Exhibitions in the Museum of Music History

Sámuel Nemessányi, "the Hungarian Straduvarius"kiallitas profilkep

Exhibition in the 5th room of the Museum of Music History

Curator: Anna BARANYI


The exhibition is open: From 30 June 2022 to 1 May 2023



“Although Nemessányi took great care of the details, it is not the delicacy of the details but the perfect harmony of thewhole instrument, its splendid nonchalance and its superb varnishing, that gives it that individual flavour, which is the expression of genius and which makes his instruments so delightful. The sound of his instruments,which is fullbodied, rich and powerful, so that they are also suitable for concert use, is a special feature.” (László Reményi)


Curator: BARANYI Anna

Digital version: GOMBOS László

Exhibition layout: VÁRNAGY Ildikó

Execution: BORZ Zsófia, GÖMÖRI-CSONKA Szilvia



 01b ELKH horizontal crest logo HU 202101a logo BTK ZTI logo 2019 magyar MTA nélkül


Pictures of the exhibition:



Pictures of the opening ceremony: