Folksongs from Mangkïstaw (№ 1a – № 37)
Order of Melodies
● Kazakh epic songs, the 'terme' types
Terme tunes of the smallest compass: № 1a-i
Terme tunes of medium compass: № 2a-i, № 3a-c
Two-part terme (higher first part + lower second part): № 4
Special terme tunes: № 5a-b, № 6a-b
● Minor tunes of narrow range
Lament style – convex lines of a small compass
Simplest one-line lament: № 7a-d
Two-line lament descending additionally to re: № 8a-c
Two-line lament descending upon re: № 9a-f
Various lamenting tunes of low cadence: № 10a-f
Lament tunes with 4 cadences: № 11a-h
First line moving on the mi-re-do trichord: № 12a-d
The 'psalmodic' style
Ak böbek tune type: № 13a-c
Psalmodic tune with a high-pitched first line: № 14a-b
Sequential tune with small compass: № 15a–c
Psalmodic tunes with small compass and ascending first line: № 16a-e
● 'Melodious' tunes of a larger compass
Convex first line
Middle-compass tune with convex first line: № 17
A relatively broard-compass tune with convex lines: № 18a-b, № 19a-d
Convex tunes and concatemination: № 20a-c
Hill-and-dale first lines: № 21, № 22a-d, № 23
Tune with an ascending first line: № 24a-b, № 25
● Unique but apparently authentic tunes
Tune with third and fourth shifting: № 26
Unique tunes ending on la: № 27a-b, № 28, № 29
Unique tunes ending on do and so: № 30, № 31, № 32, № 33a-b, № 34, № 35a-b, № 36, № 37
Terme ‘didactic song’, Šotïbay (77), Mangkïstaw. Kïzïltöbe, 16 Sept 1997.
Biylerim ötken karasaŋ,
Keŋesti xalïk kam üšin,
Söylese janga bolmagan.
Jïrawlar ötken karasaŋ,
Öz xalkïn maktap tolgagan,
Xaziret ötken adaydan
Šargïnïŋ jolïn korgagan.
Osïnday wakït išinde,
Pïsïptï baradï išimde
Let us see our judges of yore,
They debated for the good of the people.
When they spoke, no one rivalled them.
Let us see our singers,
They praised our people.
The saints of our Aday tribe
Protected the Islamic faith.
All this time
I have been idle.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Šotïbay (77), Mangkïstaw. Kïzïltöbe, 16 Sept 1997.
Näsili men malïŋ bolsa däwletiŋe,
Pende ïrza ay men künniŋ
Tagat jok bir Kudayga etip jatkan.
Kün šïksa tïrbaŋdaymïz düniya üšin,
Pendemiz kalgan düniya äwresine.
Xabarïn akïrettiŋ estigende,
Tüsedi jalbarïnïp sonda esiŋe.
Jas-karï, akïrettiŋ kamïn oylanmasaŋ,
Aldïradï jändetine.
Zaŋ küšti, zäkin küšti,
Amal jok ogan tagï könbesiŋe.
When he has children and livestock,
Mortal man is satisfied with the rays of the sun
and the moon.
But we have no patience with our only God,
We hanker after wealth in this life,
We are mortals longing for riches.
But when the news of death comes,
Frightened, you realize all that.
Ye old and young, if you don't await Doomsday,
Its executors will slay you.
The law is harsh, custom is powerful,
There is no way to reject it.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Košakan (cca.60), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Bir degende ne jaman?
Bilimsiz tuwgan ul jaman.
Eki degende ne jaman?
Ene bir tilin almagan,
Melmigen kelin sol jaman.
Üš degende ne jaman?
Ülgióiz bišken ton jaman.
Tört degende ne jaman?
Töresin ädil bere almay,
Parakor bolgan biy jaman…
Altïn taktïŋ üstünen
Torïkpay tüsken kan jaman.
First of all, what is bad?
An ignorant boy is bad.
Secondly, what is bad?
An obstinate young wife
Ignoring her mother-in-law's words is bad.
Thirdly, what is bad?
A gown cut without pattern is bad.
Fourthly, what is bad?
The thrifty judge
Ignoring the law is bad...
The pretentious khan
Sitting on a golden throne is bad.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Agalï menen jeŋgeler,
Aldïŋda talay šalkïdïm.
Körmegen jerde körsem dagï,
Kanattï jayïp talpïdïm.
Jurt aldïnda äškerttim,
Karï jïr men jaŋa jïr,
Jïr akïndardïŋ altïnïn.
Uyïmdasïp birlesken,
Talayïn kördik šaršïnïŋ.
Orïndï jerde otïrïp,
Duwadaktay šalkïdïm.
Atagïna xalk rïyza,
Bizdiŋ šaldïŋ daŋkïnïŋ.
Jaksï menen jamannïŋ,
Belgili köpke parkïnïŋ.
Awïzdan kïysïk söz šïksa,
Alïp tasta artïgïn.
Atamïzdïŋ jolï dep,
Jurt aldïnda jaykalttïm,
Önerdiŋ türli jarkïlïnï.
My brothers and sisters-in-law
I'm standing before you.
Though I am at an unknown place
I am flying with stretched wings.
I am performing to the people
Old songs and new songs.
The best of the poets
are gathered and united here,
I have seen many a gathering.
Sitting at the right place,
My back straightened like a bustard's,
The people take pride in his fame,
In the fame of our great old man.
People can tell
Good from bad,
If I should perform badly,
Do not hear me out.
As is the custom of our ancestors,
I showed proudly to my people
All the tricks of my craft.
Terme ‘didactic song’, a man (cca.70), Mangkïstaw. Kurïk, 25 Sept 1997.
Ey, bilgenim bolsa bul zaman,
Tüsiŋ jok jöniŋ turmawga,
Jurt jaksïsï jïynalïp,
Jerge layïk kïynalïp,
Köz körmegen endi kim artar?
Adamnïŋ aytsam endi ïymannan
Bir eki awïz äŋgime,
Estiseŋiz mïnaw endi mïymannan.
Alas, this I know now,
Dreams do not come true.
When the cream of the people gather
And they have compassion,
Will any envious remain?
Let me utter a humane word or two,
A little discourse,
Listen to the guest now.
Nasïyxat ‘religious song’, Turgan (cca.50), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Bismilla sözdi bastayïn,
Bes künde deniŋ sawïnda.
Rasul edi Muxambet,
Paruwar-diger bir Kuday.
Parša da kala-ma jamïygat,
Padïyšasïn da meŋgergey.
I begin my word with Bismillah,
While I am sane and sound in this short life.
The Prophet Mohammed
And the exalted God,
Will the state collapse
If its padishah is not respected?
Uzak-bay jïrï ‘epic tale’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Jälelim järdem bolgaysïŋ,
Jaratkan soŋ kulïm dep,
Bul ömirge kelgensin.
Men Uzak-Bay söyledim,
Jaksïlardï nurïm dep.
Köz körgen aday batïyxa,
Berip jürdi soŋïmnan.
Osï künge Uzak-Bay,
Sügir menen ekew,
Adayga kalgan nurïm dep.
My God, help me,
You created me, your servant,
I've come to this world.
Me, Uzak-bay, said what I was to say,
I praised the good ones.
I was going on my way
With blessings from my beloved Aday people.
The two of us, Uzak-bay and Sügür
Are held in high esteem to this day,
They are the glories of the Adays, they say.
Bet-ašar ‘bride's farewell song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Bäri älewmet jïynalïp,
Osï jolï sagan deseŋiz,
Bäriŋiz birden uygarïp.
Irkileyin nesine,
Men turgan jüyrik kïrlanïp.
Alkalï jerde äwezdep,
Aytpay ketken buldanïp.
Al körgenim jalgïz bul emes,
Kalïŋdïkka-ma orta alïp.
Buyïrgasïn älewmet,
Otïrayïn kurnagïp,
Kelinniŋ betin ašalï.
Burïngï joldïŋ jobasï,
Osïlay-ma dep mïna sol bagït.
All my people have gathered,
And this time, they all united
In agreement for you.
I shouldn't tarry, I am eloquent,
I soar, they sit around me, I am singing.
Those who are mute are conceited,
I wanted to say more than that.
Paying the bride's money
The people had the right.
I myself, as the custom has it,
Stand here before you,
I unveil the bride's face.
That's the old tradition,
This custom is like that.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Men kašangï jüyrigiŋ,
Top išinde tolgagan.
Osïlayša söylesem,
Babamdï kadir koldagan.
Osïlayša söylesem,
Söz kala-ma urtïmnan.
Kör almagan birewler,
Söz aytadï sïrtïmnan.
Kas jüyriktiŋ belgisi,
Dawdï körse julkïngan.
Aytuwlï jüyrik men edim,
Saldïrmay kamšï umtïlgan.
I've been your eloquent singer for a long time,
I have sung to many people,
When I speak,
My honourable ancestors help me.
When I speak,
Will you remember my words?
Those who envy me
Speak badly of me behind my back.
It is typical of false singers
To incite quarrel and wrangling.
I am a singer of great renown,
I attack grabbing a whip.
Bata ‘blessing’, Izbasar (60), Mangkïstaw. Aktaw, 15-17 Sept 1997.
Kayïrlï bolgay sapar uš,
Bul jüzin kurmettep,
Sïylap jürgen, jürgen jeriŋ.
Sïrtïŋnan ärkim kumar duga kïlïp,
Šalkïsïn därejeli aydïn köliŋ.
May the end of your road be lucky,
If you adhere to the custom.
Wherever you go, you will be respected,
Everyone will be ready to ask blessing for you;
May your great wide watered lake roll with waves.
