Post-Tridentine latin liturgical chant in Hungary


  • After restricted beginnings, the first systematic, scholarly attempt began in 2008 to examine the last, declining period of Gregorian chant of Hungary. The task of fitting the work into the Department’s thematic framework has fallen mainly on Gabriella Gilányi.
  • The main aim was to gather and explore the sources and analyse them in scholarly fashion. Basic research in some eight libraries and church collections in Hungary and abroad yielded several dozen notated sources, which were subjected to musical examination. Detailed descriptions of these were prepared.
  • During the examination, large numbers of melodies were transcribed onto over a hundred cover sheets, to allow variants to be compared and analysed. 
  • Thematically the research became largely bipolar. Attention focused on (1) Hungary’s reception of the new post-Tridentine musical style and chant from Rome, and (2) survivals from medieval plainchant melodies.
  • Remarkably rich source materials were found in the tradition of the Pauline Order, a Hungarian foundation. This enabled thorough examination and reconstruction of monodic Pauline singing practice of the 17th–18th centuries.


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