Exhibitions in the Museum of Music History

Ligeti Labyrinth - An exhibition celebrating the centenary of György Ligeti’s birth
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Exhibition in the 1st and 2nd room of the Museum of Music History

Curators: Anna DALOS, Heidy ZIMMERMANN, Márton KERÉKFY

The exhibition is open: From 13 April 2023 to 30 September 2023


György Ligeti (1923–2006) was one of the most original and influential composers of the second half of the 20th century. The exhibition, which marks the centenary of his birth, is a collaboration between the Institute of Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, and Paul Sacher Foundation, Basel. It displays nearly 250 original documents and objects, mainly from the composer’s legacy kept in the collection of the Paul Sacher Foundation, which, for the most part, have never been presented to the public before. The exhibition offers an insight into György Ligeti’s artistic character, ideas, and achievements in nine thematic chapters. All of these chapters are like telescopes through which, viewed from different angles, new and new aspects of the functioning of this universal creative mind – as colorful as a kaleidoscope and also moving like one – are revealed. Or, if you like, it displays nine entrances to the Ligeti labyrinth, offering the visitors intellectual excitement by testing them at the same time, through unexpected crossroads, passages, blind alleys, dead ends, curved mirrors, and traps.


Curators: Anna DALOS, Heidy ZIMMERMANN, Márton KERÉKFY

Collaborators: Zsófia BORZ, Szilvia GÖMÖRI-CSONKA, Kira NÉMETH, Sára bíbor SZIKLAI, Eszter Emília WUTZEL

English texts: István Csaba NÉMETH

Design and implementation: InnoTeq Kft.



 Eötvös Lóránd Research Network, Hungarian Academy og Arts, National Cultural Fund of Hungary