Toy-bastar ‘song to open a wedding’, Nurmuhambet (50), Mangkïstaw. Kïzïlsay, 18 Sept 1997.
Atamda säpiy jaralïp,
Kalem bir sïyaŋ kolga alïp,
Bir äri-beri tolgalïk.
Toy bazarïŋ kuruwga
Jïyïldï xalkïm oŋdalïp.
Men de jelden jüyrikpin,
Jarïssam jarïp ötetin,
Kaškandï kuwïp jetetin,
Merekeŋe kez keldik,
Kïzimet toylaw etetin.
Toy merekeŋ bolganda,
Tostaganday men basïmdï
Talaydan topka salganmïn,
Jigit te bolmak, kïz bolmak.
…Täŋriniŋ künderi.
Ayta tugïn bizder jok.
Ötedi düniyaŋ bir kün,
Üstiŋe jükti üylendi,
Arlï dep edi ölgende.
The world has long been created,
Let us take pen and ink in hand,
And let us write a poem.
You have gathered merrily
To celebrate a merry feast.
I am rushing faster than wind,
I strive to lead the race,
Those who run off will be caught.
We shall take part in your celebration,
We shall serve at the feast.
I've often sung during feasts,
My large head, big as a tray,
Has often been taken to the market.
There are lads and lassies here.
...The days of God.
We won't be here to sing,
One day life will flicker out.
Death will put a heavy weight on you,
The honorable people say.
Jïr ‘epic tale’, Bäyniš (90), Mangkïstaw. Üštagan, 24 Sept 1997.
Koblandï Batïr men Tay Buwrïl,
Üydegi Kurtka jubayïm.
Jubayïm alka boldï dep,
Jemeymin Buwrïl uwayïm.
Šešeŋ tulpar dewši edi,
Jan serigim Buwrïl at.
Šešeŋniŋ sözin sïnayïn,
Jayïŋ kalay Buwrïl jan,
Kalkam bügin bulayïn.
Koblandi Batir and Taj Burul,
My wife Kurtka is at home,
My wife is far away,
Yet I am not brooding.
The mare that gave me birth,
The steed Burul was fleet-footed, my friend.
Let's see if it's true what your mother said,
What you are like,
It will turn out today, darling.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Sözimdi ötkir til men alïp saldïm,
Xalïktan ozdïm degen talaylarga,
Karïlïktï jastïk penen
Mïna baldar, baykar edim,
Adaydan ozdïm degen tagï
At minip astana eldi adaktadïk,
Küninde jïyïrma bestiŋ jalaktadïk,
Ol künde mïnanday mine tugïn mašiyn bar-ma?
Jawïrtïp jalgïz attï
I reproached in harsh words those
Who thought they were superior to the people.
Among the old and the young,
Lads, I've seen many
Who thought they were superior to the
other Adays.
We roamed the capital on horseback,
At twenty-five we competed on horseback,
There were no cars at that time.
We were vying in riding, breaking the back of
our only horse.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Izbasar (60), Mangkïstaw. Aktaw, 15-17 Sept 1997.
Ew, Kašeke, Kašekeš,
Kešegi šattï künimde
Dombïranï kolga alganmïn,
Iytiŋdi burap salganmïn.
Men katepti kara nar edim,
Artïgïn tappay mertilip,
Men osï bir jolda kalganmïn.
Tikken topta jïgïlïp,
Düniye kaygï armanmïn,
Tuyagï sïngan tulparmïn.
Kanatï sïngan suŋkarmïn,
Osïnday jayga kez boldïm.
Özderiŋdey de aganï,
Bir körüwge iŋkärmïn.
Zamanda sagan Kašeke.
Men kanatï sïngan karšïga.
Kanatïnan ayrïlsa,
Karšïga tüser šaršïga.
Ay, Kasheke, Kasheke,
In the past happy days
I took my dombra in my hands,
To give your dog a lesson.
I was a powerful black dromedary,
Bursting with energies,
I broke my legs and hands,
I was placed a big blow in my yurt,
Sorrow overcomes me.
I am a steed with cracked hooves,
I am a falcon with broken wings,
I have been hurled in a state like that,
My unrivalled brother,
I've long wanted to see you,
I'm like a hawk with broken wings,
With its wings lost,
It falls among the people.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Älewmet keldiŋ jïyïlïp,
Mereke boldï kurïlïp.
Men ataktï jüyrik šešeniŋ,
Bögelsin nege tïyïlïp.
Kaynarlï özen bulakpïn,
Emespin taŋkï kurïlïp.
My people, you've gathered
A feast's going to start.
I am your famous singer,
Why should I wait silently?
I am a brook gushing forth from the spring,
I will not dry out.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Düniyeli oy tastap,
Jüyrik attay oykastap,
Tiršilik künde kalalïk.
Azamattï iyirip,
Iyirip jurttï alalïk.
Mïnaw sözdi makta dep
Jalïnbaymïn jaralïp.
Keregiŋ bolsa alarsïŋ,
Bir šetinen xalkïn karanïp.
Jarandar, keldim alkaŋa,
Otïrsïŋ xalkïm antalay.
Kawmalagan köptiŋ jerinen,
Jüyriktiŋ bola-ma jaltagï,
Jüyrigiŋ basïn tarta-ma?
I have clever thoughts,
Darting about like a race-horse.
Let us live in peace.
Let's gather
Our honoured people at the camp.
I don't beg
For praising words.
Listen to them, when you feel like it,
Look at the people from one angle.
Friends, I am among you,
My people, sit around me.
When you sit around the singer,
Will he take fright from so many people,
Will he back away?
Terme ‘didactic song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Aldïmda jetpis soktï döŋdey bolïp,
Küyilgen kuyïmšaktay en de bolïp.
Nesine men jastïktïŋ josïlayïn?
Kïzïktï kim körüp edi mendey bolïp,
Söyledim tolkïn sokkan seldey bolïp.
Osï kün aytayïn dep tursam dagï,
Bir päle minip aldï eki ïyïkka zildey bolïp.
Uzak-bay, Sügir degen algïs aldïm,
Xalïktïŋ batalarïn birge aldïm.
Ol künde nazarlarïn kaytarmadïm,
Adaydïŋ ülken-ülken atalardïŋ.
Seventy yards ahead of me rose like a hill,
Broad like a back.
Why should I brood over my past youth?
Who has seen so many interesting things as I,
I sang like the billowy stream.
I would burst out singing again,
But worries weigh down upon my shoulders.
I received the blessing of Uzak-bay and Sügür,
The people kept praying for me,
In days of yore
The chieftains of the Adays listened to my word.
Bet-ašar ‘bride's greeting’, Nurbergen (42), Mangkïstaw. Düŋgirlew, 22 Sept 1997.
Bismilla dep te bastayïn,
Betiŋdi ašïp tastayïn.
Jat jerden kelgen jas bala,
Oramal tarttïŋ šašaktap,
Säwkele kiydiŋ arjaktap.
Sen de bir kempir bolarsïŋ,
Köziŋ awrïp sortaktap.
Sabakta dep iyneŋdi,
Jas adam goy jaltaktap.
Ana bir turgan atasï,
Kara bir jerdiŋ jotasï,
Atasïna bir sälem!
Ana bir turgan enesi,
Kara bir jerdiŋ kemesi,
Enesine de bir sälem!
Ana bir turgan kayïn-aga,
Kayïn-aga šabar paydaga.
Köškende köšin bastagan.
Köp üšin keyin tastagan,
Kayïn-agaŋa bir sälem!
Ana bir turgan kayïn-inisi,
Atan da bir tüye bäygisi.
I begin with Bismillah,
I unveil your face.
A child coming from a strange place,
Tufted kerchief
And a bride's headdress on her head.
But you will get old, too,
Your eyes will ache and run.
You will ask the young ones
To thread your needle.
Here is standing your father-in-law
Like a large hill,
Greeting to your father-in-law!
Here is standing your mother-in-law,
She is like a big ship,
Greeting to your mother-in-law!
Here is standing your brother-in-law,
He will be to your help,
When we move off, he will lead us,
He takes care of everyone,
Greeting to your brother-in-law!
Here is standing your little brother-in-law,
His reward is a gelded dromedary.
Sïŋsuw ‘bride's farewell song’, Aluwa (71), Mangkïstaw. Aktaw, 17 Sept 1997.
Bazardan kelgen taktayïm,
Sonda-ma kalay saktayïn?
Ak sütiŋ bergen anašïm,
Sütiŋdi kalay aktayïn?
My little chair from the bazaar,
How shall I take care of it?
My dear mother giving me white milk,
How shall I thank you for your milk?
Jarapazan batasï ‘greeting Ramadan’, Muxambetjan (cca.70), Mangkïstaw. Kïzïltöbe, 16 Sept 1997.
Bölšil-bölšil, bölšil-di,
Boz torgayday tölšil-di.
Burama köz jok som-altïn,
Suwga salsa batpasïn.
Täŋiri bergen nesibiŋ,
Tepkilese ketpesin.
Esigiŋ aldï oy bolsïn,
Domalangan koy bolsïn.
Jeliŋde jetpis iŋgen bozdasïn,
Onï kïz ben jigit komdasïn.
Alla-tagala seniŋ talabïŋdï,
Sonday kïlïp oŋdasïn.
He was bölshil, bölshil, bölshil,
He had many children like a lark.
Flawless hammered golden coin,
May it not sink in water.
May your God-given luck
Not leave you even when kicked.
May a vale be in front of your yurt,
May you have many fat sheep.
May you have seven she-camels on your rope,
May they be saddled by lassies and lads.
