
December 8, 9, and 10, 2017, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 9:30 am

Bartük Hall, Institute for Musicology

(Budapest, I. Tancsics Mihaly Street 7)

Archives for 20th-21st-Century Hungarian Music and Department for Folk Music of the Institute for Musicology RCH HAS organizes December 8-10, 2017 an international conference in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Zoltán Kodály’s death. A National Master in International Context, a three-day event, includes 26 papers on Kodály’s and his contemporaries’ compositional output and 14 papers on Kodály's research in ethnomusicology.

Detailed program >

Pictures from the first day of the conference

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With support of the Kodály Program of the Hungarian Ministry for Human Resources