Martin Elek, professional staff member, Department for Hungarian Music History of the Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and MA student at the Liszt Ferenc University for Music, Musicology. |
Martin Elek obtained his BA degree at the Musicology Department of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (Budapest) in 2017, currently he pursues his MA studies at the same institution. Since 2016 he has been participating in source studies related to early Hungarian musical theatre at the Department for Hungarian Music History of the Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Since October 2016, he has been working as professional staff member at the same Department. Alongside his colleagues, he conducts eighteenth- and nineteenth-century basic research: data processing, digitalization, cataloguing, and evaluation of the National Theatre’s repertoire, as well as tasks related to both musical and textual publications in preparation. His main interest lies in 19th- and 20th-century performance practise.
He participates in the preparations and editing activities of the department’s series of critical editions and scientific publications (Ferenc Erkel’s Operas, Műhelytanulmányok a 18. Század Zenetörténetéhez [Studies in Eighteenth-Century Music History]) as well as at the Department’s activity of data processing, cataloguing of basic research for the 18th and 19th centuries, and he is responsible for the administrative tasks related to the Visegrad Grant project. He regularly publishes concert and opera reviews in the Hungarian press.
Tempóflexibilitás Brahms zenekari zenéjében. Interpretációs változások a 20. században [Tempo Flexibility in Brahms’s Orchestral Music. Changes in Performance Practice During the Twentieth Century]. BA thesis (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department, 2017).
Mercadante Il giuramento című operája a Nemzeti Színházban – Betekintés az intézmény 19. századi előadói gyakorlatába [Mercadante’s Opera Il Giuramento in the National Theatre. Study on the Institution’s Nineteenth-Century Performance Practice]. MA thesis (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Musicology Department, 2019).
Zenei repertoár és zenei gyakorlat a 18. századi Magyarországon [Musical Repertoire and Musical Practice in 18th-Century Hungary], ed. Katalin Kim Szacsvai, assistant ed. Martin Elek and Pál Horváth (Budapest: MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Zenetudományi Intézet, 2017) (= Műhelytanulmányok a 18. század zenetörténetéhez 2).