May the God in high
Comply with your requests in this way.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Nurmuxan (61), Mangkïstaw. Akšukïr, 21 Sept 1997.
Ay, mïnaw bizdiŋ Kazakstan xalkïnda,
Tört tülik maldïŋ türi bar.
Ögizdiŋ ülken zorï bar,
Sawsa samar süt bergen
Ay müyizi ala eken.
Jetelese jeletin,
Šakïrsa bozdap keletin.
Tört jasïna tüyeler,
Katarïna eretin,
Ayïr iŋgen, ak tumsuk,
Kamïs pen koltïkka,
Karagay örkeš nar eken.
Jïlkïsï jüyrik jabï eken.
Kolaylï koŋïr koyï bar,
Koyïnda asïl soyï bar.
Ajarï ak pen kara eken,
Bolmasa buyra sarï eken.
Men šošïtpayïn šoška dep,
Kaldïrmayïnšï boska dep.
Ayïr tuyak ašalï,
Kïska kuyrïk mašalï.
Salbïrlagan kulaktï,
Buka moyïn bugaktï.
Šoktïktarï šoŋkaygan,
Basï tömen toŋkaygan.
Erinderi eki eli,
Basï jalpak šekeli.
Togayda turïp šöp jeydi,
Esebi jok köp jeydi,
Jatkan jerge jayïladï…
Our people of Kazakhstan
Have four kinds of livestock.
Huge cows,
When milked, they give a pailful of milk,
Their broad horns are mottled.
When they are led, they trot,
When they are called, they come lowing,
When four years old, they begin to follow
The herd of camels.
She-camels with two humps, with white snout,
The lover of reed and dry stalks,
A he-camel with one hump.
Our horses are fast-footed jabis,
We have fine brown sheep,
Some pure-blooded ones,
Coloured black and white,
Or yellow spotted.
Don't be frightened by the swine,
We won't forget about them,
They have artiodactylous hooves,
And short fluffy tails.
Its big ears keep flapping,
It's bull-necked and choppy,
Its shoulders are tembling,
Its head hanging down.
Its lips measure two palms,
Its nape is flat on its head,
It eats grass in the woods,
It devours immense lots,
Where it lies down, it sprawls...
Terme ‘didactic song’, a man (cca.70), Mangkïstaw. Kurïk, Sept 25, 1997.
Bul zamanda munda ne ötken,
Patša da aytïp el ötken.
Äweli Alla, Kudayïm,
Ärwak ta erdi tüzetken.
Arkasï men erlerdiŋ,
Mal jayïp šarwa kün ötken.
Allanïŋ dostï Muxambet,
Alpïs üške kelgende,
Ümbetim depti, köz ötken…
What's happened here nowadays,
The ruler ruled over his people.
Earlier, Allah our God
And the spirit of our ancestors helped our men.
Through our men
The people put the livestock to grass.
Allah's friend Mohammed,
Calling his Moslem brethren died
At the age of sixty-three...
Terme ‘didactic song’, a man (cca.70), Mangkïstaw. Kurïk, 25 Sept 1997.
Äwen söz awzïmnan,
Askïnnïŋ suwïnday,
Darïyanïŋ taskïnday.
Jüzimdi adam-zatka,
Eki elüw de jas kïlman, jas kïlman.
The song from my mouth
Is like the flood of the river Askin.
I do not want to hurt
Anyone with my sharp tongue.
I will not live twice fifty years.
Terme ‘didactic song’, a man (cca.70), Mangkïstaw. Kurïk, 25 Sept 1997.
Argïmaktï körgennen
Asïlï belgili,
Tuwganda bular teŋ biler.
Ak suŋkar ustap aynalïp,
Är biriŋdi aŋgarsak,
Askarlï tawdïŋ endi sen biri.
Kumga bir tolar eki köz,
Dünye bir öter basïŋnan,
Kerwenniŋ köšindey.
At first glance you can tell
Which is the good steed,
All know it at birth.
Everyone keeps a white falcon,
When we take a look at you all,
You are a tall mountain, too.
Your two eyes are filled with sand,
Life passes in front of you
Like a caravan.
Terme ‘didactic song’, a man (cca.70), Mangkïstaw. Kurïk, 25 Sept 1997.
Aytïp jürgen wakïtta,
So jerlerim opïrïlïp,
Šeberdiŋ de bolgan tösindey.
Solar seni de šet körip,
Jïldar jïlga kelemiz.
Ülkendikke bizder bet berip,
Allanïŋ bir kün,
Söz nege aytpayïn eskertip,
Tergew bir degen kün bolsa,
Tentekterdi tekserip.
Söyley, söyley söz bildik,
Allanïŋ isin jön bildik.
Padïša bura-bura Kudayïm,
Key kulïŋdï oŋ körip,
Key kulïŋdï jarïkka,
Karaŋgï jerdiŋ astïnda,
Parlaptï jangan söngende.
In the mentioned time
Those places began to decay,
Like the chest of the craftsman,
They regard you a stranger,
Years come and pass.
We begin to get old
One sacred day.
Why shouldn't I warn you,
The day of reckoning will come,
The mischievous will be called to account.
We learnt the words talking a lot,
We judge the deeds of Allah right.
Ruling God,
You loved one of your servants,
You helped him into the light,
You let the other crumble under the black soil
In darkness when his life flickered out.
Sïŋsuw ‘bride's farewell song’, Bäyniš (90), Mangkïstaw. Üštagan, 24 Sept 1997.
Altïnday saktadïm,
Jüyrik te attay baptadïm.
Xalkïmnïŋ bäri kïynalïp,
Bäri de birdey jïynalïp,
Kudireti kelip Kudaydïŋ,
Bir tiyer ayla tappadïm.
I guarded you like gold,
I brought you up like a race-horse.
All my people are brooding,
All of them have gathered,
Help me, my God,
I can't find a way out.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Köpbol (48), Mangkïstaw. Akšukïr, 21 Sept 1997.
Awlïmïz sarï köldiŋ
Biyligi kïz balanïŋ
Jigitter öleŋ aytïp kïstay bermeŋ,
Äweli änniŋ basï bagasïnda.
My lodgings are by the mouth of the river
at the yellow lake,
A lass can put her will across with the help
of her brother.
Lads, do not spend the winter singing,
The value of a song is in its beginning.
Aytïs ‘responding song among lasses and lads', Ayjan (78), Mangkïstaw. Jïŋgïldï, 29 Sept 1997.
Men özim sakaldïnï jaratpaymïn,
Sakaldï kesip tasta terisi menen.
Baradï awlïm köšip Temir-Kolga,
Kandïrar mïŋ jïlkïnï
Bizden sizge sawga,
Bereyik iyt ayakka as kuyïp.
I don't like men with beards,
Cut off your beard with your cheek-skin.
My people had wandered off to the Temir-Kol,
Our thousand horses fill themselves with water
by the
We are giving you presents,
We are putting food in the dog's plate.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Izbasar (60), Mangkïstaw. Aktaw, 15-17 Sept 1997.
Oy Mawït, sarï Mawït, Mawït, Mawït!
Sarïmdï sagïnamïm awït-awït,
Esime, bew kalka-jan, sen tüskende,
Kuladïm ak-boz attan esim awïp.
Oh, Maut, blond Maut, Maut!
Sometimes I think of my sweetheart.
When I remembered you, sweet thing,
I fell of my grey horse fainting.
№ 9e Sïŋsuw ‘bride's farewell song’, Ayjan (78), Mangkïstaw. Jïŋgïldï, 29 Sept 1997.
Sütinen boz biyeniŋ juwgan šasïm,
Talasïp eki jeŋgem burgan šasïm,
*Kor bolïp bir jamanga ädil basïm.
My hair was washed in the grey mare's milk,
Two sisters-in-law vied to plait my hair.
Innocent me, I've fallen into big trouble.
Joktaw ‘lament’, Šarkat (71), Mangkïstaw. Fort Ševčenko, 30 Sept 1997.
Birge jürgen jarïgïm,
Bir küngidey bolmadï.
Jetpiske jasïm kelgende,
Osïnday xalga tap boldïm.
Aynalayïn kulïnïm,
Kaysï birin aytayïn.
Šešeŋ kaldï artïŋda,
Äkeŋ kaldï artïŋda.
Altï da kanat ak orda,
Kalïptï, bitip barasïŋ,
Jarïgïm da meniŋ kaydasïŋ?
Osïnša jaska kelgende,
Kara jer boldï mekeniŋ.
We lived together, darling,
But that's a past story now.
I am seventy,
This is my lot now.
My sweet dove,
What could I say?
You've left your mother,
You've left your father.
Our white yurt with six walls
Remained deserted, you've died.
Where are you, my darling?
At such a young age
Your home is the black earth.
Joktaw ‘lament’, Bäyniš (90), Mangkïstaw. Üštagan, 24 Sept 1997.
Sagïzdïŋ boyï salkïn sok,
Sagïnsaŋ atka kamšï sok.
Kešegi ketken karagïm,
Sagïngan menen bizge jok.
It's cold on the shore of the river mouth,
If you miss me, whip your horse.
It's in vain to wait for my sweetheart
Who left us recently, she's no longer with us.
Besik jïrï ‘lullaby’, Duwan’s wife (cca.75), Mangkïstaw. Ataš, 30 Sept 1997.
Äldiy-äldiy dep bakkasïn,
Ak besikke jatkïzïp.
Jarïgïmdï Kuday soŋïma,
Ertetindey kün bolsa.
Közimniŋ jasï köl iši,
Äbbe jan dep aytamïn.
