Study trips


The main objective of the project was to elaborate a complex multi-language database on the East-Central European musical theatre. To achieve this goal we created two databases (see: Outputs): the bibliographical database of the V4 countries' musical theatricals and the database of its source material’s locations. No similar database has been compiled in any of the V4 countries from the years we are researching. For both databases besides the summary of our existing results we also made new researches. There were three main goals for the study trips: source research (assessment of the source situation, contents of the fonds, source analysis), building relationships with those institutions that keep the sources (establishing future researches), the presentation of our V4 project (presentation of the brochure, project, and the plans of the databases).


Study trip 1. Destination: Opava (Czech Republik). Date: 06 February 2018. (=Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Praha, Opava, Brno 1) Participant: Lenka Křupková. Description: Lenka Křupková studied sources on the history of theatre/opera from the period app. 1870–1930, she aimed at the literature and sources of the theatre in Opava (Troppau) in the following institutions: Opava, Slezské zemské muzeum, Zemský archiv v Opavě. She also established institutional relations with these institutions and presented the project.

Study trip 2. Destination: Graz (Austria). Date: 27–28 February 2018. Participants: Lenka Křupková and Jiří Kopecký. Description: Jiří Kopecký and Lenka Křupková studied sources on the history of theatre/opera from the period app. 1870–1930, they aimed at the relationship between the theatres in Graz and Olomouc in the following institutions: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz – Universitätsbibliothek (Beethovenstrasse), Franz Nabl Institut (Elisabethstrasse), Mediathek (Universitätsstrasse). They also established institutional relations with these institutions and presented the project.

Study trip 3. Destination: Budapest (Hungary). Date: 26–28 March 2018. Participant: Jana Laslavíková. (=Study trip to Budapest 1) Description: Jana Laslavikova processed sources for the Bratislava theatrical life to be found in Budapest at the following institutions: the Music Collection and the Manuscripts Reading Room of the National Széchényi Library, the National Archives of Hungary, the National Archives of Hungary Pest County Archives, the Institute for Musicology, and the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute. She also established relations with these institutions and presented the project. (Note: The event has not been confirmed in the Online System.)

Study trip 4. Destination: Vienna (Austria). Date: 26–27 April 2018. Participant: Péter Bozó. Description: Péter Bozó, researcher at the Institute for Musicology, RCH, HAS, explored the sources and the period press reports related to the history of Hungarian operetta in the collections of the following Viennese libraries: Nationalbibliothek (Musiksammlung, Theatersammung), Stadtbibliothek Wien, Bibliothek der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunden Wien. He also established relations with these institutions and presented the project.

Study trip 5. Destination: Praha (Czech Republic). Date: 07/05/2018 – 14/05/2018. Participant: Lenka Křupková. (= Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Praha, Opava, Brno 2) Description: Lenka Křupková studied sources on the history of theatre/opera in the period of 1870–1930, she aimed at the literature and sources of the theatre in Olomouc and Opava (Troppau) in the institution Divadelní ústav Praha. She also cultivated relations with this institution and presented the project. (Note: We could not correct the date in the Online System before the implementation of the event. You will find the following date in the online System: 07/05/2018.)

Study trip 6. Destination: Budapest (Hungary). Date: 16/05/2018 – 20/05/2018. Participant: Jana Laslavíková. (= Study trip to Budapest 2) Description: Jana Laslaviková processed sources for the Bratislava theatrical life to be found in Budapest at the following institutions: the Music Collection and the Manuscripts Reading Room of the National Széchényi Library, the National Archives of Hungary, the National Archives of Hungary Pest County Archives, the Institute for Musicology, and the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute. She also cultivated relations with these institutions and presented the project. (Note: You will find this event in the Online System under the title Study trip, with the date 15/1/2018 – 15/4/2018. We failed to correct the event’s title and date before the event took place.)

Study trip 7. Destination: Brno (Czech Republic). Date: 17/05/2018. Participant: Jiří Kopecký. (= Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Praha, Opava, Brno 3). Description: Jiří Kopecký studies sources pertaining to the theatrical life of Olomouc at the following institutions: Moravská zemská knihovna; Moravský zemský archiv. He also cultivated relations with these institutions and presented the project.

Study trip 8. Destination: Praha (Czech Republic). Date: 18/05/2018 – 19/05/2018. Participant: Jiří Kopecký. (Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Praha, Opava, Brno 4). Description: Jiří Kopecký studies sources related to the 19th-century history of the theatres in Praha and Olomouc at the Institut umění – Divadelní ústav. He also cultivated relations with this institution and presented the project. (Note: The event has not been confirmed in the Online System.)

Study trip 9. Destination: Opava (Czech Republic). Date: 01/06/2018. Participant: Jiří Kopecký. (= Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Praha, Opava, Brno 5). Description: Jiří Kopecký studied music manuscripts and printed materials (posters, papers by Karel Boženek) at the Slezské zemské muzeum in Opava. He also cultivated relations with these institution and presented the project. (Note: The event has not been confirmed in the Online System.)

