- 1. Twin-bar tunes (ex.1-11, №1-58)
- Twin-bar tunes based on the g,-c bichord
- Twin-bar tunes based on rotating motifs
- Twin-bar tunes with descending/hill-shaped lines
- Motifs with a downward leap at the end of the line
- Motivic processes
- 2. Tunes moving on Ionian scales (ex.12-24, №59-164))
- Laments and their relatives
- Two-lined tunes of Major character with higher main cadences and their four-lined relatives
- Four-lined tunes of Major character
- 3. Aeolian tunes (ex.25-36, №165-238)
- Laments and related tunes
- Aeolian tunes with higher main cadence
- Four-lined tunes of Minor character
- Valley-shaped, ascending or undulating first line
- 4. Caramazan religious tunes (ex.37-41, №239-326)
- 5. Tunes of domed structure (ex.42-43, №327-332)