Sleep, sleep, I've protected him,
I put him in a white crib.
May God keep my sweetest
By my side,
Then the sea of my tears won't be in vain,
Abbe sweetest, I say.
Besik jïrï ‘lullaby’, Duwan’s wife (cca.75), Mangkïstaw. Ataš, 30 Sept 1997.
Äldiy-äldiy dep baktïm,
Közimniŋ jasï köl bolïp,
Kökiregim sel bolïp,
Jürgen de körgen ak jarïgïm,
Mende Ak Jeten.
Sleep, sleep, I've protected him,
My tears gathered into a lake,
Sighs heave from my bosom.
I am with you, darling,
Ak Jeten is with me here.
Joktaw ‘lament’, Ayjan (78), Mangkïstaw. Jïŋgïldï, 29 Sept 1997.
Kalï bir kilem kir astï,
Agayïn tuwgan jolïŋdï karap tabïstï.
Kaydan da karap tabarsïŋ,
Jeti de kabat jer astï.
The Turkmen rug became dirty,
Your brothers saw you gone and sought you,
How could they find you,
You are under seven layers of earth.
Sïŋsuw ‘bride’s farewell song’, Akkoraz (67), Mangkïstaw. Kïzïltöbe, 16 Sept 1997.
Esiktiŋ aldï tal-dï goy,
Törimniŋ aldï kaldï goy.
Bermeydi degen kökekem,
Moynïma kurïk saldï goy.
There's a willow outside my yurt,
The place of honour is empty in my yurt.
My father said he wouldn't give me away,
Yet a halter has been cast around my neck now.
Joktaw ‘lament’, Akkoraz (67), Mangkïstaw. Kïzïltöbe, 16 Sept 1997.
Esiktiŋ aldï kïzïl-dï,
Tukïmga kïzïl sïzïldï.
Ätekem koldan ketken soŋ,
Kurïlay tikken buzïldï.
Ätekemniŋ barïnda,
Sarï sandïktïŋ sïr edi,
Tört kanat üydiŋ nur edi.
There is grain outside my yurt,
Grain has been sown.
Dear father, when he's left
The seam got undone.
While my father was alive,
He was the secret of the yellow chest,
He was the lustre of our yurt with four walls.
Sïŋsuw ‘bride's farewell song’, Buldï (58), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Bazardan algan kuyïskan,
Kolïma jibek uyïskan.
Jïlamayïn desem de,
Jïlatadï mïnaw turgan tuwïskan.
Bazardan algan keseler,
Šay samawrïn eseler.
A crupper bought at the bazaar,
My hands are covered with silk.
I do not want to cry
But my relatives make me weep.
Cups bought at the bazaar,
Next to the samovar.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Aytuwgan (cca.60), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Bazardan alïp kelgen böz belbewim,
Jaman-jaksï bolsa da öz belbewim.
Köp aydan körmegeli köp kün boldï,
Aman-esen jür-misiŋ köz körgenim.
I bought my canvas belt from the bazaar,
Whether it's good or bad, it is my belt.
I haven't seen you long,
Are you in good health, my darling?
Kara än ‘simple song’, Totïya (cca.60), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Ayta bar, barsaŋ sälem Bos-Moyïnga,
Bos-Moyïn kele ketsinši osï oyïnga.
Bos-Moyïn kelmey ketse osï oyïnga,
Kim jatar mamïk tösek bul koyïnga?
Go and greet Bos-Moyun,
Let Bos-Moyun come to this feast.
If Bos-Moyun does not come to the feast,
Who will lie in my lap on a cotton bed?
Kara än ‘simple song’, Akkozï (cca.70), Mangkïstaw. Jetibay, 19 Sept 1997.
Jogalttï jumïrtkasïn jarga salgan,
Kerwen awïr jügin narga salgan.
Kelemin el šetinen endi el
Jetiniŋ edim biri parga salgan.
Arasï eki awïldïŋ kök bayagaš,
Konadï kök bayagaška top karïlgaš.
Kuday ay, kosar bolsaŋ jaksï men kos,
Jürsem de kol ustasïp tïr jalaŋaš.
Kašadï keŋ togaydan arlan böri,
Erkemdi köre almadïm aydan beri.
Basïmnïŋ awïrganï bir jazïlmay,
Kesege kuygan eken šaydan bir ay.
The bird has lost its eggs laid on a cliff,
The heavy load of the caravan was put on a camel.
I am walking the edge of the nomadic camp,
longing for my people,
I was one of seven, I found a spouse.
Between two quarters there are green poplars
A group of swallows settle on the poplars.
God, if you order a spouse for me, order a good one,
Even if we go around naked, holding hands.
A he-wolf runs out of a wide forest,
I haven't seen my sweetheart for a month.
My headache will not abate
From tea poured into the cup.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Ayjan (78), Mangkïstaw. Jïŋgïldï, 29 Sept 1997.
Alïstan at öksitip kelgenimde,
Köterip ak tamaktan
tilin bergen,
Künine bes teŋkeniŋ bulïn jegen.
When I came from afar, driving my horse,
The lass with the fine neck made a promise and
gave me heart,
She spent five golden coins a day.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Košakan (cca.60), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Kašadï en togaydan arlan böri,
Erkemdi köre almadïm aydan beri.
Iyt dawïs burïngïday aŋkïmaysïŋ,
Kešegi erkem kuygan šaydan birew.
A he-wolf ran out of the wide forest,
I haven't seen my sweetheart for a month.
My voice, like a dog's, does not ring as it did,
Yesterday the tea was still poured out by my love.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Nurmuhambet (50), Mangkïstaw. Kïzïlsay, 18 Sept 1997.
Ak-Böbek, suluwlïk pen sïlaŋdaysïŋ,
Bul jalgan öter desem, Ak-Böbek til almaysïŋ.
Altayï kumnan köšken tülki degen,
Bir salïp kuyrïk penen bir aldaysïŋ.
Ak-Böbek, you boast with your beauty,
But our earthly life passes quickly, believe me.
The Altay fox
ran off from the desert,
Swinging you tail, you play a trick on me.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Jolaman (68), Mangkïstaw. Šetpe, 16 Sept 1997.
Kolïma kalam alayïn,
Kurbïma sälem jazayïn.
Kadirdi biletin kurbïmnan
Kay jerimdi ayayïn.
sözdi, kurbïm ay,
Men köŋilimdi aytayïn.
Men sälemdi bildirdim,
Senikin endi baykayïn.
I take a pen in my hand,
I write a reply to my love.
He respects me, I do not spare
Anything from my sweetheart.
Listen to my word, my darling,
I am opening my soul.
I have greeted you,
Now it's your turn to greet me.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Jolaman (68), Mangkïstaw. Šetpe, 16 Sept 1997.
Baltalï, baganalï kölderim,
Aŋkïgan iysiŋ jupar jerlerim.
Šapandï šalma jiyek kiyip alïp,
Šay kuygan agalarga künderim.
Šašagïn šaš-bawïmnïŋ šaldïrayïn,
Šašagïn kök boyawga maldïrayïn.
Üydegi bawïrlardï ne kïlayïn,
Tüzdegi bawïrlardï sagïnayïn.
My lakes Baltai and Baganali,
My fields emitting lovely fragrance.
Putting on a kaftan with a white lining,
I poured tea to my brothers once.
I will get the tassle of the head-dress,
I will dip the tassle in blue dye.
What shall I do with my brothers at home,
I am longing for my brothers in the steppe.
Besik jïrï ‘lullaby’, Däwitbay’s wife (cca.70), Mangkïstaw train st., 16 Sept 1997.
Äldiy-äldiy, ak böpem,
Ak besikke jat böpem.
Kunan koydï soyayïn,
Kuykalï etke toyayïn.
Sleep, sleep, little babe,
Lie in a white cradle, babe.
I will slay a three-year-old sheep,
I will have my fill of meat with rind.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Alla da meni kïlmay-ma at,
Ökpem jazïk, bawrïm kat.
Minip bir šïkkam awïldan,
Jogalïp ketti kök buyra at.
Türi de tüsi kök edi,
Arïmastay bek edi,
Jüz jïlkïday januwar,
Köŋilime tok edi.
Minsem bir jolïm bolatïn,
Basïma bakït konatïn.
Jolda bir jorgam sol edi,
Üyde jorgam köp edi.
Jawrïn jagï bal aškan,
Jogalmaydï dep edi.
Though I was not created by Allah to be a horse,
My lungs are broad, my sides are hard.
I mounted a horse and left my quarters,
My grey spotted horse got lost.
His head and body are grey,
It never gets tired.
It is worth a hundred horses,
I was proud of it.
When I ride it, my trip is lucky,
I do have blessing.
It was a good ambler on the way,
At home there were many amblers.
Shoulder-blades inspired the prophecy
That it wouldn't ever get lost.
Sïŋsuw ‘bride's farewell song’, Ayjan (78), Mangkïstaw. Jïŋgïldï, 29 Sept 1997.
Ak köylegim beldemše,
Oynawšï edik ölgenše.
Endi aylanïp körgenše,
Koš esen bol, jeŋeše.
Jel šïgadï teŋizden,
Burïn bir boldïk segizden,
Ayïrdï Kuday egizden.
My little shirt has an apron,
We kept playing till our death.
Sister-in-law, till I return,
May God bless you, sister-in-law.
The wind's blowing from the sea,
The eight of us used to be one,
God has parted us from our twins.
Besik jïrï ‘lullaby’, Ayjan (78), Mangkïstaw. Jïŋgïldï, 29 Sept 1997.
Tünde turïp oyangan,
Tünde besik tayangan.
