Responsory collection


  • The work began in the 1970s.
  • The first stage was to prepare synoptic transcription sheets of responsoria prolixa of some Hungarian and some foreign sources, as a research aid that could be expanded later.
  • The work continued in 1999, making the material complete by transcribing further sources and missing chants, and continuing to organize them musically and catalogue them digitally. Here as with the antiphons there arose the idea of a complete edition on typological principles.
  • Later the use of computers made the paper aids superfluous; the registration of the collection, transcription of the chants, and preparation of them for publication could all be done digitally.
  • The outcome was a full edition of the whole, musically organized responsory repertory, which appeared in 2013.




László Dobszay–Janka Szendrei (eds.),
Responsories I–II. (Budapest: Balassi Kiadó, 2013).