Study trip 10. Destination: Budapest (Hungary). Date: 19/06/2019 – 20/06/2018. Participant: Jana Laslavíková. (= Study trip to Budapest 3). Description: Jana Laslavikova processed sources for the Bratislava theatrical life to be found in Budapest at the following institutions: the Music Collection and the Manuscripts Reading Room of the National Széchényi Library, the National Archives of Hungary, the National Archives of Hungary Pest County Archives, the Institute for Musicology, and the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute. She also cultivated relations with these institutions and presented the project. (Note: The event has not been confirmed in the Online System.)

Study trip 11. Destination: Bratislava (Slovak Republic). Date: 26/07/2018. Participant: Martin Elek, Lili Békéssy, Pál Horváth, Katalin Kim Szacsvai. (= Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database). Description: Members of the Department for Hungarian Music History of the Institute for Musicology, RCH, HAS presented the project, established and studied sources related to operatic life between 1870–1920 at the following institutions: Slovenské národné múzeum-Hudobné múzeum; Archív mesta Bratislavy. As a result of the presentation, two person from the research group was invited to the conference in autumn organized by the museum. See Events conference papers  7–8. (Note: This event has not been confirmed in the Online System.)

Study trip 12. Destination: Pécs (Hungary). Date: 03/10/2018 – 04/10/2018. Participant: Rudolf Gusztin. (= Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Debrecen, Szeged, Pécs, Székesfehérvár 1) Description: Rudolf Gusztin studied sources (music manuscripts and printed scores, playbills, receipts, inventories) on 19- and early 20th-century operatic life in Pécs. He made photocopies of sources, established institutional relations and presented the project at the following institutions: Pécs Városi Könyvtár (Pécs City Library); Pécsi Nemzeti Színház (National Theatre of Pécs); Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Egyetemi Könyvtár (University of Pécs, University Library). (Note: This event was part of a broader event: Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) (Debrecen, Szeged, Pécs, Székesfehérvár). Due to a misunderstanding we couldn’t create sub-events in the Online System.)

Study trip 13. Destination: Szeged (Hungary). Date: 15/10/2018. Participant: Martin Elek. (Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Debrecen, Szeged, Pécs, Székesfehérvár 2) Description: The goal of the study trip was to study 19- and early 20th-century sources related to Szeged. Martin Elek visited the Szegedi Nemzeti Színház (National Theatre of Szeged), where he made photocopies of historical sources (music manuscripts and printed scores, inventories; cc. 450 images) and presented the project to the director of the institution, laying ground for potential further collaboration. Then, he went to the Somogyi Károly Városi és Megyei Könyvtár (Károly Somogyi City and County Library) where he presented the project and studied relevant sources. (Note: see note Study trip 12.)

Study trip 14. Destination: Debrecen. Date: 18/10/2018. Participants: Martin Elek, Rudolf Gusztin, Lili Békéssy. (= Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Debrecen, Szeged, Pécs, Székesfehérvár 3) Description: Members of the Department for Hungarian Music History of the Institute for Musicology, RCH, HAS studied sources (music manuscripts and printed scores, playbills, receipts, inventories) on 19- and early 20th-century operatic life in Debrecen. They made photocopies of the sources (cc. 2100 images),  established institutional relations and presented the project at the following institutions: Csokonai Nemzeti Színház (Csokonai National Theatre); Debreceni Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtár Médiatára (University of Debrecen, University and National Library, Media Store). (Note: see note Study trip 12.)

Study trip 15. Destination: Székesfehérvár. Date: 18/10/2018. Participant: Pál Horváth, Katalin Kim Szacsvai. (=Title: Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Debrecen, Szeged, Pécs, Székesfehérvár 4) Description: Members of the Department for Hungarian Music History of the Institute for Musicology, RCH, HAS studied sources (music manuscripts and printed scores, playbills, receipts, inventories) on 19- and early 20th-century operatic life in Székesfehérvár. They made photocopies of the sources (cc. 2100 images),  established institutional relations and presented the project at the following institutions: Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár, Fejér Megyei Levéltár (The Hungarian National Archives, Fejér County Archives); Szent István Múzeum Könyvtára (Library of the Saint Stephen Museum); Kodolányi János Egyetem (Kodolányi János University). (Note: see note Study trip 12.)

Study trip 16. Destination: Pécs (Hungary). Date: 05/11/2018 – 08/11/2018. Participants: Rudolf Gusztin, Pál Horváth. (= Study trip to Pécs [Study trip, establishing institutional relations, presentation of the project (database) in Debrecen, Szeged, Pécs, Székesfehérvár 5]). Description: Rudolf Gusztin and Pál Horváth studied sources (music manuscripts and printed scores, playbills, receipts, inventories) on 19- and early 20th-century operatic life in Pécs. He made photocopies of sources (cc. 2550 images), established institutional relations and presented the project at the following institutions: Pécs Városi Könyvtár (Pécs City Library); Pécsi Nemzeti Színház (National Theatre of Pécs); Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Egyetemi Könyvtár (University of Pécs, University Library). (Note: see note Study trip 12.)

Study trip 17. Destination: Lviv (Ukraine). Participant: Renata Suchowiejko. Description: The event has not been implemented due to the unexpected illness of the partner. The Fund was informed about it, see the e-mail sent on 29/08/2018.