Tün uykïsïn üš bölip,
Taŋ uykïsïn bir bölip,
Kirli kiyim kiygizbey,
Ayawlï koldan talpïntkan.
I woke and got up at night,
I rocked the cradle at night.
I broke off my dream three times at night,
I broke off my dream at dawn once,
I won't give him dirty clothes,
I will straighten his steps with protecting hands.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Ayjan (78), Mangkïstaw. Jïŋgïldï, 29 Sept 1997.
Äweden aynala uškan ala karga,
Jaksï eken ala karga balalarga.
Bir eki awïz än salayïk agalarga,
Ülgi bolsïn keyingi balalarga.
A mottled crow's circling in the air,
The children are pleased to see a mottled crow.
Let's sing a song or two to our brothers,
To set an example to the generation to come.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Jebesi šïn kümisten sadagïmnïŋ,
Ädeti osïlay medi bazarïmnïŋ.
Nesine aytar sözdiŋ irkileyin,
Kasïŋa kez kelgen soŋ,
Darïyga, ašarïmnïŋ.
Ak suŋkar nege konbaysïŋ
Darïyga, jaygan torga.
The point of my arrow is pure silver,
That's what is sold in our bazaar.
Why should I suppress the words
When I am standing before you,
My sweetheart, I reveal myself.
White falcon, why don't you get
Into my laid-out net, my sweetheart.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Köpbol (48), Mangkïstaw. Akšukïr, 21 Sept 1997.
Karagïm aynalayïn, kasïŋ kerip,
Mal bolsa alar edik-ti bäsin berip.
Men sagan bastï-baylï bol demeymin,
Jürseŋši azgantay kün kasïma erip.
Darling, your brows are beautiful,
If you have livestock, we'll buy them for money.
We don't want to domineer your,
But please stay with us for a few days.
Kara än ‘simple song’, № 43, Aluwa (71), Mangkïstaw. Aktaw, 17 Sept 1997.
Awïldan men de šïktïm, kün de battï.
Boz jorga at jamandatkïr išin tarttï.
Bolarïn bir sumdïktïŋ bilip edim,
Awïlï kïz kalkamnïŋ gašïk tarttï.
I left the pastures, the sun also set,
That darned grey ambler shuddered.
I felt some major trouble was ahead of us,
All the people of the camp are in love with
my daughter.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Akkoraz (67), Mangkïstaw. Kïzïltöbe, 16 Sept 1997.
Kiygenim ayagïma kïzïl etik,
Men jürmin kïzïl kumda azap etip.
Kudïktan eki šelek suw alayïn,
Birewin birewinen kem alayïn.
I put red boots on my feet,
I walk suffering in the red desert.
I bring two buckets of water from the well,
I put less into one than into the other.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Köpbol (48), Mangkïstaw. Akšukïr, 21 Sept 1997.
Ustaganïm kolïma kuw karagay,
Dawsïm sagan ne boldï
Oynamayïn, külmeyin desem dagï,
Ötip baradï zamanïm bir karamay.
I took a dry fir-branch into my hand,
What's happened to you, my voice,
you do not ring.
Though I'd love to laugh and revel,
My life's gone beyond recall.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Totïya (cca.60), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Jatïr edim šalgïnda pišen šawïp,
Ak köylegim suw boldï jaŋbïr jawïp.
Sen esime, kalkatay, tüsken kezde,
Ak-sur attan jïgïldïm esim awïp.
I cut hay in tall grass,
It rained, my white shirt got wet.
When I remembered you, love,
I fell off the grey horse and fainted.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Jawtik (80), Mangkïstaw. Jïŋgïldï, 29 Sept 1997.
Otïz sälem Orïnbordïŋ tuzïn körsem,
Jalaydïŋ taŋ kalamïnšï kïzïn körsem.
Awïldan kešten burïn da kaytkïm kelmeydi,
Kulannïŋ kaytkan suwdan izin körsem.
Thirty greeting when I see the salt of Orenburg,
I'm stunned seeing Jalaj's daughters.
I don't want to return from the camp before dark,
When I see the trail of wild donkeys on the shore.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Jawtik (80), Mangkïstaw. Jïŋgïldï, 29 Sept 1997.
Astïmda atïm mingende suluw jiyren,
Körgende suluwlardï išim küygen.
Tal tüsten koyanga bir jürgenimde,
Kïyïlgan kara murtïm künge küygen.
My saddle-horse is a fine russet steed,
When I see a fair lass, I desire her.
I hunted for hares in the morning,
My walrus moustache got scorched.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Izbasar (60), Mangkïstaw. Aktaw, 15-17 Sept 1997.
Baradï awlïm köšip jayma menen,
Karašï akša betiŋ ayna menen.
Birge ösip birge jürgen künderimde,
Ötkizši jalgan düniye ayla menen.
Our people are migrating slowly,
Look at your white face in the mirror.
We grew up and lived together,
Deceptive life requires some cunning.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Akles (65), Mangkïstaw. Jetibay, 19 Sept 1997.
Karlïgaš, änimdi aytam,
Sïrïmdï aytam, süygen jar,
Süyiskennen sïrïmdï aytam,
Kuralay köz,
kolaŋ šaš,
Alma moyïn, kïygaš kas,
Süygen säwlem, karlïgaš.
Swallow, I am singing my song,
I am exposing my secret, my love,
because I love you, I am exposing my heart's
secret, swallow.
Your eyes like those of the tatar antelop fawn,
your hair,
Your neck is beautiful, your brows arched,
I love you, swallow.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Šarkat (71), Mangkïstaw. Fort Ševčenko, 30 Sept 1997.
Kïz kosïlsa teŋi men jïlamasïn,
Közdiŋ jasïn korgalap bulamasïn.
Mawsïm jan, Mawsïm jan,
Tanïymïn, xalkïm, dawsïŋnan.
When a girl marries, she shall not cry,
She shall not weep sad tears.
Mawsum darling, Mawsum darling,
I recognized you for your songs, my people.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Buldï (58), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Birge otïrgan awlïm köšip
Sakïynaŋdï berip ket sagïnbaska,
Eki gana jiyren ay,
Jal-kuyrïgïn tiygen ay.
Oymak awïz, kïygaš köz,
Gašïk-jarïn süygen ay.
The people of our camp who stayed
together are leaving,
Give me your ring, my sweetheart,
so that I won't miss you.
Only two russet horses,
Their manes and tails touch.
He is kissing his beloved darling
With the thimble lips and the arched brows.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Izbasar (60), Mangkïstaw. Aktaw, 15-17 Sept 1997.
Kanday jaksï Maŋkïstaw kïs
Kün aralap suwarïp jïlkï ustawga.
Nawrïz tuwa köši-kon jayïn aytïp
Köšip barsaŋ, jaz šïga-ma
What a fine place Mangkistaw is for the
winter abode,
To take the horses to water every day.
We speak of migrating at the spring solstice,
When we have left, will spring come to
Kara än ‘simple song’, Köpbol (48), Mangkïstaw. Akšukïr, 21 Sept 1997.
Sälem de Bes-Ördektiŋ balasïna,
Kazaktïŋ kazak keler karasïna.
Tösekte kalïnsam jatkanïmda,
Sälem de Bes-Ördektiŋ balasïna.
I send my greetings to the sons of Bes-Ördek,
A Kazakh is coming to visit Kazakhs.
When I fail to rise from my bed,
I'll send my greetings to the sons of Bes-Ördek.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Šarkat (71), Mangkïstaw. Fort Ševčenko, 30 Sept 1997.
Oyïl kayda, Jem kayda,
kaynar aya da?
Ötkir kayšï, jüyrik at,
janga baylap.
Ak erke, aman bol sen,
Šïbïnïm, šïbïnïm, oyna da kül, kalawlïm.
Where is the Ojul, where's the Jem,
where are their
Sharp scissors and a good galloping horse
must always
be with you.
Sweetest darling, farewell,
Laugh and make merry, my dove.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Maksat (34), Mangkïstaw. Teŋge, 18 Sept 1997.
Jayïktïŋ argï jagï, bergi jagï,
Jaykalgan jagasïnda japïragï.
Karagïm, aynalayïn, kanday ediŋ,
Kurbïnïŋ özin körgen maŋday ediŋ.
That side of the Jayik and this side,
The leaves are rustling on its shore.
What were you like, my sweetheart,
Darling, you were the apple of my eye.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Totïya (cca.60), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Kara tawdïŋ basïnan kös keledi,
Kösken sayïn bir taylak bos keledi.
*Äpekeden ayrïlgan jaman eken,
Möldirep kara közden jas keledi.
My people are going on top of the black mount,
Whenever they move, a camel calf goes astray.
It is hard to part with my mother,
Tears fall glittering from my black eyes.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Bäyniš (90), Mangkïstaw. Üštagan, 24 Sept 1997.
Kayïŋnïŋ jasta kördim japïragïn,
Kulannïŋ kördim kïrdan šokïragïn.
Sen kalgan otïz uldan jalgïz
Bir uwïs buyïrmadï topïragïŋa.
I saw the leaves of the birch when I was young,
I saw the cantering of the wild donkey in the steppe.
Out of my thirty children you are the only one now,
No one will be here to bury me.
Bet-ašar 'bride's song', Nurmuxan (61), Mangkïstaw. Akšukïr, 21 Sept 1997.
Aman-saw otïr-mïsïŋ, kenje kelin,
Bul sözdiŋ özi aytïlïp edi, kem de, kelin.
Šayïŋdï tezirekten demde, kelin.
