Corpus Antiphonalium Officii ‒ Ecclesiarum Centralis Europae (CAO‒ECE)


  • The project began in the 1980s.
  • Its aims are to explore the medieval office rites of the Central European region, organize them into databases, subject them to comparative analysis, and publish them;
  • Separation of essential elements of the tradition from incremental ones, and to reconstruct the system of sources, source groups, traditions and sub-traditions, based on the whole corpus of chants;
  • Definition of the complete “ideal” office repertories, preserving at the same time the differences and variants of the individual sources;
  • Introduction of a new approach to research methodology, in which the medieval system of offices is seen as an organic whole and its single sources as individual manifestations of this.
  • Chronology:
    • 1988: the first “experimental” preliminary volume presenting the CAO‒ECE and the Advent offices of 14 Central European dioceses (László Dobszay and Gábor Prószéky).
    • 1990‒2014: twelve single volumes with the offices of Salzburg, Bamberg, Prague, Esztergom, Kalocsa-Zagreb, Transylvania-Nagyvárad, and Aquileia, surveys of sources and accounts of the main features in each tradition (László Dobszay, Zsuzsa Czagány, Andrea Kovács and Gabriella Gilányi).
    • 2006: Continuing: production of an online CAO‒ECE version with extra search options (Gábor Kiss).
    • 2015: incorporating the CAO‒ECE into a uniform system for international plainchant internet databases (;


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