Scholarly articles for the general public


Articles about the database and the research carried out in cooperation among the four countries for the local cultural and professional journals.


Lenka Křupková: “Po vzoru vídně” [According to Vienna example], Aspekt, December 2018.

Miklós Grégász: “Kutatók a Médiatárban” [Researchers in the Media Library], Szabad polc [University of Debrecen University and National Library, internal publication, not available for the public], 5/9, 26th of October 2018, 3–4. A short report about the research done at the University of Debrecen within the V4 project.

Pál Horváth: “ʻElsőbb a haza, mint a művészetʼ – kemény vitákkal indult a pesti operajátszás története” [ʼHomeland Comes First Before Artʼ – Opera Playing in Pest Started with Harsh Debates], Múlt-kor, 25th of October.

Rudolf Gusztin: “Hogyan vett részt Erkel Ferenc a dalármozgalomban?” [Ferenc Erkel's Participation in the Choral Movement?], Fidelio, 24th of October 2018.

Martin Elek: “Hálózatok” [Networks], Figaro, November 2018. 11–12.

Jana Laslavíková: “Siete hudobno-divadelných spoločností v strednej a východnej Európe” [Networks of music and theater companies in Central and Eastern Europe], Opera Slovakia, 4th of September 2018.

Jana Laslavíková: “Sieťovanie výskumníkov hudobného divadla” [Networking of music theater researchers], Slovenská Akadémia Vied, 14th of August 2018.

Lenka Křupková: “Olomoucké hudební divadlo a Visegrádská čtyřka” [The Olomouc Music Theater and the Visegrad Four], Žurnál Online Zpravodajství z univerzity, 20th of June 2018.

Jana Laslavíková: “Vytvára sa databáza regionálnej hudobnej a divadelnej histórie” [Creation of a database of regional music and theater history], VEDA NA DOSAH portal, 28th of March 2018.