Bul šayga šaldardïŋ basï jazïlmasa,
Karï attïŋ kazïsï men emde,
Are you fine, you nice little wife?
Most of these words have been said, little wife.
Make your tea quickly,
If it fails to alleviate the headache of the elderly,
Cure them with sausage made from an old horse,
little wife.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Nurmuxan (61), Mangkïstaw. Akšukïr, 21 Sept 1997.
Otïrgan karsï aldïmda kanïmayïm,
Üstimde kiyim menen tamaktïŋ bäri tayaw.
Rüstemdey ul menen Kanïyaday kïz
Ür kïzïn alïp kelseŋ de, tanïmaymïn.
My woman is sitting before me,
I am wearing my clothes, my meal is ready.
We were born like the boy Rustem and
the girl Kaniya,
I don't even need the heavenly huri girl.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Köpbol (48), Mangkïstaw. Akšukïr, 21 Sept 1997.
Bismilla dep söylesem,
Tilge järdem bere kör,
Til jaratkan jälelim.
Janga järdem bere kör,
Jan jaratkan jälelim,
Kanïmda kaygï …
Kaygïlï boldï zamanïm,
Zamanïm solay bolgan soŋ…
When I say bismillah,
Help my tongue,
My lord who created my tongue.
Help my soul
My lord who created me,
My blood is boiling with grief (...).
My lot is sorrowful,
And since my life's like that...
Kara än ‘simple song’, Suluwpïya (65), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Ak köylegim beldemše,
Oynawšï edim jeŋeše ölgenše.
Endi aylanïp körgenše,
Koš-esen bol jeŋeše.
Jïlama deydi jurtïm ay,
Jïlamay kay-tip šïdayïn,
Jïlatadï tuwïskan.
My white shirt is an apron,
We keep playing till death, sister-in-law.
Until I return, fare you well,
Don't cry, my people say,
How could I hold back my tears,
The relatives make me cry.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Koyšïbay (45), Mangkïstaw. Düŋgirlew, 22 Sept 1997.
Jaz bolsa, Ala Döŋdi aralaymïn,
Kïs bolsa Arïm kumïn jagalaymïn, jagalaymïn.
Adaydan taŋdap süygen sen kempirim,
Öziŋdi toksan kïzga bagalaymïn, bagalaymïn.
In summer I roam the Mottled Hill,
In winter I live on the edge of the Arim desert.
My little wife picked from the Aday tribe,
You arre worth ninety maidens.
Jar-jar ‘wedding song’, Izbasar (60), Mangkïstaw. Aktaw, 15-17 Sept 1997.
Aynalayïn karagïm, aynalayïn, jar-jar,
Basïŋdagï säwkele šašïŋ basar, jar-jar.
Ketemin dep karagïm, jïlay körme, jar-jar,
Ondagï ata-anaŋ orïn basar, jar-jar.
My dear daughter, my sweetheart,
A headdress is covering your hair.
Don't cry that you must leave,
The place of your parents will be taken
by the people there.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Buldï (58), Mangkïstaw. Senek, 18 Sept 1997.
Kölden üyrek ušadï askan menen,
Taŋ atpaydï mezgilsiz toskan menen,
Aydïn köldiŋ erkesi ay,
Erke ösken ak-tamak.
A duck's flying from the lake, passing by,
The day doesn't break early, in vain do you
wait for it, you with the lovely white neck.
Dearest child of the broad lake,
Brought up pampered, you with the lovely
white neck.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Bakït (55), Mangkïstaw. Kurïk, 25 Sept 1997.
Senen suluw ak tamak, jan ötpeydi.
Aklïŋ askan darïyga,
Köz jetpeydi, ak-tamak.
Aydïn köldiŋ erkesi,
Erkin ösken ak tamak,
Gül bakšada sayragan,
Bulbulïmsïŋ, ak-tamak.
There's no one alive more beautiful than you,
You have more brains than water in the stream.
I simply can't grasp it, lass with the lovely neck.
The beauty of the broad lake,
Lass with the lovely neck brought up freely.
You are a lark, you with the lovely neck,
Singing is a garden of flowers.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Nurmuxan (61), Mangkïstaw. Akšukïr, 21 Sept 1997.
Ustaganïm kolïma kuw karagay,
Dawsïm sagan ne boldï
Oynamayïn külmeyin desem dagï,
Ötip baradï bu düniya bir karamay.
I've taken the dry fir in my hand,
What's happened to you, my voice,
you don't ring any more.
Though I'd love to laugh and make merry,
Life has passed beyond recall.
Kara än ‘simple song’, Izbasar (60), Mangkïstaw. Aktaw, 15-17 Sept 1997.
Arasï eki awïldïŋ Balgïn Köl-di,
Balïgïn Balgïn Köldiŋ algïm keldi.
Esime karagïm sen tüskende,
Jerimde at šaldïrgan kalgïm keldi.
Kara köz, kaldïŋ keyin,
men ne deyin,
Eske tüsse gašïk dert,
wayïm jeymin.
Appak etiŋ koyanday,
šošïp bir säwlem oyandï,
Sagïnïp körgen kara köz,
kïzïgïŋa toya almay.
There's the Balgin lake between two quarters,
I want to catch fish from Lake Balgin.
Darling, when you come to my mind,
I want to stay here, grazing my horse.
Black-eyed darling, you stayed away,
what could I say?
When my love comes to my mind,
I become sad.
Your face is like the hare's,
my darling started from her sleep,
You with the black eyes, I am longing for you,
I can never have enough of your beauty.
Mongolian Kazakh folksongs (B№ 1a
– B№ 13)
Order of Melodies
● Descending first lines – laments
Basic form of descending Mongolian Kazakh lament: B№ 1a-b
Mongolian Kazakh lament with high-jumping cadence: B№ 2a-b,
Jar-jar melodies: B№ 3a-d
Two-line Mongolian Kazakh lament: B№ 4
Mongolian Kazakh lullabies with cadential 7-b3-4: B№ 5a-c
● 'Melodious' first lines
Convex first line: B№ 6a-g
First lines with a hill-and-dale outline from Bayan Ölgiy: B№ 7a-c
● First lines hopping on a tri- or tetrachord
Four-line song with cadential 7-b3-4 and flat first line: B№ 8a-e
Two la-pentatonic Mongolian Kazakh melodies: B№ 9, B№ 10
Not always pentatonic first line oscillating on notes
do-re-mi-(fa)-so' : B№ 11
‘lament’, Kayša (63), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Bismilla sözdiŋ asïlï,
Topïrak adam näsili.
*Ïymandï bolgïr sabazïm,
Šašïlsïn Alla šašuwï.
Sözdiŋ de basï bismilla,
Bismilla kelmes mïŋ jïlda.
Jïladï jurtïm demeŋder,
Kaygïlï boldïk biz munda.
Bismilla sözdiŋ atasï,
Adamnïŋ köp-ti katasï.
Jïladï jurtïm demešï,
Alladan bolsïn batasï.
Bismillah is the holiest of words,
Man was made from dust.
Be a believer, my child,
May Allah's blessing be with you.
Bismillah is the first word,
Bismillah does not change for thousands of years.
You don't say my people are weeping,
We are in great sorrow here.
Bismillah is the ancestor of the word,
Human beings are frail.
You don't say my people are weeping,
May God's blessing be with you.
Köris ‘lament’, Mäliyke (91), Nalayh, Töw country, Aug 1997.
Bismilla dep bastayïn,
Asïgïs aytpay saspayïn.
Kayranda kargam, Märkem aw,
Awzïmnan kay-tip tastayïn.
Ak köylek kiydim etime,
Šatïra saldïm šetine.
Kayranda asïl Märkem aw,
Karamawšï edi betime.
Äweden uškan šagalak,
Šagalak ušadï jagalap.
Bir kün bir kargam bar edi,
Otïruwšï edi apalap.
Bismilla sözdiŋ atasï,
Pendeniŋ köp katasï.
Kayranda kargam, Märkem, aw,
Okïgan kurannïŋ tiysin batasï.
I begin with Bismillah,
Not hastily, I sing calmly.
Oh my dearest Merke,
How could I be silent about you!?
I have put on the white shirt,
I sewed a hem at the edge.
Oh my dearest Merke,
You didn't listen to me.
A gull is flying in the sky,
A gull is flying along the shore.
Once I had a little darling
Who called me mommy.
Bismillah is the father of the word,
The mortals are full of frailties.
Oh my dearest Merke,
May a blessing from the Koran settle on you.
Jar-jar ‘wedding song’, Šükirana (87), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Jaksï bolsaŋ karagïm, kayïn-ataŋ bar,
Jaman bolsaŋ karagïm, kayïn-ataŋ bar.
Jar-jar dep köp aytuwga bolmaydï,
Munan bïlay kal, jar.
Usta bolsa baltada tatï kalgan,
Molda bolsa kagazda katï kaldï.
Tük bilmeytin jamandar ölip kalsa,
Tük bilinbey ar jagï jatïp algan, jar-jar.
You have a father-in-law even if you behave well,
You have a father-in-law even if you misbehave.
It's not appropriate to sing the wedding song long,
Let us now quit it.
Rust remains on the hammer when the blacksmith's
Writing remains behind when the molla's gone.
When the ignorant die
Nothing remains after them when they are laid out.
Sïŋsuw ‘bride's farewell song’, Šükirana (87), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Aynalayïn atïŋnan Kudayïm ay,
Keziktirme pendeŋdi wayïmga.
Köp aytuwga kelmeydi til menen jak,
Xalïk išinde karagïm sïnayïn-ba.
