daughter’s father-in-law, I gave you a
white falcon, you train it.
My daughter was my most precious treasure,
She was the cream on my milk.
Cer uçurgan caşçılık
Sergek da bolot azgırıp.
Berbey da koysoñ ne bolmok?
Bermuttu berip mas kılıp.
Berbey da koysoñ ne bolmok?
Bermuttu berip mas kılıp.
Asabı küçtüü caşçılık
Albırat cürök asgırıp.
Youth soaring into the sky,
Alert but erratic.
If you can’t find someone, what will you do?
You’ll get drunk on vermouth.
If you can’t find someone, what will you do?
You’ll get drunk on vermouth.
Peccable youth,
Who put the heart on fire.
Bosogo boyluu boz kaşka at
Bolumduu coldo minbedim.
Borumu sonun gelindi men
Bolcolu menen süygömün.
The grey horse next to the gate
I didn’t mount on a wide road.
A shapely, pretty young bride
I got to like for her dimension.
Kerege boyluu kerkaşka at
Kerilüü colgo mingemin.
Kelbeti sonun gelinge men
Kebimdi koşup cürgömün.
The brown horse next to the wooden lattice
I mounted on a wide road.
With the young woman of a shapely figure
I have come to agreement.
Urmat (bir) emey emine
(Al) uuluñdun barsañ üyünö.
Çoñ enem kele catat dep
Neberem çıksa cügürö,
(Al) kelinim çıksa süyünö.
What’s it if not respect?
When you go to your son’s house
Appearing as the mother-in-law,
Your grandchild runs to meet you,
Your daughter-in-law approaches you with joy.
Aldey, aldey, ak böbök
Ak beşikke cat, böbök.
Kunan koydu soy, böbök
Kuyruguna toy, böbök.
Eneñ baykuş eğinde
Egin bütpös teginde.
Emçegine süt cıynap
Kelet, balam, keçinde.
Sleep, sleep, white babe,
Lie in a white cradle, babe.
Kill a three-year-old lamb, babe
Eat your fill of its tail, babe!
You poor mummy’s in the cornfield
Harvesting corn hasn’t ended,
Her breasts will be bursting with milk
When she comes home in the evening.
Kemenger bolso üy eesi
Keñ peyil bolso bilesi.
Keyibey ömür sürböybü
Kem dele bolso düynösü.
Kökölöp tursa üy eesi
Kök bet (bir) bolso bilesi.
Köygöydö ömür ötpöybü
Köp dele bolso düynösü?
If the host is clever,
His wife is generous, too.
Isn’t their life peaceful,
Even if they’re lacking in wealth?
If the host is haughty and aloof,
His wife is also stubborn.
Aren’t they dissatisfied,
Although they live in abundance?
Öçürdük kara kömürdü
Ötkördük dalay ömürdü.
Baldarga berse den sooluk
Bizge caşoo da anday köñüldüü.
We’ve put out the black coal,
We’ve lived several lives,
When the children are in good health,
We are having a good life.
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
Üyüñ, üyüñ üy eken
Üyüñ körkü çiy eken.
Ak sarayday körüngön
Kaysı baydın üyü eken?
Kazan-ayak kaldırayt
Kaymak alıp atabı?
I’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May it give your crib a son like a white ram!
Your house, your house was a real house,
Its beauty owed to the reed.
It looked like a white palace,
Which richman’s house was it?
The clatter of pots can be heard,
Is she getting out some cream?
Caramazan aytıp keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy bala bersin beşigiñe.
I’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May it give your crib a son like a white ram!
Assaloomu aleykim, caramazan,
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can.
Orozonun onu bizge, onu sizge
Akırette soobu tiyet özüñüzgö.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting,
Ramazan greeting that comes once in twelve months
Ten is ours of the fast, ten is yours!
There’s reward for it in the world to come.
Assaloomu aleykim, caramazan,
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting,
The spirit of fasting comes once in twelve months!
Assolomu aleykum Caramazan
Capma niyet ümötüñ mayram asan.
On eki ayda bir kelgen Orozo can
Orozonu karmabagan ayban eken.
Tört ayaktuu, töşü tüktüü taygan eken.
Eki kolun artına baylar eken.
