Honorary Conference to the 50th Anniversary of the Death of László Lajtha (February 16th, 2013)


Texts of the Papers given at the Conference

Emőke Solymosi Tari: ‘…comme un fleur.’ Lajtha’s Letters to the ‘Conscience of Europe’
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

András Szekfű: Lajtha and Höllering. A New Approach to the Relation of Music and Film in the Thirties
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Krisztina Pálóczy: Folk Hymn Research in the 1950s. The Lajtha-Team – to the Margins of an Exhibition
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

István Pávai: The Transsylvanian Folksong Collections of György Bözödi and Lajtha
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Ferenc Sebő: Buházi, the Transsylvanian Lying Violinist
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Melinda Berlász: What does the Second Volume of László Lajtha’s Collected Writings Promise?
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Zsuzsanna Erdélyi: The Golden Age of the Lajtha-Team
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Lujza Tari: The Folk Instrument Researches of László Lajtha with Lessons for the Present
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Ferenc János Szabó: The Juvenile Piano Works of László Lajtha
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Viola Biró: The Survival of the Serenade-Tone in Lajtha’s String Trio ‘Erdélyi Esték’
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Péter Halász: Images of a Work. The Author’s Interpretation and Contemporary Reception of Symphony No.8
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English