Ey, Allam, ayamadïŋ pendeŋdi,
Aynalayïn, kay-teyin ketken äkem,
Armandan bop düniyeden ötken apam.
Oy Allam, kay-teyin ašïmagan janïŋdï,
Bir janïŋa bermediŋ jïygan-tergen malïŋdï.
Be your name blessed, my God,
Do not bring sorrow upon your servant's head.
My tongue and jaw are feeble to sing much,
It's me of the people who am to test you, love.
Oh, God, you did not take pity on your servant,
Woe is me, what shall I do, I've parted with my
My dear mother died an untimely death,
Oh God, you did not take pity on my life,
You didn't let this mortal have any of your goods.
Ayday ‘wedding song’, Mädiyne (51), BÖ country seat, July 1996.
Bir tolarsak, bir tobïk sanda da bar ,ayday,
San kisiniŋ akïlï kanda da bar, ayday.
Äke-šešem kaldï dep kaygïrmašï, ayday,
Jaksï bolsaŋ ata-anaŋ onda da bar, ayday.
*Ak otawïm tikken jer oyran
Ak jüzimdi körgen jan kayran kalsïn,.
Äke-šešeŋ bar deseŋ dagï,
Öz äkemdey sonda da kaydan bolsïn.
We have calves and ankles on our legs,
The brains of the khan equals many people's.
Don't be sorry for parting with your parents,
If you are good, you'll have parents there.
The place of my white yurt shall turn into naught,
Anyone that sees my white face shall be surprised.
You say I will have parents there,
But how could they substitute for my own father?!
Jar-jar ‘wedding song’, Mogïlxan molda (56), Nalayh, Töw country, Aug 1997.
Alïp kelgen bazardan kara makpal,
Kara makpal säwkele šašïŋ basar.
Munda äkem kaldï dep kam jemeŋiz,
Jaksï bolsa kayïn-ataŋ ornun basar.
Esik aldï kara suw, maydan
Ak jüzimdi körgende aynam bolsïn.
Kayïn-atasï bar deydi boz balalar,
Aynalayïn äkemdey kaydan bolsïn!
Ak koyan kašadï jotalatïp, jar-jar,
Ak taylak ösir botalatïp, jar-jar.
Munša nege jïlaysïŋ, jar-jar,
Artïŋnan izdep bara apalatïp, jar-jar.
Black velvet was brought back from the bazaar,
A black head-dress covers your head.
Don't be sorry that your father remains here,
If your father-in-law's good, he will take his place.
Clean water outside the door, be it the meeting
Be it the reflection of my white face.
I have a father-in-law, the lads say,
But how could he take the place of my dearest father!
A white hare's running over the hill,
Rear a white camel calf gently tending to it.
Why are you crying so much?
You follow her searching, calling out 'mother'.
Sïŋsuw ‘bride's farewell song’, Asïypa (77), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Üy artïnan or kazdïm,
Kamšï boyï jer kazdïm.
Köterip atka salatïn,
Aga äke sizge ne jazdïm.
Suw ayagï teŋiz-di,
Mal köterer egizdi.
Kïz demegen sum basïm,
Kelinšek keledi degizdi.
I've dug a pit behind the house,
I buried a whip handle deep.
Lifting me, you set me on a horse,
Father, what did I commit againt you?
There is a sea by the shore,
The animals bear twins sometimes.
Poor me, I have been disowned,
Saying, the young wife's coming.
Bet-ašar ‘presentation of the bride’, Äbilkazïl (70), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Men aytayïn bet-ašar,
Ösiyet sözim jarasar.
Paygambar kïzïn uzatïp,
Solardan kalgan bet-ašar, deydi.
Sätti küni tüsipsiŋ,
Sätti bolsïn ayagïŋ.
Jok närseden talasïp,
Beliŋnen jeme tayagïn.
Bul arada turmaysïŋ,
Esiŋe tüssin bayagïm.
Bul kereydiŋ ordasï,
Orda jolïn bak, kelin.
Erte turïp jay jatïp,
Ata-eneŋe jak, kelin.
Jawgan karday ak kelin, deydi.
Minekiy, ata sizge bir sälem, deydi.
I'm singing the bride's greeting,
My words are governed by tradition.
When the prophet married off his daughter
This bride's greeting was born then.
You arrived at a lucky day,
May luck accompany your steps.
Do not quarrel without reason,
Lest a stick should meet with your waist.
Now you're going to live here,
Remember what I said earlier.
This is the wedding tent of a man from the Kerey
Start for the wedding tent, little bride.
Get up early, go to bed late,
Please your father- and mother-in-law.
Little bride, white as snow,
Greet your father-in-law.
Bet-ašar ‘presentation of the bride’, Kasïyla (71), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Bet-ašar basï bismilla,
Al jamagat söz tïŋda.
Kelin keldi, esik aš,
Enesi kelip šašuw šaš.
Kayïn menen kayïn-aga,
Törde otïrgan.
Mïna kelgen kelinniŋ,
Jaksïlap aytïp betin aš.
Kelin keldi tuwlak sal,
Basïna šašuw šaša kör.
Kïzïl jelek basïnda,
Kayïn-aga, kayïn-siŋlisi
Jabïlïp otïr kasïnda.
Ata-eneŋdi sïylay ber,
Aldïnan kese ötip ötpe sen.
Kayïn-iniŋ menen kayïn-agaŋ,
Akïl-keŋes alïp jür, iyilip sälem,
Ülkender de kelgende,
Iyilip kelin, sälem ber.
I beging presenting the bride with bismillah,
People, hear my word.
Here is the bride, open the door,
Her mother-in-law is coming, scatter your blessings.
Her father- and brother-in-law
Sit at the places of honour.
The little bride has arrived,
Show us her face as is proper.
Here is the bride, lay the bedding,
Throw presents at her head.
There's a red scarf on her head.
Her brother- and sister-in-law
Sit by her side.
Respect your father- and mother-in-law,
Do not pass in front of them.
Keep the advice of your younger and older
In-laws, and greet them bowing.
When the elderly come,
The wife must bend and greet them.
Köris ‘lament’, Jambï (65), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Ay, dalada kuw kazïk,
Kulannïŋ eti jolga azïk,
Jïlamayïn desem de,
Üyim bir kaldï kulazïp.
Äwede uškan babaygak,
Jeliniŋ basïn bïlay kak,
Janïmda jürgen kargam aw,
Janïm bir kaldï (muŋayïp).
There's a grey pole in the steppe,
The meat of the wild donkey is good food for the
I don't want to cry
But my yurt is deserted.
There's a falcon flying in the sky,
Throw the rope of the colts here,
Sweetheart, you were with me,
Now I'm overcome by sadness.
Kara öleŋ ‘simple song’, Asïypa (77), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Basï edi öleŋimniŋ Al-xam süre,
Aytayïn men bir öleŋ üyge kire.
Öleŋim Bukarbaylap kele jatïr,
Üyiŋdi jatïp ketpesin ay bakan tire.
My song begins with the Al-ham sura,
Entering the yurt I sing a song.
My song calls Bukarbay,
Prop up your yurt with a pole lest it should
Kara öleŋ ‘simple song’, Serjan (70), Nalayh, Töw country, Aug 1997.
Jer kayda bizdiŋ Dayïn jaylaganga,
Jas kulïn šïŋgïradï baylaganda.
Kelmeydi jansam mülkim, tursam külkim,
El-jurtïm artta kalgan oylaganïm.
Dayïn-Köl jaksï jaylawšï edik,
Šïŋgïrtïp jas kulïndï baylawšï edik.
Agayïn, bir künde goy aga edi,
Jer bolïp kara jerde jatkanïnda edi.
Where's our summer pastures at Dayin,
The little calf neighs plaintively when it's tied.
I have no fortune, nor do I feel like laughing,
My tribal abode is far away, it is on my mind.
Once our summer quarters were at Lake Dayin,
The little calf neighed when we tied it.
You were once my relatives, my brothers,
Who are now resting in the earth.
Kara öleŋ ‘simple song’, Kasïyla (71), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Bärekel bop Jetpistige mine keldim,
Jagday jok öleŋ aytuwga, oy tasïldï.
Tilenip mine jïyïn kelip otïr,
Osïnïŋ men aytamïn kurmetine.
Šet jürip sayak ösip men ketippin,
Oylasam agïl-tegil közdiŋ jasï.
I came to Jetpisti gladly,
I can't sing now, I ran out of thoughts.
Those who gathered tell me their good wishes,
So I'd better sing out of respect for them.
I grew up far away from them, all alone,
When I come to think of it, I have to shed tears.
Kara öleŋ ‘simple song’, Jïlkï-aydar (28), BÖ country seat, July 1996.
Basï edi öleŋimniŋ Rayïmbek,
At kostïm Altï-Araldan sïnayïn dep.
Tüsken de sizder eske kayran tuwïs,
Jas keledi kara közge jïlayïn dep.
Kay betkey, mïna betkey, dala betkey,
Tuwïstar, osïndayda öleŋ etkey.
Kalayïk, bas koskanda öleŋdetip,
Akša bet albïragan nurï ketpey.
My song begins with Rahim bey,
I sent a horse from Alti-Aral to put them to the
When you come to my mind, my dear relatives,
Sorrow makes my eyes wet, I must cry.
Which hill is this hill, the hill of the steppe,
Relatives, sing at such times.
Let us sing when we are together,
The white faces shine, their glow doesn't wane.
Kara öleŋ ‘simple song’, Jïlkï-aydar (28), BÖ country seat, July 1996.
Basïnda kara tawdïŋ köš keledi,
Köšken sayïn bir taylagïm bos keledi.
