August 27, 2017, 6 p.m.
A Concert of the Hungarian National Choir in the courtyard of the Erdődy Palace
(Budapest, I. Tancsics Mihaly Street 7)
György Orbán - Péter Bornemissza: Szabad e? (Is it allowed?), György Orbán - Domokos Szilágyi: Sirató (Dirge), György Orbán: Cor mundum; Zoltán Kodály: Miserere, Zoltán Kodály - Pál Gyulai: Est (Evening), Zoltán Kodály - Sándor Weöres: Norvég leányok (Norwegian Girls), Zoltán Kodály - John Masefield: I Will Go Look For Death, Zoltán Kodály: Mátrai képek (Mátra Pictures)
conducted by Somos Csaba and Kocsis Holper Zoltán
Tickets puchased on the same day for the Museum of Music History are valid (600 HUF, for children and pensioners: 300 HUF)
With support of the Kodály Program of the Hungarian Ministry for Human Resources