Antiphon collection


    • The initial aims were to transcribe all the plainchant melodies of Hungaryian sources systematically into modern notation and prepare them for publication, genre by genre.
    • The project began in 1970.
    • The collection of the antiphonal genre, intended to be complete, moved over twenty years
      • from “cataloguing” the sung material, standardizing it musically, 
      • identifying the musical variants,
      • through storing it on computer and presenting it as a graphic score
      • to producing a “complete edition”.


Monumenta Monodica

The first printed edition of the collection of chants
was the work of Benjamin Rajeczky:

Melodiarium Hungariae Medii Aevi, I,
Hymni et Sequentiae
(Budapest: Zeneműkiadó, 1956) 



The antiphon volume of the long-standing series
specializing in the early liturgical monody of Europe:

Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi V.
Antiphonen [3 volumes]
(Kassel‒Basel etc.: Bärenreiter, 1999)