Barïnda tiršiliktiŋ oyna da kül,
Baradï ötip jalgan atkan taŋday.
My people are passing on top of the black mount,
Every time they migrate a camel calf goes astray.
Make merry and laugh as long as life lasts,
For life passes like the break of day.
Kara öleŋ ‘simple song’, Sakay (43), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Salayïn, sal deseŋiz zawlap-zawlap,
Keledi kömekeyden öleŋ kawlap.
Öleŋdi akïndïk pen men aytpaymïn,
Aytamïn kos bawïrdïŋ köŋilin awlap.
If you want, I'll sing in a loud voice,
The song will fly ringing from my throat.
My song is not poetical,
I'll sing in honour of my two brothers.
Kara öleŋ ‘simple song’, Zabïyra (64), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Öleŋ degen nemene bilgen kulga,
Ak teŋgesin kim berer kara bulga.
Ata-anasïn sïylagan adal ulga,
Tamïy bersin däwleti jïldan jïlga.
Uwgay-uwgay, änimiz,
Ïrgay änge salmasak, kelmeydi eken sänimiz.
What's a song to the mortals who know it,
Who gives a silver coin for black linen?
May the fortune of a loyal son who respects
His parents increase year by year.
Ugay-ugay is our song,
If we don't sing a little, it brings discredit upon
Kara öleŋ ‘simple song’, Zabïyra (64), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Öleŋdi ayt degende bagïlayïn, ey, axager,
Tuwïstar alïs jürseŋ sagïnayïn, kurbïm,
Oyna bir kün.
Uzaktan mïymandar kep jatkanda,
Öleŋdi munda aytpagan ne kïlayïn, kurbïm,
Oyna bir kün.
When I am asked to sing, I go humming,
When my relations are far away, I long to see them,
Revel for a whole day.
Our guests have come from afar, ay ho,
We must sing at such times, dear,
Revel for a whole day.
Kara öleŋ ’simple song’, Šükirana (87), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Attay bop arpa jegen
izdeydi eken,
Bir jürip eki jastar
üyrengen soŋ.
Oyaw jat säwlem ay, oylay jat säwlem,
Aytayïn dugay sälem kalgandarga.
Like the horse who fed on barley once and
keeps longing for it,
Two young people are like that when they've
taken to each other.
Lie awake, my sweetheart, thinking of me,
I am greeting those who are staying here.
Jïr ‘epic tale’, Toktasïn (40), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Atïŋnan aynalayïn bir Kudayïm,
Jigitke payda bermes sarï wayïm.
On bir jïl mekendegen Böke Mören,
Aytayïn bir azïrak sonïŋ jayïn.
Oh God, be your name blessed,
It's no use brooding for young men.
I lived eleven years in Böke Mören,
Let me sing a little about it.
Jïr ‘epic tale’, Tilegen (38), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Bir küni uyïktap jatïp tüs köremin,
Tüsimde neše aluwan is köremin.
Aytayïn sol tüsimdi öleŋ kïlïp,
Keyingi agayïndar eske ala jür.
Urïsïp bir adam men kelme-kel dep,
Oyï bar sol adamnïŋ meni jeŋbek.
Kolïmda ayak bawlï bir karšïgam,
Älgini sïlap sïypap kïlam ermek.
One day I was asleep and I had a dream,
I saw all sorts of things in my dream.
Let me sing out my dream in a song,
Younger brothers, keep it in mind.
I am fighting a fierce battle with a man,
He wants to defeat me.
There's a hawk with a strap on its leg on my hand,
I keep patting and caressing it.
Terme ‘didactic song’, Tilew (54), Nalayh, Töw country, Aug 1997.
Kärilik bïlay jür dep jolga saldï,
Boyïmnan kïzuwïmdï sogïp aldï.
Kešegi ötken künim, bäri de jok,
Alïsta, kayran künder artta kaldï.
Kärilik, salïp koydïŋ tüzüw jolga,
Usta dep berip koydïŋ tayak kolga.
Kärilik öne boydïŋ jüzin bitip,
Jatïr aw tisimdi de birge joyïp.
Kärilik kïzïl tilge saldï buraw,
Oy-širkin kara šaška tüsti kïraw.
Men dagï zamanïmda jigit edim…
I have entered the path of aging,
It knocked passion out of my being.
Wither have my past days gone,
My young days have left me.
Old age has found me, for sure,
It put a stick in my hand.
Old age has enfeebled my whole self,
It got rid of all my teeth.
Old age has put a curb on my tongue,
My hair has got white.
I used to be young once...
Jarapazan ‘religious song’, Šükirana (87), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Jigitter azan šakïr erte turïp,
Sälem ber ülkenderge kol kuwsïrïp.
Bayansïz päniy jalgan opasï jok,
Ketesiŋ buyrïk kelse bir kün jürip.
Mäliyke masawlame jarapazan,
El jaŋa elüw jïlda,
jüz jïl kazan.
Lads, getting up early, call the people to prayer,
Joining hands, you should greet the elderly.
Incomprehensible, deceptive, fleeting world,
One day you will leave, too, when God orders so.
Melike, be blessed, oh ramadan,
The people renews in fifty years, in a hundred
it may disappear.
Ösiyet öleŋ ‘admonitions’, Šükirana (87), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Jaman katïn, jaman katïn,
Šïgarar jaman katïn baydïŋ atïn.
Bolganda jazgï-turï azïksïrap,
Bayïnïŋ soygïzadï jalgïz atïn.
Kelgen jerden kiymelep šešensip aw,
Urïs janjal boldïrar sözdiŋ artïn dep.
Jaman katïn belgisi, biylep alar öz bayïn,
Bir ul šïksa kötinen, äste tilin tartpaydï,
Et kesse da etinen.
Pïsïkpïn dep küš bermey, iytti süyrep jep
Terisiniŋ šetinen, terisiniŋ šetinen,
Ïrïsïŋnïŋ belgisi jaksï bolsa katïnïŋ,
Jaŋka bolsa otïnïŋ, šašïlmasa kokïnïŋ,
Šašïlmasa kokïnïŋ, sirä ketpes kokïrïŋ,
Aynalayïn karagïm, üyiŋnen ketpes topïrïŋ.
A bad wife, a bad wife
Brings discredit to her husband.
When food is running out in spring,
She slays the only horse of her husband.
She keeps butting in, arguing pig-headed,
In the end she incites quarrels.
A bad wife is bossing her husband around,
When she has borne a son, her tongue keeps wagging
Even if she's skinned alive.
She thinks she is clever,
She skins the dog and eats it.
It's a sign of good luck if you have a good wife,
If your wood burns well, if your pile doesn't
If your pile doesn't collapse, the fire flakes don't
Oh darling, your yurt will always be full of people.
Kara öleŋ ‘simple song’, Kümpey Kadak (53), Nalayh, Töw country, Aug 1997.
Oylap tursam düniye jalgan eken,
On segiz mïŋ galamdï algan eken.
Mäšiyneniŋ jibindey kayran dawsïm,
Šaban attay šaldïgïp kalgan eken.
Alïp kelgen bazardan sïrlï ašamay,
Biz kalkadan ayrïldïk bir jasamay.
Alïsta awïlïŋ ketkende, ätteŋ kalkam,
Öleŋ menen jüreyik amandasa.
When I come to think of it, life is deception,
Encompassing eighteen thousand worlds.
My voice similar to the yarn in the sewing machine
Is like a lazy horse, grown tired.
He brought a painted saddle from the bazaar,
I separated from my love, we live far apart.
Since your abode is at a long distance,
Let us take leave singing.
Aytïs ‘responding song’, Mädiyne (51), BÖ country seat, July 1996.
Bazardan alïp kelgen ak šömpez bar,
Išinde ak šömpezdiŋ, ay, künim, ay,
ïrgay kez bar.
Tem akïn, sen sorasaŋ, men aytayïn,
Šïgïptï koy Mekeden, ay, künim, ay,
degen söz bar.
White linen was brought back from the bazaar,
There's a piece among white linen that has
a quince pattern,
Singer Tem, if you ask me, I'll tell you,
It is said the sheep is from Mecca,
my darling.
Äldiy ‘lullaby’, Mädiyne (51), BÖ country seat, July 1996.
Äldiy-äldiy, abayïm,
Atka terlik jabayïn.
Seniŋ šešeŋ kïdïrmakšï,
Kaydan izdep tabayïn,
Äldiy, ay, äldiy, ay.
Äldiy-äldiy, ak böpem,
Ak besikke jat böpem.
Seniŋ šešeŋ kïdïrmakšï,
Kaydan izdep tabayïn,
Äldiy, ay, äldiy, ay.
Sleep, sleep, little babe,
I put sweat-cloth on the horse.
Your mother is on the loose,
Where shall I find her now,
Sleep, sleep.
Sleep, sleep, little babe,
Lie in a white cradle.
Your mother is on the loose,
Where shall I find her now,
Sleep, sleep.
Sïŋsuw ‘bride's farewell song’, Kasïyla (71), BÖ. Nogōn Nūr district, July 1996.
Karagay basï kalam-dï,
Moldarlar jazar älemdi.
Uzakta kaldï tuwïstar,
Üš kaytara sälem de.
Bazardan kelgen tätti eken,
Bagasï neden sattï eken.
Erte ayrïlïp tuwïstan,
Birde de birin körmedim.
The top of the fir is pointed like a feather shaft,
The mollas write down the things of the world.
My relatives are far away,
Greet them with three greetings.
Sugar was brought back from the bazaar,
How much was its price?
I parted young with my relatives,
I haven't seen any of them ever since.