Tozok otun közdötüp aydar eken.
Paygambarım mingeni kündöy kaşka
Kümüş cügön başında, tizgin başka.
Paygambarım mingeni kündöy kaşka
Kümüş cügön başında, tizgin başka.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting,
Keep away the Muslims from their intensions.
The finest of the twelve months is Ramazan
One who does not fast is a beast.
A greyhound with four legs and a hairy chest.
His hands were tied at his back
And he was hurled into the flames of hell.
My prophet’s horse is like the sun, with a blaze,
Its bit is silver, its reins are special.
My prophet’s horse is like the sun, with a blaze,
Its bit is silver, its reins are special.
Caramazan aytkandan kim toygon bar?
İlgerki eldin nuskasın, kim koygon bar?
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe,
Ak koçkordoy bala bersin beşigiñe.
Caramazan, caramazan keregiñe carabasam
Cayıp koygon kuruttun maydası bar,
Caramazan aytkandın paydası bar.
Is anyone bored with Ramadan greetings?
Would anyone give up this ancient tradition?
I’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
Have a son like a white ram in your cradle!!
Ramazan greeting, if my Ramazan greeting doesn’t please you,
That dried cheese has its morsels, too,
A Ramazan greeting has its use.
Assaloom aleykum, caramazan,
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can.
Selamünaleyküm is the Ramazan greeting,
The spirit of fasting that comes every twelth month.
Budur-budur toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik.
From hilly, wavy mountains
We’ve come riding a bull.
Orozonun onu bizge, onu sizge
Orozoñuz kabıl bolsun özüñüzgö.
Ten fasts for us, ten for you,
May the Creator accept your fasting!
Caramazan aytıp keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe.
I’ve come to your gate to greet Ramazan,
May it give your crib a son like a white ram!
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe,
Ak koçkordoy bala bersin beşigiñe.
*Caramazan aytkandın cayı bardır,
Cayıp koygon kurutuñdun mayı
Kurtuñ bolso alıp çık, katırata
Mayıñ bolso alıp çık, beti-baştı
We’ve come to your gate with Ramazan
May you have a boy like a white ram!
A Ramazan greeting has a fixed price,
Dried cottage cheese has its butter.
If you have dried cheese, bring it, let’s
crunch it,
If you have butter, get it out, let’s smear it
on our faces.
Caramazan, caramazan
Cañgız kazık aylangan orozo can
Orozoñ kabıl bolsun tutkan adam.
Ramazan greeting, Ramazan greeting,
The fasting person is lingering like a lonely stalk,
May your fast be accepted as an offering.
Caramazan aytkandın caydası bar
Cayıp koygon kuruttun maydası bar.
Kurut berseñ turup ber
Beti-koluñ cuup ber.
Berdim, berdim dep koyot
Eteginen alıp cep koyot.
Kızıl koroz, kıy koroz kırman çaçar
Kız albagan cigitter tıyın çaçar.
The Ramazan greeting has its style,
Spread dried cottage cheese has its morsels.
If you give dried cheese, get up and give some,
Wash your face and hands and give some!
I’ve given, I’ve given, she says,
She keeps nipping from the side.
A red cock, lazy cock throws about straw,
An unmarried lad throws about money.
Tıyındarı teşikten çıga kaçar
Kanı suyuk boz baldar ala kaçar.
Caramazan, caramazan
Can coldoşuñ, ıymanıñ orozocan
Orozoñ kabıl bolsun bay akecan.
Caramazan aytkandın caydası bar
Cayıp koygon kuruttun maydası bar.
Kurut berseñ turup ber
Beti-koluñ cuup ber.
He throws the money into a leaking sack,
And young lads steal it.
Ramazan greeting, Ramazan greeting
Your soul mate is the imam’s fasting companion,
Your fast should be accepted as a good deed!
The Ramazan greeting has its style,
Spread dried cottage cheese has its morsels.
If you give dried cheese, get up and give some,
Wash your face and hands and give some!
Caramazan ayta keldik eşigiñe,
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe,
Caramazan aytkan menen kim toygon bar?
İlgerki eldin nuskasın kim koygon bar?
We’ve come to your gate with Ramazan greetings,
May you have a boy like a white ram in your crib!
