Other Bartók Institutions


Bartók Records
The composer’s younger son Peter Bartók’s private collection of Bartók’s American estate

Bartók Béla Emlékház (Béla Bartók Memorial House)
Housed in the building of Bartók’s last Budapest home; exhibition (including Bartók’s furniture, instruments, memorabilia); book-shop; concerts, programs for groups.
Csalán út 29, H–1025 Budapest, Fax +36 1 176-4472

Rákoshegyi Bartók Zeneház (Rákoshegy Bartók Memorial House)
Bartóks home in Budapest-Rákoshegy (between 1912-20 – Rákoskeresztúr-nyaraló at the time), now a cultural institution offering musical programmes

Folk Music Department of the Institute for Musicology
Keeps the original collection of Hungarian folk songs edited by Bartók (“Bartók Rend”)

Néprajzi Múzeum (Hungarian Ethnographic Museum)
Keeps the largest collection of original phonograph cylinders of Bartók’s field work.
Kossuth L. tér 12, H-1055 Budapest, Fax +36 1 269-2419

Szombathely International Bartók Seminar
Yearly seminar and festival in the Western Hungarian town (commute via Vienna or Budapest) in early July (July 6-21 in the year 2004); in addition to master classes, musicological programs (lectures, courses) in cooperation with former and present staff members of the Budapest Bartók Archives; contact IHungarofest Kht., H-1072 Budapest, Rákóczi út 20. Tel: +36 1 266-1459, Fax: +36 1 266-5972
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bartók Béla Zeneművészeti Szakközépiskola és Gimnázium (Béla Bartók Conservatory and Secondary Grammar School, Budapest)