Is anyone fed up with welcoming Ramadan?
Who would give up an ancient folk tradition?
Adır-adır toolordon
Aygır minip biz keldik.
Aygır oozun tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik.
Budur-budur toolordon
Buka minip biz keldik.
Buka oozun tarta albay
Uşul üygö tuş keldik….
From rolling mountains
We’ve come riding a stallion,
We failed to keep the stallion in check,
We’ve come into that house by chance.
From mountains with tiny hills
We’ve come riding a bull.
We failed to keep the bull in check,
We’ve come into that house by chance.
Kızıl koroz, kırk koroz
Kırman çaçkan.
Kızıl toru ceñekem sandık açkan
Sandıgınan akçası caynay kaçkan.
A red cock, forty cocks,
Throwing grain to the wind.
My aunt with the red cheeks opens the chest,
She keeps lots of money in her chest.
Bıçak uçu cıltırayt
May tomurup catkanbı?
Kazan-ayak kaldırayt
Kurut alıp catkanbı?
The tip of the knife’s shining,
Is some butter being produced?
The lid of the pan is rattling,
Is some dried cheese being got out?
On eki ayda bir kelgen orozo can
Orozoñ kabıl bolsun, tutkan adam.
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy uul bersin beşigiñe….
The spirit of fasting comes once in twelve months!
Your fast should be accepted as a sacrifice!
We’ve come to your gate to say Ramazan greetings,
May it give you a son like a white ram in your crib!
Caramazan, caramazan,
Calgız kazık aylangan.
Ramazan greeting, Ramazan greeting
An axis spinning in solitude.
Caramazan ayta keldim eşigiñe
Ak koçkordoy bala bersin beşigiñe.
Tınçtık bolsun eldin-curttun keşiğine.
I’ve come to your gate to say Ramazan greetings,
May it give you a son like a white ram in your crib!
May peace be the fortune of this people and land.
Paygambarım ingeni kara kaşka,
Kaapırlar kuup kelet kara taşka.
Kara taştı çaptı ele, kanı çıktı,
Kaapırlar körüp turup canı çıktı.
The prophet’s camel cow, a white spot on its black forehead,
It was driven against a red rock by the disbelievers.
It hit against the red rock, its blood flowed out,
The disbelievers lost courage.
Paygambarım ingeni kızıl kaşka,
Kaapırlar kuup kelet kızıl taşka.
Kızıl taştı çaptı ele, kanı çıktı,
Kaapırlar karap turup canı çıktı.
The prophetʼs saddle-horse has a red spot on its forehead,
It was driven against a red rock by the disbelievers,
It hit against the red rock, its blood flowed out,
The disbelievers lost courage.
Uşul üydün tündügü kayıñ beken?
Bizge bergen coolugu dayın beken?
Uşul üydün tündügü arça beken?
Bizge berer coolugu çarçı beken?
Uşul üydün tündügü ayga bakkan
Altın menen kümüştön çege kakkan
Çegesi bekem bolsun dep çeber kakkan.
Is the smoke-ring of that house made of birch?
Is the kerchief meant for us ready now?
Is the smoke-ring of that house made of birch?
Is the kerchief meant for us ready now?
The smoke-ring of that house looks on the Moon,
It’s studded with gold and silver.
It must be strong, made by a master craftsman.
Baldarım külsö külömün
Balam dep caşap cürömün.
Egerde balam cok bolso,
Kızıgı emne düynönün
Kızıgı emne düynönün….
When my children laugh, I laugh,
I live because I have a child.
Had I had no child
What sense would the world have made,
What would be the good of the world?
Cuulsa ele kirim taptasa,
Baldarım meni kakpasa.
Irıstuu karı bolormun,
Kırsıktan Kuday saktasa…
I washed the linen white as snow,
Lest my children should be angry.
Aged though I am,
Allah has preserved me.
Ömür ötöt, ömür turbayt kündön küngö
Ömür barda, işti oylo, işten talba.
Ömürgö şerik kılıp ak süyüümdü
Güldöy ös, güldöy açıl, güldöy cayna.
Life is passing, time is flying day by day,
While you’re alive, take care of your things.
Find a partner for life, a loving one,
Grow into a rose, bloom like a rose, be loved like a rose.